Has the Governing Body Become More or Less Authoritarian in Recent Years?

by cofty 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    The relationship between the GB and the R&F members of the religion are analogous to an abusive codependent relationship.

    Generally, the only way such a relationship improves is by the victim leaving/ending the relationship. Sometimes, not often, the abuser will admit they have a problem, seek help, benefit from intensive cognitive therapy over a significant period of time and then do the really hard work to make definitive changes.

    This clearly has NOT happened with even one of the GB members. Not one.

    A few of us leave the religion, the majority remain. They are enablers.

    The cycle continues.

  • adamah

    Adam said- the question is about which decisions members are permitted to make on their own (using their "Bible-trained conscience") vs being told by GB what God wants them to do or else risk facing DF

    Cofty said- No its not. Its about how much the GB demands unquestioning obedience in whatever areas they decide to interfere in their followers lives.

    Holy Hell, Cofty.... 'Beg the question' much?

    That's a more-wordy way of restating the ENTIRE QUESTION of the thread, except stated as your dogmatic conclusion...

    What part don't you get here?

    Instead of being TOLD what they must do by the GB ("don't take blood, or you face DF!"), current JWs are now given the choice to decide for themselves to accept a 'minor fraction', and whatever way they decide, the local BOE can't say "boo", since the JW can point to "Kingdom Ministry 2006 Nov p.5, a work sheet which specifically states that "acceptance or rejection is a personal decision".

    Pre-2006, a JW could be DFed for accepting those; post 2006, these decisions were considered "conscience matters" and the FRIKKEN WTBTS even printed up the forms which made that perfectly clear!


    Cofty said- You were never a JW so your opinion about the personal experience of JWs decades ago compared to now is not very interesting.

    Aren't you incredibly embarrassed to keep playing that "No True Scotsman" fallacy (related to the 'genetic fallacy') over and over again? Such dogmatism is irrational.

    And since you refused to read it before (but continue to play the same card, over and over, as if it carries weight):

    The genetic fallacy, also known as fallacy of origins, fallacy of virtue, is a fallacy of irrelevance where an argument is rejected based solely on the argument's (or someone's) origin, rather than assessing its validity within the current context.

    The fallacy therefore fails to assess the merits of the claim itself, but instead focuses on its origins. The first criterion of a good argument is that the premises must have bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim in question.

    Surely you won't start questioning the credibility of Paul and his website (JWFacts), since he dares to provide evidence that challenges your authoritarian claims? Wanna "Poison that well", too?

  • Oubliette

    Song 120 - Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed

    "We'll be blessed if we know and obey!"

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    jv chap. 28 p. 623 Testing and Sifting From Within

    "...Brother Russell wrote, in 1896: "As we have been to some extent, by the grace of God, used in the ministry of the gospel, it may not be out of place to say here what we have frequently said in private, and previously in these columns,—namely, that while we appreciate the love, sympathy, confidence and fellowship of fellow-servants and of the entire household of faith, we want no homage, no reverence, for ourselves or our writings..."


    "We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel. If others see it in a different way, that is their privilege. There should be full liberty of conscience."(Watchtower April 1, 1920, pp.100-101)


    Contrary to your claim, Adam, Russell was the most moderate of all WT presidents.


    The WT Society now:


    "[Avoid] questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization --" Watchtower 1983 Jan 15 p.22 Avoid Independent Thinking.


    "'Believe all things,' all the things that the Watchtower brings out" --Qualified to be Ministers (1955) p.156


    "In Jehovah's organisation it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organisation who are assigned to that very thing" Watchtower 1967 Jun 1 p.338


    "But this does not mean that he should introduce additional material from his own personal research and thus possibly overshadow what has been published in the magazine. Extensive research has already been involved in producing the study article, and the points to be emphasized are those included in the paragraphs under consideration. When outside material is introduced, it often detracts from what "the faithful and discreet slave" has prepared for the congregation. (Matt 24:45-47) The impression may be given that the additional information from the conductor's research is of equal or greater value."


    "A basis for approved fellowship with Jehovahs Witnesses cannot rest merely on a belief in God, in the Bible, in Jesus Christ, and so forth. Simply professing to have such beliefs would not authorize one to be known as one of Jehovahs Witnesses. Approved association with Jehovahs Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovahs Witnesses." (Watchtower, April 1, 1986, p. 31).


    None of this sounds like a JW has any room whatsoever for their "conscience". They do and believe only what WT tells them to. The last quote says that- it doesn't matter what's in the BIble, what WT says is Law.


    Cofty's point is spot on, Adam, whether you agree or not.

  • Oubliette

    ADCMS, great quotes!

    The only thing I would have done differently would be to arrange them in chronological order.

    BTW, what is the source for the quote that starts, "But this does not mean ..."?

  • Oubliette

    When the people in control change the rules, but still maintain authority over the ability to change those rules and enforce the consequences for disobedience, nothing of any real significance has really changed.

    “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize .” - Voltaire

  • Oubliette

    In reference to the OP, what do you all think about the GB's recent instructional videos on how elders should conduct Judicial Meetings?

    • “Be obedient and decisive!” – Governing Body instructions to elders leaked on YouTube

    Do these show the GB to be MORE or LESS controlling?

  • Oubliette

    And what about the doctrinal change excluding all of the anointed from the FDS, reducing it to ONLY the GB? What does that suggest in answer to the OP question?

    From the jw.org website:

    NOVEMBER 9, 2012

    Annual Meeting Report

    “Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?”

    • The evidence points to the following conclusion: “The faithful and discreet slave” was appointed over Jesus’ domestics in 1919. That slave is the small, composite group of anointed brothers serving at world headquarters during Christ’s presence who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food. When this group work together as the Governing Body, they act as “the faithful and discreet slave.” - [Emphasis added]

    With the stroke a pen, or the click of a keyboard, thousands of "anointed ones" are cast out of the group that IS the WT leadership's claim to authority.

  • metatron

    Please don't oversimplify the Rutherford era. I had relatives who lived thru it and told extensive stories about it.

    Yes, people could be shunned back then - although they didn't have any official DF'ing.

    Witnesses were strongly advised NOT to marry and have kids. This was no joke at one time and publications were plain about it. Again, I know from old relatives.

    The Organization today is feeble and superficially zealous by comparison.


  • cofty

    Adam are you the poster previously known as King Solomon?

    The style, sytax, personal attacks, arrogance, hubris is all identical.

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