Worst yb experience I have ever heard heartwrenching

by Skinnedsheep 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Can you really make this s*&t up?

  • pixel

    In the meantime, WT sells a complex of buildings in NY..

    "The two firms paid a hefty $375 million for the five properties plus a hotel at 90 Sands St."

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Questions From Readers":

    "How many bikes can $375 million buy?"

  • LongHairGal


    I don't believe this B.S. story either.

    The tragedy is that some naive dupe in the religion could be influenced by this tall tale and then put their family or themselves in distress, imagining they are doing a good thing. I also hate those stories you hear about some JW kid who puts the contents of their piggybank in the contribution box or some such story.

    I am not touched by these anecdotal stories. I am angered by them.

    The sickening part about the whole thing is that in all likelihood these monies are going as others have suggested: to help fund the generous retirement complex for the religion's bigwigs.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Yes NOTJUStYET that was the film, and id love to watch the mexican film you mention if we get a responce.

    Auldcallmeshirley " how many bikes can 35 million buy" ....well no food and no pension but a bike that takes many delusional people somewhere over the rainbow...

    Taling about bikes ...Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd wrote a great song called " Bike"...the lyrics are great...

  • AnneB

    Malachi is one smart guy. He figured out that with the skills he could learn on the construction job he'd be able to make a big step forward in life, so he figured out what it would take to care for his family in his absence, figured out how much of a bribe it would take to get himself a spot on the construction crew, and went for it.

    Good going Malachi!

  • pixel

    Andre 2013.

    Malachi 2014.

  • ssn587

    That is just made up nonsense, another fabrication by the wtbts.

  • rebel8

    What a sick story.

    [I was literally laughing out loud when I read Billy's comment.]

  • wasblind

    Malachi is a straight up fool

    to sell his only transportation to support a multi million dollar corporation

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