Can we excuse the R&F for ever ?

by Phizzy 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    You are no intellectual. How stupid do you think members are on this forum? I see two trends in all your posts. A faux academic I know - it-all and will speak down to all other members. True intellectuals know their field in depth. The big difference I notice in my friends who never graduated college and academic/professional friends is that academics realize how they can never know everything about all things. What is your larger point? I fail to see a larger point. Your agenda seems to fight with everyone. I don't mean that you disagree or state your opinion. You fight. Anyone who differs with you is a dim wit.

    Well, you can live in your own world. I don't recall another member fighting with so many other members. You attack. It would be nice to hear what you do believe. There is an immaturity to fighting everyone. It comes across as you decide what to say only after reading someone else's post. Ii've not been long compared to most members yet I feel more confident that when I first started posted. You are not arguing with dum dums. The law of statistics means you must be wrong sometime.

    We are not awed.

  • Oubliette

    Returning to the question raised in the original post, my personal view is this: While we can certainly understand why those still under the mental influence of the JW cult mind-control do what they do, it does not forever excuse their behavior.

    At some point, everyone is, or should be, held responsible for their decisions and their actions. This is a basic tenet of law in most civilized countries, (legal arguments of diminshed capacity or similar not withstanding).

    It certainly does get more complicated when considering those born into a cult, in this case JWs, and indoctrinated since infancy into that particular mindset. They really know no other way of thinking. They have heard of other modes of thinking and living, but those have been demonized their entire life. Still, at some point in even their life, each individual JW must decide for themselves how they will live and how they will act.

    To abdicate thinking and decision making to the leaders of a religion is a choice. It is a choice with consequences.

    One of those consequences is that those of us that have awaken and see the religion for what it really is--an authoritarian, high-control cult--will understand why those not yet awaken act as they do, but we will no longer excuse their behavior even while we hope they to may join us in being free from the shackles of false beliefs.

    - I was always amused by King Solomon's arrogance and his obvious trolling for flame-wars. What a prick that schmuck was! -

  • Oubliette

    BOTR: Your agenda seems to fight with everyone. ... I don't recall another member fighting with so many other members.

    King Solomon did. That's why Simon banned him. I suspect this is why Cofty thinks Adamah is KS, because his trolling methods are the same. What a sad, angry and ultimately pathetic person KS was. That being said, I certainly don't miss that arrogant asshat.

    Is Adamah King Solomon?

  • fiddler

    Recenly a friend went on line and found my daughter's FB account, or at least some pictures of my grandson that weren't private. I don't have a FB account otherwise maybe I could have seen them but no matter, I went over and sat at her computer and looked at pictures of my daughter and grandson who just turned 3. Under one of the pics my daughter had written, "I think he (son) looks like my dad. I can't wait for my dad to meet him (son) in the paradise."

    Her dad died in 2001 and he died NOT believing in the religion anymore; especially not the GB that direct it. For all intents an purposes he died an apostate but my daughter refuses to believe this. She is towing the line with the shunning of her mother who is very much alive and all her siblings so that she can make it to her paradise and see her daddy again. Her dad was a very strict and emotionally distant father and she wasn't even that close to him as a child and young adult. But he died so he has a hope. I guess if I died my 'apostacy' would be dismissed in her mind as well.

    My daughter is mentally unstable is what I'm thinking. I blame the GB for all the commands they have made keeping her separated from her family who love her and could have helped her. She already had anxiety and depression problems and now............untreated is she just going to go further downhill mentally? Do I blame her for this spiral down or the GB?

    I think it's clear who I won't excuse or forgive.

  • BluesBrother

    What is the behaviour of the unappointed r & f to which we are objecting? Mostly they are decent people who make good workfellows and neighbours, if they do keep seperate socially. The problems come if one has been d/f'd and then one is cold shouldered and cut-dead, even if formerly one of the family. Natural affection is stifled by blind obedience .What makes them do that? It is because the really do believe that this is the will of Almighty God - and who are they to go against that ?

    I see them as victims - just pawns in the game, just as I was (and I was once an elder )

    Let's put the blame squarely where it belongs. On the ego-inflated eight who run this "dog and pony show" and claim to speak in God's name . They bear responsibilty for what they print and the wasted lives of the ones duped to follow them. After all, it is not a crime to be stupid and conned - is it??

  • Oubliette

    BB: What is the behaviour of the unappointed r & f to which we are objecting? ... The problems come if one has been d/f'd and then one is cold shouldered and cut-dead, even if formerly one of the family.

    That would be the behavior under discussion.

    I would like to make one correction to your comment: when a person is disfellowshipped, they are STILL a member of the family, not "formerly" as you wrote. This all important fact only underscores why institutionalized shunning is wrong.

    BB: After all, it is not a crime to be stupid and conned - is it??

    No, but, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!"

  • cofty

    I suspect this is why Cofty thinks Adamah is KS

    Its more than a suspicion.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Adam, you are a tireless windbag. Your arrogance clouds your ability to see the self-contradictory, baseless tactics you use to perpetuate fights. You know nothing of which you speak. Posting long-winded diatribes and graphs don't do a damn thing to validate your ridiculous assertions.


    A bully came up to him and gave him a hard time and Woody tells the audience,
    "I kept my cool. I told him to go forth and multiply....but, not in those words." -Woody Allen


    Adam....go forth and multiply.

  • Oubliette

    Cofty: Its more than a suspicion.

    You have a PM

    - I always hated that asshat that posted as King Solomon -

  • ablebodiedman

    Can we excuse the R&F for ever ?

    I think the more important question is; "Will Jesus Christ excuse the R&F forever"?

    Matthew 24:39

     and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

    HHHHHHmmm, seems like purposefully avoiding so called "apostate web sites and forums" will not be excused!

    But hey, they are being brain washed and deceived right!

    Is being misled an excuse?

    2 Thessalonians 2:8-12

    But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10  and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11  So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12  in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.


    Deception is not an excuse!

    So both purposefully ignoring information (taking no note) and being deceived is NOT an excuse.


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