Fifty Years Ago-The Beatles Enter My Life

by Band on the Run 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff

    In my house, my mother was the witness and my father the UBM.

    At dinner, Sunday Feb 9 1964, he said there is a new group that will be on Ed Sullivan tonight, they are supposed to be good.

    I can't remember watching it, but I am sure we did.

    I can't remember my mother's reaction at all, likely something about their haircuts.

    That was the scandalous thing, funny now to think of it.

    The Beatles were ubiquitous when I was growing up (9 to 18); you couldn't get away from them.

    They were so much a part of the music and culture, for me anyway, that they became background noise.

    We used to sing Beatles songs on the school bus, on and on, it was endless.

    And there was the usual backlash against them, they went from being kings of the scene to being ridiculed and scapegoated for all the decay in the culture.

    I worked with one evangelical who listened only to 'praise' music. When John Lennon was shot, he was nearly giddy, saying it was god's punishment for his involvement in Eastern religion. That was mainly George, but close enough for him I guess.

    When I was in my early 20's, I started to appreciate them again.

    As their music is played now, in contrast to other music from the time and to today's music, their composition stands out as timeless.

    I see the tension between Paul and John as being the creative force in their best songs.

  • blondie

    WTS and the Beatles

    *** w68 8/1 p. 463 par. 3 Does Your Zeal Stir Up Your Brothers? ***

    In England, the Beatles are declared to be more popular than Jesus Christ among teen-agers. The old religion is reportedly dead. There is a new religion now. It is the religion of the young crowd, with the young sound. John Lennon of the Beatles, recognizing this sweeping change in the world, announced: “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. We’re more popular than Jesus now.” A young girl siding in with him asked: “Do you see a girl screaming over a picture of Christ as they do over a picture of the Beatles?” Quite naturally not. As little Zacchaeus once climbed up a fig-mulberry tree in order to get a better glimpse of Jesus Christ, so now youngsters line the rafters to get a better look at those who stir their souls. At the sight of the Beatles one girl cried out: “O my God! O my God! I can’t stand it. I can’t stand it.” “God” was on her lips, but it was not a minister of God or the message of Christ that was stirring her soul.—Luke 19:2-8.

    *** w94 9/1 p. 19 Beware of Boasting ***

    The statement of a member of the music group the Beatles is also well-known: “We’re more popular than Jesus Christ now.” While some viewed such comments as having been said innocently, others saw those who uttered them as role models of self-promotion worthy to be followed.

  • Phizzy

    I pointed out to JW's at the time that John Lennon was stating a fact, they were, in 1968 more popular than Jesus worldwide, I mean, He never even had a number 1 record !

    I got "counseled" by some older sisters for my long Beatle style haircut around 1964, so, before the next meeting I got some "Brylcreme" a nasty sticky substance that old farts put on their hair, and I combed all the hair behind my ears etc, plastered it down, and went to the hall.

    These same Sisters complimented me on my nice tidy hair. Next meeting it was washed and back to the old Busby style, they took a few moments to work out that I had really shown them up for objecting to the style more than anything.

    Oh what a naughty Teenager !

  • coffee_black

    I saw them on Ed Sullivan too. I was hooked. My JW dad bought me a promotional magazine filled with pictures of the Beatles. Sometimes he did things that were totally outside the JW box....


  • minimus

    I never was a Beatles fan. I just saw Sir Paul for free and he was good.

    Give me the temptations or Motown anyday over the Beatles. I love the Rolling Stones too.

  • flipper

    I was only 5 years old when the Beatles hit America in February 1964 on the Ed Sullivan show. But even as a kid growing up I fell in love with their music. The Beatles have been a STRONG influence on me the last two years that I've been writing and performing songs. Their brilliant use of minor chords in their music and the insane way they combine those chords makes a good many of their songs challenging to play ( lots of various chords packed into just one line of lyrics ) - however- they wrote over a 100 songs so there are plenty to pick from that are doable and I'm able to play some of their songs on guitar. I've performed Eleanor Rigby live at open mike, also the song No Reply. I just bought the Complete Beatles chordbook which has EVERY Beatles song listed from A - Z with lyrics and chords so it will be fun to learn some more of their songs. Good thread Band on the Run- long live the Beatles and their music

  • Violia

    I'd just turned 13 when the Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan show. I still laugh at how stern Sullivan was. The audience must behave,no excessive screaming and acting crazy. I wish I could find that clip of him chastising all of the girls for screaming so much.

    My parents barely let me watch the show and made snide remarks during it- they were stupid looking, "you call that music?" , they looked liked f*gs, they were from Satan and surely the end in near. I could not scream too much or they would have turned it off.

    It was too late, we were all smitten. I chose my Beatle like this- Paul was too pretty, John was too smart, George was the quiet one and I almost picked him but in the end, it was Ringo I picked. ( " ... let the drummer tell your heart what to do.." ( r&r dreams come through, ML)

    I got to listen to them on the radio and even that was monitored.

    It really was a British invasion and we loved them all. In the end I found I really liked the Stones best ( more sheer rock and roll) but the Beatles White album brought me back to them.

    George's death was more painful for me than John's. I had ceased to like John due to his nasty rotten attitude toward his son Julian. George was the most interesting one in the group , I felt. Who knew pretty Paul would be the family man and stay happily married and have a bunch of kids? In the end Paul turned out to be the responsible one in the group.

    I guess we will never forget the Beatles , it was a moment in time. I am 13 again and in love with Ringo when I remember it all.

  • designs

    I was in Junior High School, that Monday, following their first Ed Sullivan Show was all anyone was talking about.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Ringo was always the most popular. I had my transistor radio confiscated, too. Normally, I tried so hard not to reveal any interests or crushes b/c my father would take it away from me. When I was three, he removed a tube from the TV set so my younger brother and I could not watch while he was at work. Within half an hour of my father's death, my mom gave me all my Beatle loot back. It felt eerie.

    Julian Lennon was such an adorable child. The fan club always had Julian photos. I would hear John Lennon say the most vicious things about Julian. When he would go on about Sean, I would remark Sean who? In the Hunter Davies authorized Beatles, Julian preferred Paul and the roadies over his own father. How do you dare complain about your childhood when you are so insensitive to your own present child. It is freaky to see how old Julian is now. I thought it was my maternal instinct but I noticed male interviewers started to make barbs to John.

  • Violia

    I see Julian apparently got dissed again at the Grammy's. What is left of the Beatles was there, even that witch Yoko was there. She as up dancing to a tune. Next to her is Sean and he is good looking, lots of hair. I wondered why they are disowning Juliann.

    I have seen some pics of Julian of late and he is balding. None of us know what John would have looked like at 50 so not sure whose side of family he gets that from. He looked a bit puffy in the face. I just can't imagine why they wanted to kick him out of the family. Even Paul , who I understood always had a close relationship with him , did not invite him to his wedding. Obvious snub.

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