I mentioned the Candace Conti court case in a letter to a JW

by Xanthippe 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Xanthippe

    So as I've written about this before. An old friend of my late husband's suddenly contacted me out of the blue after over twenty years of shunning and we started writing. I didn't know why she contacted me but I thought perhaps something had happened in the organisation to make her think, which is why I came on this forum in the first place.

    She kept talking about her religion and basically 'witnessing' to me and I replied with just how long are we supposed to wait when it's been nearly 100 years since Christ came into his Kingdom. She replied with the usual comments about we're not serving Jehovah to any specific date and it wont be long now. Anyway she said it doesn't matter how long it is because we have such a moral way of life!

    Well that really pushed my buttons so I wrote about the pedophilia in the religion and Candace Conti in particular. I thought she would ditch me after that but she replied after about six months with no mention of the Conti case at all. Really the whole letter was about her JW friends and how she valued them and what wonderful loyal people they are.

    So I suppose that's what it comes down to with many long term JWs. They are presented with facts about this religion on TV, the internet, through people they meet in FS but they would prefer to stay with their friends. I was gobsmacked that she didn't mention the Conti case. Talk about the elephant in the room!

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher


    I've just said goodbye to a brother from my congregation after a 3 hour discussion. He used to be a Presiding Overseer many years ago and has done pioneering etc.

    Our discussion was based on the numerous teachings which have evolved/changed in recent years. Despite agreeing that so many things which prove the GB is wrong/corrupt, his reasoning is, "Where else can we go?".

    It is so difficult to reach those who have invested several decades of their life for "the truth" as presented by Brooklyn, even when they see blatant lies.

    He was pretty uncomfortable when shown a 1980s Watchtower which spoke of the talk, "Millions now living MAY never die", rather than, "WILL".

    Also, the falsehood about "new" scrolls in Rev. 20:12.

  • alanv

    I stayed with the org years longer than I should have because of the great social life I was having. But in the end I could no longer live a lie.


    Where else??? Remind that dude what the scriptures actually say.


  • Oh Gawd
    Oh Gawd

    My FIL does the exact same thing. He'll go off bat shit crazy, making all sorts of wild statements and then when confronted with the truth he'll go silent and never bring up the subject again. Once on the subject of the global economy collasping he litteraly covered is ears and began humming as he raced out the front door. I shit you not...lol

  • Chaserious

    Many JWs favor the ostrich approach when confronted with anything inconvenient. Burying your head in the sand and pretending it doesn't exist is really the easiest way to press on. The majority of JWs have already decided, whether consciously or not, that they are going to stay the course with the WTS no matter what. From there, it's just a matter of what needs to be ignored in order to stay the course. Ostrich, meet sand.

  • Xanthippe

    Oh Gawd that is so funny!

    Alanv yes I suppose there is a built-in social life and instant friends in this religion which is difficult to leave behind.

    The Searcher yes as DD rightly points out he's taking the scripture right out of context but also it's a bit pathetic isn't it, where else can we go?

  • Xanthippe

    Chaserious Yes I think that's what my brother and sisters have done, buried their heads in the sand. I think they have decided not to decide if you know what I mean.

  • leaving_quietly

    Also, the falsehood about "new" scrolls in Rev. 20:12

    Had a conversation with my mother about that last night. She brought it up. I couldn't let it go. I read the verses to her that talked about the scrolls (plural), then another scroll (singular) of life, and how the dead were judged out of the scrolls (plural) according to their deeds. I also showed the time frame the verses state: after the thousand years. She asked if I thought the scrolls were only about judging. I said, the verses seem to indicate that, except for just the one. She said the verses didn't say they were only for judging the dead. I said, "the verses don't say they are about anything else, and if we think that then we are adding to the prophecy." She said, 'well, you are adding to it if you think it's only about judging the dead.' I said, 'I'm just reading the verse, and it says the dead are judged from the things written in the scrolls. I'm just calling it like I see it.'

    That conversation came to an abrupt halt, but at least I was able to actually READ the verses to her to show her what they say, instead of what WT says, especially concerning the timing. Remember, WT teaches the "new scrolls" will be about how to live during the thousand years (w10 4/15 p. 11 par. 17), when the Bible clearly puts the time when these scrolls are opened after the thousand years.

  • Xanthippe

    leaving_quietly it's good that you can show your mother scriptures and talk about them. I can't imagine anyone in my family doing that. When I tried to talk about the teachings on the phone to my brother years ago he said he was only concerned with finding out if I was still alive and not destitute. He stopped being concerned about even that way back. So your family is different - good luck!

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