PRESS- Silentlambs-More to Follow---

by silentlambs 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • ARoarer

    Thanks out

  • silentlambs

    CBS Radio Network over 600 stations. Right after the news reports of Cardinal Law, get to hear silentlambs say, "With JW justice I am dead meat."

  • hawkaw

    Well done Bill,

    They really shot their foot off this time.

    Keep nailing their asses to the wall. I have put a Globe and Mail reporter onto you and Donald. I hope that helps.

    I also have contacted the Toronto star - foreign desk. We shall see if they run with it.

    Maybe I better go for CBC.

  • ARoarer

    The article appeared today in the Asbury Park Press. I can't find it on the website though.

  • Sunnygal41

    Hi All! Just wanted to let y'all know that in agreement with Bill's request on another thread, I sent an email off to about 7 newspapers, CNN, NYTimes, NYPost, this point, 2:00 p.m. east coast time, I've heard personally from 2 of the staff writers, and 2 more automatic responses!!! I'm just thrilled that they got them and responded back~every little bit helps. Here's the letter I sent....

    May 10, 2002


    I am responding to the article of May 9, 2002 “Four Jehovah’s Witnesses fight Church’s handling of Child Abuse Cases.”

    In recent months coverage of the various religious organizations hiding child abusers has become unavoidable. One would have to live on top of a high mountain to avoid all the heartbreaking details of the myriad cases.

    As a former member for twenty five years and elder’s wife, I would like to address one particular group: Jehovah’s Witnesses and the outstanding stand that Mr. William Bowen and others have taken to bring these horrifying conditions to light. I would like to name the other significant parties involved in the latest high profile cases: the Pandelos of New Jersey and Mrs. Anderson of Tennessee. My heart and good wishes go out to these victims of derailed justice from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in Brooklyn, New York.

    I mentioned that I was an elder’s wife for part of those twenty five years, so I know intimately the policy that is put into effect when cases come up to their “judicial bodies”. From first hand experience I state, the main concern is always how the information will affect the organization and the name of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I can’t tell you how many times we were urged from the platform to not “give anything for the newspapers to publish that would bring reproach on the name of Jehovah”. I have personally heard members urged not to seek outside intervention for the same reason. I’m not sure if my letter will be of any assistance in the above cases, but I felt morally obligated to side with openness and honesty to save anyone elses children from having to be subjected to such hurtful practices. It is time for the doors to be thrown wide open and fresh air and light to reveal the sick secrets being perpetrated on innocents.

    I remain,

    Terri L. Crowe-Perry
    Former member of the
    New Britain Central Cong.
    Of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    New Britain, CT

  • Kismet


    I have also been in touch with the Toronto Star, GTA section as well Ms. DiManno. I know she has the cajones to tackle this one. I provded some generalized stats regarding abusers who are still active JW's in various parts around the GTA. I hoped the local angle would spark interest.

    We should talk soon. [email protected] is one of the better addresses to get in touch with me.


  • airmail special
    airmail special

    dear readers.
    im wondering why the guy is wasting his time writing a letter to the elders about his judicial meeting. Why would he want to stay in a religion that makes death threats and the like to him and his family.
    Personally if any one be it an elder or some one in the street abused my children i would be getting them charged. In Australia we have to report any child abuse to the police. And again if he has the goods on these people, take them to court get them thrown in jail where they belong.
    With all this wt abuse thing if these guys have the goods on the wt take them to court, im sure all the other churches who dislike the witnesses would pitch in with help,if you guys went there. All i hear is whinging if there are pedophiles and you know of them what are you doing to stop them, have you gone to the police, and what about this dateline show, i have been hearing that its going to blow the lid off the wt abuse thing for two years now. Why is dateline taking so long, if it has the facts why isnt it going to the aid of all these abused people. If any one has any answers i would like to hear them.

  • puzzled

    I thought you got canned?

  • hawkaw


    Email sent - sorry to take so long but I am working too!!!!


  • outnfree

    I sent an e-mail with links to various newsaccounts and some more background information to a Detroit News reporter I had contacted previously.

    We'll see what happens.

    More letters to the Ed. will go out tonight when I get home from a dance recital!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

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