Thanks "one". I do also want to mention something that I posted on another. It takes into account both the 1991 article as well as the just as important Watchtower Dec 1, 1976, page 711 article -"Can an Image Bring Peace and Security". So for reference sake here is what I said:
Paragraph 11 in the June 1, 1991 WT rag provided clear examples of what religions did to be false religions that rode the back of the scarlet coloured wild beast.
It clearly talked to the 24 Catholic organizations as being one of the many ways that the Catholic religion is showing that they are "false religion" and belong to the great harlot.
The paragraph gives NO special "out" that a religion had to have all of the examples listed in paragraph 11 to be false religion. Anybody with half a head clearly sees that being an NGO with the UN means you represent false religion. There was no "special" exemption.
The WTSB&TS is still presently an NGO and it was "accredited" between Feb. 14, 1992 until October 9, 2001 with the UN's DPI. Thus, as per the 1991 WT rag, the WTS was practicing in the same way as all the rest of false religion.
The WT of 1976 was also just as clear. Here - let me restate the key portions from the 1976 article for you:
... Do they act like the harlot, "Babylon the Great"?....... Sixteen Catholic international organizations contribute formally to the work of ECOSOC and various Specialized Agencies through the medium of consultative status with these bodies, and Catholic groups and individuals in various countries contribute to the formation of national policy and action with regard to the UN.”—Vol. 14, p. 423.
Will all such friendliness with the world be of real benefit to any religious system? No, the Bible declares that “Babylon the Great,” the harlotrous religious empire, will experience a great shock. Revelation 17:16 says: “The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.”
So there is real danger in becoming involved with the “scarlet-colored wild beast.” Never will it bring real peace and security ....
... For that reason those who join in any U.N. cry of “Peace and security!” face disaster, even if they are not in sympathy with “Babylon the Great.”
Are you acting in harmony with this advance knowledge? Have you separated yourself from the world’s ways, attitudes and actions?...
Clearly being like one of the 16 NGOs would be considered by the 1976 Watchtower as
becoming involved with the beast - and that was and still is a big time no no.
You can't weasel your way out of it.