CO talk

by Fatal Error 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    As an interesting aside, just before the talk, we were studying p.271:1 to 277:15 of the Isaiah book, which was rather fitting with hindsight. All the emotional triggers well and truly flicked...

  • RedhorseWoman

    So, this explains it. I recently re-initiated contact with a JW from my original congregation with whom I had attended high school.

    Initially, she was quite friendly.....then came the invitation to the Memorial. I politely declined, offering the excuse of getting out of work too late to make it (which is true).

    All communication from her has ceased since my refusal. I didn't even get the chance to "anti-Witness" to her. (sigh)

  • BluesBrother

    Jack2 said earlier that this may be acase of a certain C O having a "Bee in his Bonnet"

    In the past that might have been true, I can recall some glorious howlers with the benefit of hindsight.

    In recent years however, the manuscripts for the service talks at a c o's visit have been laid down by the WTS and he has to stick pretty much to what they tell him to say . The style of delivery and emphasis on key words is all that may differ. Even the elders and min.servants meetings have a scripted outline during the visit,therefore deadly boring.

    Perhaps it would be worth attending the up coming visit midweek, just to see if this the case

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    The CO will be giving his final talk on sunday, so I'll take some notes this time, with any chance some more material worth discussing will come out of it.

  • Cygnus

    The CO's harsh comments reinforces my belief that 98% of Witnesses do not want to shun ANYBODY except wicked evildoers, and that they need to be threatened in order to comply with and behave in line with such directives.

  • RunningMan

    The bottom line here, is that NORMALITY IS CONTAGEOUS.

    If a JW associates with someone who is completely normal (worldly) or even partially normal (inactive), then they are in danger of contracting normality.

    Their belief system is too fragile to withstand any environment that is not completely and totally supportive. That's why they don't want you to hang around inactive ones.

  • waiting

    Hiya backatcha, Fatal!

    But the CO stated, "association above the minimum required with such ones can and will lead you away from the Truth, as the lure of wordliness will be too strong and palatable".
    Put this together with what Running Man said just above me......and think for a minute.

    Our love for Jehovah was supposed to be the strongest bond in our lives - deeper than all else. Because of deep study and love, we were supposed to be able to stay in prison for years, even decades, be mutilated, killed......and still remain loyal to God.

    But have lunch with a weak brother....and it's out the door. Invite our children over for dinner, and we'll lose our love for God. "The lure for normalacy is too great." Not the world....just to be normal, live a normal life.

    Can you imagine that you have a deep love for your wife/husband, willing to die for him (not kill them), and because you had lunch with another person - you divorced them - zip. The lure of association was too great.
    what a crock we bought. Bastards.


  • orangefatcat

    I wonder if Jesus Christ was that spiteful?

    HINDSIGHT IS 20/20

  • SloBoy

    I can just get a real visual of him, up there now, oozing with love, with one of those trademark 'you're gonna pay bigtime!' expressions. Eyes bulging, veins popping, truly a Christ-like moment. Ironic isn't it how the majority of JW's love worldly organizations(Welfare, Housing Assistance, Reduced Pay Medical Clinics) but condem the people,and most of us here condem their fecund organization yet love the people.

  • SumnerSloan

    "If a certain man has 100 sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the 99 ... and set out on a sarch for the one that is straying. And if he happens to find it, ... he rejoices more over it than over the 99 that have not strayed. ... Likewise, it is not a desirable thing with my Father ... for one of these little ones to perish." Matt. 18:12-14 (NWT)

    "We exhort you, brothers, admonish the disorderly, speak consolingly to the depressed souls, support the weak, be long-suffering toward all." 1 Th. 5:14. (NWT)

    What? Are they using a different Bible translation these days, that they have replaced the above with "Shun those who are weak or inactive"??? (1 Watchtower 1:1)

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