Are some dog breeds more responsive than others?

by compound complex 41 Replies latest social entertainment

  • jgnat

    Our old german shepherd-lab cross was soooo sweet-tempered, so good. Likely a lot because of my daughter's intensive (obsessive?) training. She was taught to move aside when we said "excuse me" (a gentle way to establish dominance). She had all the basics, sit-stay, come, down, shake-a-paw, heel. Because she would roam free when my daughter ran her paper route, I asked my daughter to teach her to drop on command. If she was across the road when a car was coming, I sure didn't want her running in to the path of the car! So my daughter did, and that command did come in handy a few times.

    It sure is great to have a trained dog, especially if it is a large one. The cats suffered for their failure to communicate. When I came home they would all be there to greet me, the dog's swishing tail slapping the faces of the long-suffering kitties.


    Any thoughts, experiences, general tips on pooch care are welcome. .....Coco

    Dead Dogs Are Notoriously Bad Eaters..And...............They Don`t Need Much Exercise..


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  • Bruja-del-Sol

    My Cairn used to immediately stand or sit still when I said "STAY!" even when he was across the street (sometimes he escaped when the kids left the frontdoor open, then he ran to the field on the other side of a busy road). Back then we also had a cat. The cat was older and sort of 'raised' the Cairn. They were really a gang together. The cat used to lie in the windowsill so he could look out the window. One day I rode on my bicycle past our house and to my surprise I saw the cat in the windowsill.... with the dog beside him!!! They were both watching the traffic and people passing by, very calm and relaxed. Only the dog threw a couple of my plants on the ground...

    Ever since that day, when I would pass the house on my bike and the dog was lying there, he knew I would be home within minutes, so he then jumped back on the ground and into his basket and pretend he had been there all the time! Of course giving me the sweetest most faithful ook... the jerk! hahaha

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Friends of Rover and Fifi:

    I've learned so much from your experiences and observations. ! I made it through yesterday caring for 7 dogs, from 4:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.

    Only one today!

    Best regards and thanks.


  • MissMyHarley

    English Bulldogs, very smart, very loyal, very loud when snoring, but great company for my wife and I. This breed is a wonderful choice for anyone looking to purchase a good dog.

  • skeeter1

    We had little toy dogs. Fru fru. Subburn, barked alot, small bladder, & pissed like an uncapped oilwell.

    Got me a Golden mix, and he's smart, kind, near us, doesn't pee indoors, and rarely barks loud.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I love dogs. All I needed was a photo of a dead dog looking very dead. It looks like a stuffed dog. My porter paid thousands to a taxidermist (sp?) to keep his dead dog in a trophy case at home. I think it may have been a cultural difference. My dog was buried in a pet cemetery that the Attorney General of New Jersey later sued for fraud. He sent a golden retriever to be cremated and received dalmation ashes. I spoke with the lawyer but asked him not to reveal any details. After all that money, the dog lasted i n the trophy case less than a week. It was too depressing to see the dead dog all the time.


    Hey Band!..


    The dog is more likely playing dead..

    He`s in a nice home,laying on a nice carpet..

    I`ll bet he got a nice treat,for performing in that pic..


    I understand losing a pet though..

    Losing your dog isn`t easy,it`s a very hard thing to go through..

    ...................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I'm still in mourning for Rascal, the dog that was a symbol of our freedom from the WTS. She died about 20 years ago.

    When she was a puppy, Rascal chased a cat into the street where drag races took place. I told her what I thought about running into the street. The lesson as I planned it was don't run into the street. Chase cats up to the last millimeter but don't go into the street. Rascal heard don't chase cats. She never ran into the street again. A friend told me what a bad person I was for screaming at Rascal. Well, her dog ran off. The dog was a senior citizen. I can't imagine not knowing....If someone gave me a dog, I would keep it. They are a commitment.

    I wonder if you have a series of dogs if it becomes easier.


  • TD
    I wonder if you have a series of dogs if it becomes easier.

    It hasn't gotten easier to lose them. I think it's actually getting worse as I get older.

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