Any explanation from the WT as to why Adam and Eve did not have sex before they sinned? (and other Genesis stumpers)

by BU2B 65 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BU2B

    Galaxie- Very well put.. It is sad. It is just like if there was a religion that took ancient Norse mythology literally and based their entire lives, education and career choices, life and death decisons on what a group of men said that took the stories of Thor and his hammer, Odin, Loki etc and twisted it into whatever they wanted. Also if you spoke up about it, you will be cut off and YOU will be the bad guy.. so sad indeed.

  • designs

    BluesBrother- The Wt. quotes reminds me of that line from the movie Dr. Stranglove, Commander Jack D. Ripper- "I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence".

  • Comatose

    Jehovah walking in the garden in the breezy part of the day is figurative.

    Satan is a snake in a tree and talks to Eve is literal.

    Oh... Okay... I get it now. Yes, thank you for explaining it to me WT.

  • blondie

    This might have been posted already but it is a perfect example how the WTS asnwers a question without a scripture really, and reads the mind of God, or tries. I would think this is a Fred Franz effort.

    *** w58 1/15 p. 63 Questions From Readers ***

    Why, after receiving from God the express command to multiply and fill the earth, did Adam and Eve refrain from carrying out this procreation mandate while they were perfect in the garden of Eden?

    Asking this question concerning Adam and Eve is like trying to meddle in the private affairs of a Christian married couple today, and asking why they have had no children as yet. Jehovah God set no definite time for Adam and Eve to begin having perfect children to fill the earth. They being perfect, their intercourse together sexually would be for the purpose of reproducing the human kind. Evidently there was no intercourse between them for the begetting of children while they were in the garden of Eden. Evidently there was no begetting of a child before they were expelled from the garden of Eden; otherwise their first son, born after their expulsion and named Cain, would have been born perfect of his mother Eve, just as Jesus was born perfect from his imperfect mother Mary. Why? Because Cain would have had the perfect Adam as his father.

    Jehovah God did not drive Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden just because they did not promptly begin to have children, according to the procreation mandate. The sin for which they were expelled from Eden was their partaking of the forbidden fruit of “the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.” (Gen. 2:17) Their first act of intercourse that the Bible records was after their expulsion from Eden as sinners. Why they did not have intercourse and produce children during their stay in the garden of Eden is their own personal affair.

    This proved to be very providential. It made it possible for all the offspring of Adam and Eve outside the garden of Eden to be redeemed by the one human sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. It left no child or children born perfect inside the garden of Eden who did not need to be redeemed by Christ’s sacrifice, and the majority of mankind born imperfect outside the paradise of Eden who needed redemption by Jesus Christ. All Adam’s descendants being begotten in sin outside the garden of Eden, all were born imperfect through inheritance from the one man. All were made subject to death through the one man Adam, and thus all those who were disposed to salvation could be recovered to everlasting life through the sacrifice of the one man, Jesus Christ.—Rom. 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:20-22.

  • prologos

    Comatose; about Cain. God must have seen that the MAN had a point. All were vegetarians, and he offered vegetables, not carrion like Abel. So He made him the only surviving priest with offspring, his genes even present today they could not have been Abel's.

    Even Satan vindicated as a true prophet, unlike you know who.

    God likes a good puzzle, competition.

    Caviat endorsed of course.

  • jam

    You talk about weirdness, you fall asleep one day and you

    wake up to find a naked stranger standing in front of you.

    I wonder if Adam looked at Eve and began to sing "Happy

    Birthday to you," in her birthday suit.

  • punkofnice

    ...and why 2 trees in the garden of eden?

    Why would Twathovah put the trees there?

    Was he hoping for trouble via this entrapment?

    .......and the talking snake told the truth too. God didn't want to admit the truth like the twat he is.

    Uggghhh- It is so sickening once you are awake. It is so obovious how they just arbitrarily pick what will be literal and what isnt.

    Yup. Isn't it vomit inducing!

    ...and here's a song by Rush......


    I've got twelve disciples and a Buddha smile
    Garden of Allah, Viking Valhalla
    A miracle once in a while

    I've got a pantheon of animals in a pagan soul
    Vishnu and Gaia, Aztec and Maya
    Dance around my totem pole
    Totem pole...

    I believe in what I see
    I believe in what I hear
    I believe that what I'm feeling
    Changes how the world appears

    Angels and demons dancing in my head
    Lunatics and monsters underneath my bed
    Media messiahs preying on my fears
    Pop culture prophets playing in my ears

    I've got celestial mechanics
    To synchronize my stars
    Seasonal migrations, daily variations
    World of the unlikely and bizarre

    I've got idols and icons, unspoken holy vows
    Thoughts to keep well-hidden
    Sacred and forbidden
    Free to browse among the holy cows

    That's why I believe

    Angels and demons inside of me
    Saviors and Satans all around me

    Sweet chariot, swing low, coming for me

  • DeWandelaar

    Be fruitfull and inherit the earth... but start being fruitfull AFTER a celebatal first couple of months... Maybe that is why Adam wanted to sin so that he finally could let his canon loose

  • prologos

    They were all slow in those early days, having their first children rarely befor their 70 ties, dying not in their 90 ties, but their 900 dts.

    old myths die hard. with WT writers hardly at all.

  • quellycatface

    The first point that fell down for me was the serpent talking to Eve. Any normal person would s**t a brick and run a mile.

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