I need to help to counter JW misinformation!

by Island Man 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    In this Yahoo Answers quesiton JW apologists are trying to give the impression that the Watchtower never published any information about parents fondling the genitals of their infants leading to masturbation later on. The JW apologists claims vary from saying it's not true to accusing the questioner and one ex-JW answerer of not having proof and being untrustworthy with the truth.

    I want to provide proof to the contrary but the online library doesn't go have magaizes as far back as 1973 when the article was published. I think that the best proof would be a screenshot of the Watchtower library open to the article with the statement highlighted. I think there's a way to get the image uploaded to a site then you link to the site and then the image shows up as in the post. But I don't have the knowledge. Can someone with the Watchtower library post a link to an uploaded image of the library open to:

    *** w73 9/15 p. 568 Breaking Free of Self-Abuse—Why? How? ***
    "Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on? Boys and girls may start to play with their private parts during puberty and, not receiving any counsel against this, the first thing they know they are “hooked” on the habit."

  • leaving_quietly
  • Island Man
  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Thanks a million, leaving_quietly!

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Mothers and fathers who stroke kids genitals are pedophiles....

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    I agree with what Jon said. Any adult doing that, is a pedofile.

    Whose idea was that?? I have never heard of such a practice.

  • AudeSapere


    OMG~! What parent *does* this? I have never heard of this but agree that any adult doing this to a child, parent or not, is a pedophile.


  • Apognophos

    I believe this is not unusual in some countries, and I fail to see what it has to do with pedophilia. Foreigners are strange, I know, but every culture does stuff that others find shocking, yours included.

  • JW_Researcher
  • Bob_NC

    I was 16 when this lunacy came out in the WT. I remember reading it. It gave me more to think about than I had bargained for. I certainly still have never heard of parents fondling their infants genitals to keep them quiet.

    And the last paragraph displayed....Investigations indicate that a high percentage of masturbation is not due so much from a buildup of erotic pressure as from the same kinds of tension and anxiety that cause insomnia. What kind of idiocy is this? And just what "investigations" were done such that they "indicated" such a thing.

    I am not trying to be explicit here, but I can assure that when I was 16 there was a raging something that often caused me insomnia, and there was one sure cure for it. And it wasn't reading an WT article.

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