Some Antis are just as bad as JW's

by DIM 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • searcher41

    Regarding the comments of xJW Christian websites: not all go round picketing conventions, and not all demand that those leaving JWs must believe the same way. I am a Bible-believing Christian, have been since I left the Org in 1976, but I don't really agree with picketing - I don't honestly think it has much effect except to make the JW feel that they are right "because we are being persecuted", and I don't demand that anyone visiting my site or seeking help from me should believe as I do. For me, Christianity is my life, it is 100% part of me, but I accept and feel strongly that when people come out of the JWs, or any cult (including Christian "cults"), what they need most is *freedom* to choose for themselves. They never got that freedom in the Org, some never in their lives, so it is vital that if they choose Christianity, it is **because they want to**, not because someone else wants them to.

  • ashitaka

    I think that helping family and VERY close friends out of the org should be it. Starting a website is an ok idea, but using the dub preaching theory to spout OUR beliefs as to the JW's becomes kind of phsychotic after a while. If you don't move on, you'll never progress.

    My main goal is just to find friends's been several years for me, and I'd like to start giving to people again.


  • outnfree

    Well, there are picketers, and there are...

    Here's my experience at last summer's District Convention:

    I have a few comments to make:

    1/ The message on my flyers was NOT inflammatory
    2/ I dressed like a modest sister at all times.
    3/ I posted flyers in and around the convention area and access routes. (I must admit that I toyed with the idea of going into the parking lot early each morning and putting flyers under windshields and/or not putting my windshield decals on until inside the lot and driving around during the peak hours, but I reasoned that this would be counterproductive)
    4/ I did not stand around with large signs denouncing the Watchtower
    5/ The intent was to get molested JWs and/or their families help
    6/ It's a long way into the thread above, but the intent was realized. silentlambs had a big increase in calls to the abuse hotline and hits on the website on the last day of the convention.

    My feeling is that if Jehovah's Witnesses can legally call at my home unsolicited two or three times each year trying to rope me into their cult, then I feel I have every right to legally try to get some of them help in coping with their unique JW abuse problems -- whether that be child abuse, battering, or bad blood policy -- for two or three days at their PUBLIC conventions.

    Yes, last year's actions made me feel good afterwards. There was some of that pride and smugness going on. But what made me REALLY feel good was to know that my campaign was effective.

    Actually, last year I targeted the Witnesses FOUR days. Because I once again made my vehicle a billboard and posted information about the Watchtower/UN link as they met for the special October 7 meeting. No flyers -- because I hadn't gotten permission from the civil authorities -- just riding around in the pre- and post-convention traffic to plant a seed of "Wonder if that could be true?!!! W. Lloyd Barry signed the papers????!!!!" into their heads. People deserve to know when they have been hoodwinked, IMO.

    I really think the tenor of the protest determines its effectiveness.
    Loud, disrespectful picketers hurling insults (or carrying them) will be seen, as mentioned above, as laughable and to be studiously avoided by most JWs. On the other hand, mild and respectful pointers to aid, can make a protest worthwhile. The Society's reps appeared not to have realized that the help line I was advertising was not sanctioned by the WT as they did nothing to the flyers for the first 2 days. I'm not sure the rank and file attendees ever understood that the flyers were pointing to aid that the Society considered bad.

    Anyway, I haven't yet fully formulated a plan for this year. But I will be doing something.


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • DIM

    excellent points and post outnfree, sounds like you really have a good plan and really follow through with it. I wish all protesters were like you - best wishes.

  • searcher41

    I agree with both outnfree and DIM. Picketing is not for me. When I left the JWs, in 1976, I didn't bother with them for 15 years. I needed time to let go, to heal, and to grow as my own person. After this time, I felt it was time to try to get a message across to any JW who is not afraid to listen. Mostly because I care about my family still there, but also because I care about those being abused, and those living in fear, within the organisation, who feel they have nowhere to turn.

    They do have places to turn to.

    Picketing is not for me. I respect outnfree and her actions there, I just feel I don't want to go that road. Not saying it is wrong, but that it is not right for every exJW. For me, the quiet approach works better - letting the website draw people who are searching (hence the name, TruthSearcher) and responding accordingly.

    Power to your efforts, outnfree!


  • whatsthisabout

    gsx...I never laugh at picketers...and I dont know any witnesses who see much if any humor value in it. Of course it doesn't bring down a happy day at the annual convention. Sorry but that sounds like something that typical and common group of young guys I see walking around Gate F (Qualcomm Stadium), paying more attention to the skirts than to the program.

    Spend your summer afternoon surfing! Of if you dont live by the ocean, skating, bike-riding, your choice. Talk to those who care. Everyone here is right about 99 out of 100 Witnesses never taking you seriously.

    Not all those who argue with Witnesses are "anti-witness" obvious point but maybe worth repeating. Rob Bowman isn't anti witness in fact he's pretty respectful and genuinely civil towards Witnesses. He just debates doctrine.

    Knowing something about the obvious semantics of English, I still wonder how people can just throw the word "cult" around without qualifying it. Anything can correctly be called a cult. It's just easier to call JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES a cult (repeat, a meaningless and ambiguous word) than prove them wrong biblically (though some thankfully, have taken up that task).

  • whatsthisabout

    Searcher, you mentioned "freedom to choose for themselves." No earthly organization, or individual, can take away someone's freedom to choose for themselves, even if some people try. Some Witness parents may make it difficult when a child decides to leave, but remember you cannot even be considered a JEHOVAH'S WITNESS until you show you know what you are getting into. Baptismal candidates are occasionally turned down. Holding members accountable for their actions does not take away their freedom of choice. Now, if you are talking about freedom of choice WITHOUT accountability, THEN we have a different matter on our hands.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    outandfree I was reading the thread and imagining just that - a campaign to warn the JWs to protect their children - especially since no one would know who the sexual predators were.

    It wouldn't be about the organization per se but just that some of the policies concerning the secrecy of judicial committees prevent the r&f from knowing who is not safe to leave their children with. Might make a few people keep their kids closer to them. That alone would be a good move

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • morrisamb

    Excellent, open-minded thread.

    I visit and post on this site because to an extent the posters are open-minded and not hate-oriented. If this was called Jehovah's Witness, forget it.

    My introduction to the word apostate was in the 70's when my abusive father left the Witnesses and became an apostate. He was and is unbelievable..throughout the last 26 years, 4 wives later, 4 children later, he has devoted himself to reaching Jehovah's Witnesses. Now, you couldn't find a more corupt, evil person whose trail of wreckage has devastated many lives.

    So you can understand why I don't want to identify myself with him.

    I am interested in truth, free speech, openness. If a Witness wants to ask me what I think, I tell them, are you sure you can handle it?
    But I'm never going to initiate the conversation, nor would I picket, yell, scream, attack Witnesses in any forum. All that happened to me when I was a Witness and it just convinced me I was in the true religion. Love, kindness, true Christian acts..that can move mountains...just my thoughts. I respect yours...

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