The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday

by cofty 2596 Replies latest jw experiences

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Ruby- Are you suggesting that God did not know how to make the earth capable of supporting life without natural disasters? Or that God can't work out how to undo his work now, and is powerless to prevent these disasters from happening?
    Please be specific in saying how this relates to the topic.

  • Ruby456

    lol defender of truth - one would need to apply a truth process to each disaster for starters

  • cofty

    Kassad - The universe does not care about our existential longings for eternity.

    Why do you bother to eat a nice meal? You will only get hungry again.

    We don't find answers to the big questions by deciding in advance which answers are off limits.

    Ruby - The topic is how the god of christian theism can be reconciled with the events of 26th December 2004. Lesser gods get a free pass on account of their frailty.

  • Ruby456

    cofty in reply to your post above and regarding the god of christian theism I would argue that Heraclitus' thinking, together with stoicism, are definitely part of the rich tapestry of the god of christian theism even if nowadays some christian theists may deny this. Thats okay but on a question like this and particularly in view of what psacramento said


    a. cultiviating a sense responsibility

    b. the means, the suffering entailed in reaching the point one is at is part of what makes it worthwile)

    I don't think I am off topic.

    Another thing, the truth process that I mentioned in my post (390) in actual fact is a feature of what present day christian theism emphasizes when they want to engage with the effects of disasters and this I think would apply whether they are man-made or natural.

  • cofty

    None of which even begins to address the actual question.

    In the past few weeks you have developed an esoteric style that favours style over substance. If you could explain in simple terms how your previous post relates to why god passively observed a tsunami wipe out a quarter of a million men women an children on 26th December 2004 that would be great.

  • Ruby456

    esoteric style me? - lol. absolutely not - I am in way being esoteric although there are strands of some thinking that claims Heraclitus for their esoterism. On the other hand, cofty, labelling and categorising people does seem to be part of your rhetoric when you have reached an impasse. Why don't you just admit that you are at a loss now.

  • Viviane

    Why don't you just admit that you are at a loss now.

    Allow me to sum up. "I've got no answer, please give up Cofty lest I resume directionless ramblings".

  • Ruby456

    viv this topic has become quite fruitful if you and your charge don't mind

  • Viviane

    Looks like the ramblings continue.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    "Expressions of love are good. But then, just like suffering, if we are to experience these things and go on and disappear into nothingness in a manner in which there is no difference whether we ever existed or not, what good is there in that? These expressions of love no matter how long or fleeting they will last, will just be a joke in the end, and a cruel one at that. It doesn't matter, if we are just accidents"

    The error in this reasoning is in the unstated assumption that our life has to be permanent or have some permanent legacy in order for it to be meaningful. Stop equating meaningfulness with permanence. This is a fallacy. Life is meaningful and purposeful while you are alive. The fleeting nature of life does not make the expressions of love we experience any less enjoyable. Expressions of love do not have to be a means to some greater eternal end. They are a means to an end in this temporary life - if not an end in and of themselves.

    Life is precious and to be savored while you are alive. Make the most of the precious life you have. The purpose of your life is how you choose to live it and enjoy it. Isn't it enough that we get to experience being alive? Isn't that a tremendous treat in and of itself? Isn't it something very precious? Why waste opportunities to enjoy it fully (in a responsible way, of course) in order to follow the draconian restrictions and rules imposed by gods whose existence are wholly unproven?

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