The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday

by cofty 2596 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat
  • sunny23

    That is the a way in which many on that day would answer your question.

    And that answer is stupid. sorry. It has already been tried here plenty.

    What Hitler did unified people all over the world of different religions. This makes Hitlers genocide morally acceptable?

    Likewise God created a planet earth with catastrophic potential to kill off millions of people/his creations throughout decades and has the power to stop it and yet doesn't because it unifies people with compassion? What a sick and twisted God, who would worship that? True love for ones children/creation would not allow pain and suffering if one had the power to prevent it even IF there were an after life. Inaction by an omnipotent God IS action. If superman stood by and watched a woman being tortured and raped for hours on end, would you still consider him a "good guy?"

    Like I've said before God creating this earth was like putting your three little kids in a minivan down a canyon road with a brick on the accelerator pedal and hoping they figure out how to avoid catastrophy. Now humans have to advance through technology to predict tsunamis and to create advanced warning systems to avoid negligent genocide from God's f***ed up machine of a planet and carelessness to display true unconditional love that the bible says he has.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    .....That answer is stuipd sorry" Sunny23.

    Well cheer up Sunny23, you were lucky and not there on that day.

    Hope your not feeling a bit cheated.

  • sunny23

    Hope your not feeling a bit cheated.

    Oh i'm happy to be alive! Never take it for granted! I can think of 250,000 people who would feel cheated if they were here to tell you though. Fortunately I was "lucky" to avoid God's carelessness but who knows, maybe one day a tornado will tople my house over me and my godly "luck" will have run out.

    Nothing to say in response to the rest of my previous post??

  • sunny23

    If there were no hell, (as you say you taught as a "christian"), who suffered? Death would end all suffering. Or are we talking about the suffering of those who survived?

    This thread appears to be more about your personal suffering on that day, than the people who died. DataDog

    DD: Getting your body slammed into trees and lightpoles, breaking bones, and then drowning over several minutes of agony is not suffering? God watched children go through that in 240fps slow motion while eating some popcorn.

    This isn't about personal suffering. Most of us here were not personally affected by the tsunami. That's not the point. 250,000 people and their families were affected. This is about them and God watching it and biblical christians inability to reconcile Gods inaction.

  • sunny23

    This thread doesn't belittle anyone's experience, it belittles biblical God. Are you implying that convincing someone that God doesn't exist belittles their experience? If anything, the view that "god doesn't care enough to act to prevent a tsunami, or he needs more children in heaven, or life on this earth matters less than in heaven," belittles the experience of tsunami family survivors EVEN MORE! Were you always atheist? I wasn't. Becoming one did not belittle any happy or sad experience I had previously experienced. How would it exactly? Are you implying too that this thread shouldn't exist unless everyone posting on it was in the tsunami or directly effected by it? That would devoid most of this entire site since most topics are hypothetical situations or discussing the experience of someone else, or of scientific inquiry.

  • jgnat

    Is a destructive or negligent god worthy of worship?

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I'd say neither jgnat.

  • Giordano

    There is obviously no real god. There were however many man made gods. There is only silence from these made up beings so we have to rely on the bad translations of that silence to make a connection.

    We could actuality use a real god, one that gives a shit about people.

    If you believe in the Christian God then you believe in his power and love and that if this god wanted to he/she could have interceded. Unfortunately this god never intercedes. All though recorded history............. nothing but OT and NT fairy tales..

    We could also ask...... why did god allow 20 million innocent people die in Hitler's concentration camps? Could not god hear their cries? Could not god smell the smoke from the crematoriums? Could not god have said 'ENOUGH'? Apparently not.

  • jgnat

    Cofty has concluded, NH&H, that if god existed and allowed such a tsunami to happen unimpeded, it is a god not worthy of worship.

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