HELP - A Guide to Fade

by cognitivedizzy 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • 3rdgen

    Hi Cog, I like the idea of becoming more and more incompetent/unqualified for the MS "position". If you quit suddenly your wife may try to compensate for you by becoming "stronger in the truth"-especially if you have kids.

    OTOH, if you mess up your duties and report little to no FS you will be removed. This, if you play it right, will make your wife's protective instincts come out. She will become mad at the elders/CO for treating you poorly when you needed their help. :)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I wish I could just disappear or relocate to another country.

    For my fade, I moved less than 100 miles to a city outside the old circuit and district.

    Do you think its a right time to step down as a MS, Im only worried if this will make my wife overzealous , I'm happy with the way she is slacking, no Family worship , FS ....etc

    I don't want my stepping down to motivate her to do more

    Have you crafted a good reason for stepping down?

    Looking back, it now absolute baffles me how as a JW you have to come up with a reason to quit being a pioneer, elder, or MS. Now that I'm in the real world, when you're working and not getting paid, they appreciate anything and everything you do. If you have to quit as a volunteer, they thank you for your service and don't block the door demanding a reason like WT Corp does. Sorry, I'm on a tangent...

    Does your wife have close JW friends? How does she feel about donating money to WT and the local congregation? Sometimes little things like that can give an indication of possible relapses into WT cult mode.

  • Scully

    One thing that really started to bother Mr Scully and me was the constant begging, pleading and bullying for money. Maybe it had always been there, and we just never noticed before, but it seemed like every week we were hearing about fundraising endeavours. For new Kingdom Halls™, for covering the expenses of the Circuit Overseer™, for covering expenses for Circuit Assemblies™, District Conventions™ and Special Assembly Days™. There were reminders about the World Wide Education Work™, the double dipping on Literature™ (pay when you pick up your materials, and turn in any Contributions™ received from Field Service™), etc., etc.

    As a kid, I had it drilled into me that CT Russell stated words to the effect that when the WTS no longer received financial support, it meant that its purpose had been served. Clearly that viewpoint has changed dramatically over the last century.

    Perhaps this can be one thing that you and your wife can agree upon. No more financial support for the Congregation™ or the WTS. Set aside any money that you would have contributed for say, the next 6 months, and use it to go on a holiday, preferably at the same time when a Circuit Assembly™ or Circuit Overseer™'s visit is planned. Say it's a holiday for your wedding anniversary if anyone asks. (not that it's any of their business...)

    At the same time, start investigating child abuse scandals among JWs. There's plenty of them in news stories all over the internet, with court documents / testimony to back up the information. If there's one thing that your wife can't argue with, it's a conscientious decision on your part to stop supporting/boycotting an organization that pays lip service to protecting children from child molesters within their ranks. After all, the WTS bemoans the sexual abuse of children when it's Catholic clergy who are the alleged molesters... but when it's an Elder™ or Ministerial Servant™ or Pioneer™ who is accused of molestation, it's a completely different situation. The allegations are usually dismissed or not even investigated by Elders™ because there are not two eye-witnesses to the crime. How do you get the WTS's attention? You stop Attending Meetings™. You stop going in Field Service™. And, most importantly, you hit them where they live - by stopping financial support of the WTS at every level.

  • cognitivedizzy

    Fade update--

  • cognitivedizzy

    How come half the post disappears when i click , post reply.

    Anyways ,,, Fade update guys.. things are going really well, I removed myself from all assignments stating personal reasons, Still am MS though, and need to get this out as soon as possible though

  • TheListener
    Glad to hear it cognitivedizzy. Man I remember those days. I had my wife getting angrier and angrier with me each time I faded a bit more.
  • flipper
    I would also suggest going to Steve Hassan's website which is : and order his 3 books on cult mind control so that you can understand the totality of personality difficulties that your wife and you will experience in exiting the JW organization. It's a difficult psychological exit and Hassan's books have helped many of us here and elsewhere to understand more fully what we are going through in our exit. Titles of the books are as follows : 1. Combatting Cult Mind Control 2. Releasing the Bonds - Empowering People to Think for Themselves and 3. Freedom of Mind - Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs . If you do this it will be a great assistance to you and your wife I promise. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
  • paradisebeauty

    Driving Force, why do you think it is better to not give any reason?

    I am a woman and have nothing to resign from, but I was thinking to tell the elders that I do not agree with some understanding of the scriptures in the publications.

    Would that be so bad?

  • sir82
    was thinking to tell the elders that I do not agree with some understanding of the scriptures in the publications.

    Would that be so bad?

    If your goal is to be immediately disfellowshipped for apostasy and/or causing divisions, then no, not bad at all.

    If you have any other goal, then yeah, quite bad.

  • FayeDunaway
    double post

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