PRESS- Silentlambs-More to Follow---

by silentlambs 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • dungbeetle


    fellow readers
    what ridiculous statements you make about jws. ...actually i got on here to find some intelligent people, to debate with i dont care
    who they are, but with the level of childishness i have found im wondering.

    I find it interesting that people would so heartedly agree with the above post and brand all jws and its organization as a haven for paedophiles.


    Perhaps people will engage in serious debate with you when you're finished being a sh*t-stirring troll.

    I ain't your FELLOW NOTHING, so just leave ME off your 'list'.

    me wonders which reincarnation you are this time. Who do we know who CLAIMED experience with abuse ina previous post...

    HINT: "HI I'm Mario Kempes"...

    <gag> <choke>

  • Danielson

    Curious Freddy Boy, I didn't know a moral conviction to what's right could be considered a loss.

  • moman

    Remember, "Jehovaha's people are a HAPPY people!"

    "Do not bring REPROACH on Gods organization"

    Any of these QUOTES sound familiar?

    The WTB&TS is a SCAM, pure & simple!

  • plmkrzy

    I find it interesting that people would so heartedly agree with the above post and brand all jws and its organization as a haven for paedophiles.

    Mr. airmail[8>]

    When I read these posts I read them VERY VERY carefully. ANd when I read inconsistancies or otherwise anything that I feel personally is way out in left field I have had absolutely no problem what so ever jumping in at times and blasting my opinions and or objections. This is and has been something that has had an effect on many who post here myself included.

    There was nothing in this post that is presented in a misleading way that I can see.

    I would be the last person to advocate accusing ALL JWs as people who give safe haven to monsters.
    How ever the policies of the WTBTS is in dire need of reeming. And a good stiff dose of Draino just will not do the job.

    The article is FAIR.

    Dungbeetle, U R a stinker. hehehehe

  • Danielson

    A sanely wise and truthful observer if I do say so myself!!!

  • silentlambs

    For Immediate Release
    May 8, 2002
    In harmony with what the Bible teaches, elders of Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘shepherd the flock of god in their care.’ They have the spiritual welfare of each congregation member in mind. (1 Peter 5:2) This pastoral work is done confidentially, out of respect for the congregation and the individual(s) involved.
    Even as the local elders are concerned about the spiritual health of each member of the congregation, they are also concerned for the spiritual welfare of the congregation as a whole. In fact, they are required by the Holy Scriptures to see to it that the congregation remains clean and unified. (1 Corinthians 1:10) No hasty decision is made in this process. It is never the goal of local elders to remove someone from the congregation. Rather, every effort is made, in harmony with Paul’s words, to “try to readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness.” ---Galatians 6:1

    Contact J. R. Brown, telephone: (718) 560-5600

  • Elsewhere

    The only way they will not DF him is if they manage to "readjust" him back to silence.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Farkel

    : They say that in states that do not require reporting of abuse, they prefer taking steps to protect children while not breaching what they see as confidential communications between elders and members.

    What a crock of double-speaking shit. It presupposes that in states which require the reporting of abuse, they: 1) either can't protect children, 2) they can't protect confidential communications or 3) both.

    The WTS must assume that the average person is as idiotic as their average members and will swallow that crap without seeing it for what it REALLY says.

    Hey WT liars: Bite Me!


  • MikeMusto

    i find it interesting that so many people use the

    "i find it interesting"

  • silentlambs

    The following is a letter written to the eight man Judicial Committee set up on Monday night to deal with the Pandelo family. (typically there are three members to a Judicial Committee) The Committee was handed this letter and the Pandelo family walked out. They have yet to receive a response as to a decision.

    May 6, 2002

    Body of Elders of the Bradley Beach Congregation
    English Congregation
    Bradley Beach, New Jersey

    Watchtower bible and Tract Society
    200 Watchtower Drive
    Patterson, NY 12363-9205

    To the Elders of Bradley Beach English congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    This letter is in response you your “invitation” to meet with your Judicial Committee concerning “allegations of apostasy”, based on your “evidence” and “witnesses” that you will bring forth.

    First, I, Carl Pandelo and my wife Barbara Pandelo deny any allegations, or charges that you bring forth concerning the accusations of apostasy. We have done nothing to be ashamed of, immoral, or unscriptural, and we will not answer any charges except that we emphatically deny this accusation.

    Second, in your letter to our attorneys you stated that you would “like us to be present and would like to help us if we have sincere doubts.” In response to this, we feel that as “shepherds” of the congregation, your statement that you want to “help” us is hypocritical since my wife has not attended the Kingdom Hall meetings since 1998 or I in the last two years or so. With the numerous visits of the Circuit Overseer during that time we have never once been contacted by the Bradley Beach Elders nor the Circuit Overseer to “help” us following the litigation of a civil trial against my father, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses accused of pedophilia, and sexually molesting our daughter. Following the trial involving the sexual molestation, I met with a Judicial Committee in Hackensack Congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses to being charges against A. V., the Presiding Overseer, for being untruthful on the witness stand. In the Judicial Committee, A. V. admitted before me and the other elders, W. G., and A. S. that he had indeed lied, when they pursued it with Brooklyn they were told to drop it. This was told to me by W. G. He informed me that although he indeed heard V. admit to lying, he could not do anything because he was at the mercy of Headquarters who did not get back to him.

    Thirdly, in view of this and in view of the continual untruthfulness of the elders at the direction of Headquarters over the issues of the sexual molestation of our daughter, my wife suffered emotionally from the spiritual abuse inflicted on our family by those we loved and trusted. This was hurtful and damaging to us emotionally and spiritually and physically. For that reason, we have felt betrayed by our religious leaders, not just a few individuals, but especially from the total corrupt behavior of those taking the “lead” within the congregation and also at Bethel regarding the issues of child molestation. Being coined an “apostate” and shunned by those we cared about and trusted is unjust.

    Fourth, I and my family have received letters and death wishes from “friends” (JW members) for speaking out about sexual abuse within the congregation. We were approached by the media and asked to tell our story regarding these issues. We did not seek out the media. We told the truth, which is what elders are unable to do. It is our right as parents to speak out and protect our children from predators who have been protected and hidden and given implied permission to molest again by your treatment of victims who came forward. If a predator is a family member in the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, other members of the molester’s family are expected to be silent even if they are victims, so as not to “bring reproach on Jehovah’s name.” The Bible warns against this saying, ”he that loves father or brother, sister or mother, more than me is not worthy of me.” Those are Christ’s Words. It is against Christian teaching to allow sexual abuse to perpetuate within the Congregations and discipline the ones who come out and speak out about it. It is my right as a parent to protect my youngest daughter from being exposed emotionally, and we, for this reason are unable to return to the Kingdom Hall meetings. Your choice has been to shun our family for taking this stand, and now with the program airing this month on Dateline, Watchtower has seen fit to send out letters with charges of “apostasy” and “causing divisions” to those of us who have given an interview with Dateline. It is you yourselves who have caused divisions within families, and you yourselves who have become apostates and you bear a heavy responsibility before our Grand Creator.

    We will not go and meet with the body of elders or talk to them because they have betrayed our trust many times over the years in our ordeal over the sexual abuse issues. This culminated recently when C. H. called and tried to entrap us into saying what they wanted to hear for their Judicial proceedings, by having S. S. on the phone without our knowledge for several minutes before. This is shameful and unchristian and worthy or our highest lack of trust and respect for someone whom we loved and trusted.

    Warm Christian Love,
    Carl and Barbara Pandelo

    also signed by daughter.

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