trying to convince my wife not to confess...

by wafflesandpancakes 52 Replies latest social relationships

  • RottenRiley

    What percentage of Gay Bethelites came forward during the Great Purge in 1978-1982? They are still alive, I know a few who were at Bethel and have nice loving gay husbands now, no lighting struck them down because they refused to confess to the Tower's leaders!

    Jesus is the answer, he will forgive your sins because you made things right in God's eyes! I wish your wife was as honest as the Elders you plan on confessing too. We have Snoop-Elder, he is a walking contradiction looking for sinners while his JW Daughter is able to get laid with other Elders daughters on the down-low! Snoop-Elder won't confront is daughter but he is willing to slam you and your wife for being a sinner!

  • sarahsmile

    It depends if the overseer or elders like you. They will make her life hell if she is one that goes to them a lot.

    We all know of people who were dfd years after touching.

    Also confession of sins is bibical but not to throw the wicked person out! Not confessing ones sins and living with ones step mother is throw the wicked man out.

    She has been taught probably her entire life to confess ones sin to keep the congregation clean.

    Waffle what is going on? Did you decide to leave us without up dates.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    waffles - don't try and use the WBTS rules and regs - my reading of the passage you quoted is that it is all about intent - if it was vaguely sexual then they will get you. As others have pointed out the elders will have a lot of discretion and also as others have pointed out play the headship card and persuade her it is nto necesary now to confess as it you are happily marriedd and to confess could distrub that. The thing that gets me as smeone who has never been part of this authoritarian organisation masquerading as a religion is that IT IS NONE OF ANYONE ELSE'S BUSINESS WHAT YOU AND YOUR WIFE DID WHEN YOU WERE COURTING!!!! The fact that she feels soem obligation to confess is so messed up. Fraz

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