Final Part, Why Believe in God?

by jst2laws 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    If Jesus's message did not include an organized religion, how do you explain the Christians of the first century?

    At what point does it become organised?

    Is it when a little group meets? A bigger group?
    Is it when a particular church has a title? eg; Baptist, Christian Fellowship (non-denominational).....etc.

    When religion becomes organised to me, is when it begins to CONTROL your thinking either suggestively or verbally.
    When it makes you feel COMPELLED to follow all it's advise on day to day living. can be in the form of laying guilt upon it's adherants for not conforming to the churches standards.

    The first century scenario was a little different than today.
    Church LEADERS such as James, Peter,etc who had direct contact with Jesus and his words, would handle church problems in the recorded cases. the numbers grew...........did these men monopolize all church authority everywhere?

    To compare how a church should operate with the first century is not being fair to both situations.

  • blindfool

    I did not mean to imply that a church should operate just as the congragations of the first century operated. I only wanted to highlight the fact that Christians should be able to congragate.

    I do think there are churches and individual congragations of christians that as a group, really seek and have guidance from Gods Holy Spirit.

    Maybe I need to give some additional background here.

    I was raised in the Presbyterian Church. The congragation I attented was very small and was really an extented family. My mother and sister still attend this church. I really believe I see true christianity being displayed by the members of this church. I also am convinced that other churches and congrations of many donominatiions of christian churches are guided by Holy Spirit.

    I'm not saying that I think being part of an organized religion is a prerequisite of being a christian. I'm just saying that I do believe true believers can be found at many churches. I'm also saying that I don't think there is anything paticularly wrong with a religion based solely on the fact that it is organized.

    I think most former JW's still cling to the WTBTS's teachings about how bad churches are. I would just like to encourage former members to be open minded about all things, even organized religion.

  • Joyzabel


    I'm looking for the "wheat among the weeds" no matter where they are.


  • gumby

    Hi said "I think most former JW's still cling to the WTBTS's teachings about how bad churches are".

    I suppose in some cases this is true. Many however, see a similar pattern in churches that has much in common with the witnesses.

    See if you can hold a position in most fundamentalist churches, if you told them you do not believe in the Trinity, you like to have a couple of beers after work, you like to go dancing with your wife, then play 30 or 40 bucks at the casino on occation.

    The point is churches CAN and do ....not always, impose certain lifestyles on people that they have chosen is fit. That is only one example.

    I would like to say I enjoyed your post blindfool.

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