I mentioned the Candace Conti court case in a letter to a JW

by Xanthippe 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • OutInTheCold

    He was pretty uncomfortable when shown a 1980s Watchtower which spoke of the talk, "Millions now living MAY never die", rather than, " WILL ".

    Searcher, please provide the exact quote from the wt and cite the article. i would like to see it

  • label licker
    label licker

    I feel those that really read their bible and can see there's something wrong will hopfully follow what the bible teaches. Recently we had a snow storm and we had a lovely couple show up on our doorstep. They were here for five hours and all of us had our bibles open. They were very sincere since they use to be old order mennonite and have no tv, radio ect.. Even they could see something is wrong with the teachings that they refuse to put their faith in these goons. We'll be starting a bible study on the Law with them this week.

    We told them about the pedophiles,Candice Conti , the new doctrine which they disagree with and the new bible. He told us that an elder had studied with him and his wife and when it came to 1914, the elder skipped that part and told him it would become more clear after they get baptised. It never did and the one elder has been assigned to him to always work with them in service and noone else could work with them. I use to feel sorry for her for there were no sisters but only the one elder and another brother that would work with them. It was the same elder that would have parts at the assembly explaining about how this couple came into the truth. This couple was used as this halls mascot for the assemblies and they know it. They told us they have no one that comes to see them. So he asked if we would come over and study with him and his wife. He loves talking the bible.

    Actually, because of this site and learning what's in the new bible and doctrine, this fellow has a part coming up and he said he is going to bring up how you don't add or take away and then bring up in his talk some of the things we shared with him from here. Imagine trying different religions after being raised all your life as a mennonite just to get the boot and then try acouple of more religions and now this one. Yet, his family will never disown him accept the two that are in it. He has nine kids grown and married off. This man and his wife are eighty.

    The best thing out of this is what he said that let every man be made firm in his own mind as to what is truth and what is not. He said until they tell him what we did wrong he'll make his own decisions. He said he doesn't believe we are bad people and that we can count them as one of our friends. Why is he like this? Because he is one of the very few that read their bible and apply it. You guys would love them.

  • OutInTheCold

    anyone know when the appeal is on the Conti case?

  • smiddy

    He was pretty uncomfortable when shown a 1980s Watchtower which spoke of the talk, rather than, " WILL ". "Millions now living MAYnever die",

    OutintheCold if you use the search button at the top of the screen and type in the subject you should see that the society used both of those terms when it suited them .


  • Xanthippe

    Thanks everyone.

    Outinthecold I think the appeal in the Conti case is going on now and has been for some months. It's a slow process.


  • kurtbethel

    The irony in this is that the Watchtower has promoted the concept of 'community guilt', which is that even if you don't do anything wrong as an individual, you still carry guilt if you associate with people who do. If we accept this concept, then association with an organization that had sheltered pedophiles to the point of being legally liable would put us under community guilt, so therefore going to the Kingdom Hall is 'bad association'.

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