Some Antis are just as bad as JW's

by DIM 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mulan

    I have to agree with DIM and Princess. It's hard to move on, but you do have to do it. We have friends who keep sending packets of information to the JW relatives. I know they are just dumping it and never looking at it. It just irritates them and makes them feel like the people sending it are nuts, and definitely 'evil apostates'. And you're right too........they are being persectuted, so feel they are on the right track for sure.

    I like what Dr. Phil says "How's that working out for you?" It's a killer question. "If it isn't working, why do you keep doing it?"

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Satanus

    There are some xjw support groups that are fudumentally chritian (you know who you are). They now think everyone should be christian and that now they have the REAL truth. They are almost as bad as the jw's.


  • DevonMcBride

    It isn't very productive to direct any anti-Watchtower campaign to a JW. It is more productive to educate the public on the dangers of the WT Society.

    As far as the Christian exjw support groups, I agree, they have the same motive as the JW's.


  • garybuss


    It is very difficult to confront a person let alone a whole group that shuns us. To confront an abuser is an important healing step for many of us. I remember my feelings when I set up the first 24 hour recorded message telephone line. I sent them an unquestionable message and it was an important step for me. I am glad I did it.

    Maybe sending objective information by mail, or in person, to group members gives a rejected former member hope. Many of us have experienced loneliness and hopelessness. Associating with former group members is a comfortable feeling for some of us since these other victims do understand our experiences. By associating with them the loneliness lessens. And the sending of information gives hope.

    Comfort and hope are not bad payoffs for a little effort.

    Just my thoughts.



  • DIM

    dungbeetle...hmmm...mulling my thoughts over some cheesecake....

    i agree with support groups for xjw's.....even placing seeds of doubt in the minds of people that we love and may be doubtful. I absolutely agree with educating the general public.

    I disagree with sending active JW's apostate material that they did not request. what is the point? whether we are talking about knocking on someone's door (jehovah's witness) or mailing out apostate material, it all amounts to unsolicited propaganda. which puts both groups in the same boat.

    i think alot of JW's feel good after a long day out in service. I think alot of people who mail out unsolicited apostate material or even do some picketing feel good too. Feel good about themselves. I don't think "making myself feel good" should be a motive for doing anything of this nature.

    anyway, thats it. I know alot of people disagree with me, but this is just my opinion.

  • beckyboop

    Well all, this is my first "debate". I really enjoyed this topic because I wanted VERY BADLY to "do" something in the beginning myself--wear a t-shirt emblazoned with some bold saying against the WT to a convention, picket an assembly or meeting, go to a meeting and be disruptive in some clever way, print up misleading tracts using "their" covers but with revealing information inside--ANYTHING I could to make me feel empowered!

    I think it's quite normal to have the feelings of wanting to fight back for all the hurts caused by the lies and deliberate misconceptions. And if some need to do that literally--more power to them. Online forums and hotline numbers were maybe created out of a feeling like that, and look at how many people that has helped! But I do think that acts like picketing or mailing people unwanted literature are not positive and are unwanted. And maybe at times do more harm than good; because as was said earlier, who of us as witnesses ever gave them the time of day.

    But there is always the tiniest, remotest chance that SOMEONE will get curious--I'm just now realizing that I DID. I think a lot about other people (sometimes too much:)), and I can remember seeing picketers at some point (when I was in my early teens--I'm just starting to recover memories:O) and wondering "Why are they that upset to DO that?" We were always told they were "angry and bitter". Well, hell yes they were angry and bitter--they finally realized they'd been lied to! But seeing them started my THINKING process I guess all I'm trying to say is that while maybe some of the more blatant things like picketing can be more harmful; we still never know exactly to whom--even if it's only 1 person--something like that would appeal and maybe cause them to start THINKING FOR THEMSELVES!.

    Now I'll just kindly step down off the soap box and turn the mike over to....

    Thanks (esp. to Simon) for allowing us this grand opportunity to vent!


  • LB

    I always felt the picketing outside of conventions were a joke. One guy actually got up in my face and started yelling. Trust me, he made a fool of himself in front of everyone, including those studying. He might as well have been a JW pretending to be an apostate.

    In this country we do have the right to assemble, both pro and con JWs. If dubs want to gather I really don't care and I do think of the picketing as being a huge waste of time.

    But if you want to, enjoy.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • gsx1138

    You guys kidding? When I was a JW, the best part of the conventions were laughing at the "moron" apostates with picket signs. My friends and I would always walk by them laughing. Of course that was a long time ago. Now I feel no need to expend energy acknowledging their existence. But this site has been great for discussions even after all these years.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • Matty

    As per usual, everyone has put my thoughts across more eloquently than I could. It appears that picketing conventions may possibly do more harm than good. As a method of putting new people off though, it seems that it sometimes works. However, I think it can make witnesses dig themselves in deeper – “Is that what people are like when they leave the truth – they look a little nutty!” is the thought that will go though their minds. JWs are pack animals, you go to their territory, don’t expect them to listen to you – firstly they will have been charged up with a heavy dose of indoctrination, so even the ones that are normally wavering will have an extra charge of zeal; and secondly, they will have to create a good impression to their peers – so those carefully produced leaflets will go straight in the bin without being looked at. Get them on their own, and appeal to their reason and you will have more success.

    Currently, more people are leaving the organization than they ever have before. However, when I was growing up, during the time that there were massive increases, there were far more picketers at assemblies than there are now.

  • ignored_one

    Hey how about a billboard campaign? Nice advertisements for the Dateline program in prominent positions near the stadium etc? :)

    Of course the WT will now buy up every one of those billboards for the next 1000 years. ;)

    Ignored One.

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