Who Made The Code?

by Perry 154 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    Omg perry, i just realized you share some similarities with a fundie twat!

  • bohm

    Perry forgot to turn his webcam off while he was compiling hist list of diagnostic traits of a psychopath:

  • Paralipomenon

    Perry, you seem to base your calculations on Earth being to sole planet in our universe. Once you expand that there are 10^22 stars in our observable universe, many with the potential of multiple planets per star over the period of 14 billion years the math starts to become very interesting.

  • Apognophos

    It's like Perry is wearing special glasses that make invisible anything he doesn't want to see. At least, that would be the charitable interpretation. But now I see that he doesn't actually consider the material his opponents are posting and reply to it; he simply uses the same irrational arguments over and over even when they've been rebutted in prior posts. I don't want to say it was a waste of my time to participate in this thread... but who am I kidding, it was a waste of time. I never participated in a Perry thread before (that I can recall), so guess I've learned my lesson now.

  • Perry

    Paralipomenon ,

    It easy to confuse matter with information. They are different. They are non-sequiturs. The information in DNA is not the same as the storage vehicle:

    DNA language not the same as DNA molecule


    Recent studies in information theory have come up with some astounding conclusions—namely, that information cannot be considered in the same category as matter and energy. It's true that matter or energy can carry information, but they are not the same as information itself.

    For instance, a book such as Homer's Iliad contains information, but is the physical book itself information? No, the materials of the book—the paper, ink and glue contain the contents, but they are only a means of transporting it.

    If the information in the book was spoken aloud, written in chalk or electronically reproduced in a computer, the information does not suffer qualitatively from the means of transporting it. "In fact the content of the message," says professor Phillip Johnson, "is independent of the physical makeup of the medium" ( Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds , 1997, p. 71).

    The same principle is found in the genetic code. The DNA molecule carries the genetic language, but the language itself is independent of its carrier. The same genetic information can be written in a book, stored in a compact disk or sent over the Internet, and yet the quality or content of the message has not changed by changing the means of conveying it.

    As George Williams puts it: "The gene is a package of information, not an object. The pattern of base pairs in a DNA molecule specifies the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium, it's not the message" (quoted by Johnson, p. 70).

    So, in other words....even if one allows for the trillions of times of dis-probability regarding the chance formation of the DNA molecule as an incredibly eficient and tiny information storage, reading, repair, dissemination device, IT STILL DOESN'T ADDRESS WHERE THE INFORMATION COMES FROM.

    More Defectors From Materialism

    Back in Darwin's day, when his book On the Origin of Species was published in 1859, life appeared much simpler. Viewed through the primitive microscopes of the day, the cell appeared to be but a simple blob of jelly or uncomplicated protoplasm. Now, almost 150 years later, that view has changed dramatically as science has discovered a virtual universe inside the cell.

    "It was once expected," writes Professor Behe, "that the basis of life would be exceedingly simple. That expectation has been smashed. Vision, motion, and other biological functions have proven to be no less sophisticated than television cameras and automobiles. Science has made enormous progress in understanding how the chemistry of life works, but the elegance and complexity of biological systems at the molecular level have paralyzed science's attempt to explain their origins" (Behe, p. x).

    Dr. Meyer considers the recent discoveries about DNA as the Achilles" heel of evolutionary theory. He observes: "Evolutionists are still trying to apply Darwin's nineteenth-century thinking to a twenty-first century reality, and it's not working ... I think the information revolution taking place in biology is sounding the death knell for Darwinism and chemical evolutionary theories" (quoted by Strobel, p. 243).

    Dr. Meyer's conclusion? "I believe that the testimony of science supports theism. While there will always be points of tension or unresolved conflict, the major developments in science in the past five decades have been running in a strongly theistic direction" (ibid., p. 77).

    Dean Kenyon, a biology professor who repudiated his earlier book on Darwinian evolution—mostly due to the discoveries of the information found in DNA—states: "This new realm of molecular genetics (is) where we see the most compelling evidence of design on the Earth" (ibid., p. 221).

    Just recently, one of the world's most famous atheists, Professor Antony Flew, admitted he couldn't explain how DNA was created and developed through evolution. He now accepts the need for an intelligent source to have been involved in the making of the DNA code.

    "What I think the DNA material has done is show that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinary diverse elements together," he said (quoted by Richard Ostling, "Leading Atheist Now Believes in God," Associated Press report, Dec. 9, 2004).

  • bohm

    Perry, you dont have a clue what you are talking about. Its like having a ten year old explain why relativity is wrong by quoting people he have not read. stop reading aig it is clearly damaging your brain.

  • cofty

    It really is like reading a 10 year old who has just discovered how to copy-n-paste.

    Information is just a metaphor. Its all just electrons doing their thing.

  • bohm

    Perry: Recent studies in information theory have come up with some astounding conclusions—namely, that information cannot be considered in the same category as matter and energy. It's true that matter or energy can carry information, but they are not the same as information itself.

    numbers is not the same as matter and energy, yet there are 8 planets in our solar system.

    the argument is then no better than saying our solar system had to have a designer because it has 8 planets.

    This is apparent to anyone who understand the least of information theory, but since that category does not include you and you dont care about lying here we are...

  • Perry
    Snare and Racket you have some similarities with sociopathy.....Perry

    .................. Because he Disagrees with you??!!


    Of course not. When someone says that scientists who think the evidence points to a first cause can go enjoy themselves with bestaility like Snare and Racket did, I'm going to bring it to their attention just how offensive to polite humanity those kinds of statements really are. It IS sociopathic. And, it's nothing personal. I also stand by my views on the links of the dogmatism of Materialism with Sociopathy in light of current scientific knowledge of the DNA information coding systems.

    So far, NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE HAS BEEN PROVIDED that suggest the DNA molecule is anything other than an advanced language coding, recepticle, reader, repair station, information distributer etc. and that the DNA Code Languages are in FACT coding languages like scientists have been saying for years and that we ALL learned about in the 6th grade for goodness sakes.

    Amazing claims like the ones Snare and Racket makes about how The dna codes are only codes when you look at them, REQUIRE AMAZING PROF.

    Who wrote the code?

  • cofty

    So far, NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE HAS BEEN PROVIDED that suggest the DNA molecule is anything other that..

    That is becasue nobody will demean theself to debate with a willfully ignorant fundie. What books on the subject have you read recently?

    Once you have spent a few years educating yourself about evolution and come back and we can have a discussion.

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