by steve2 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hecce

    Adding to previous comments, is just a matter of location. The tie and suit preaching rules are crazy, they are portraying an image that is no longer here; to me is more of a repellent than anything else.

  • Scully

    I was reprimanded for wearing ski pants under my dress coat in the middle of January. They prefered that I wear stockings with my boots under a dress, and freeze my bum off in the bleeding cold winters that are normal in Quebec.

  • steve2

    MMXIV - very astute observation about the un-Witness-like dress code of Christ, presumably one of Jehovah's best known "Witnesses" .

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    At least in Papua New Guinea they were practical about what "publishers" could wear while engaging in field service.

    In the cities, nobody wore a tie while out in FS (although we did when attending meetings).

    The missionaries, pioneers and local Witnesses working in the rural areas (which is where 85% of the poulation lives) were very often having to rough it in the bush. They were allowed to dress in a very practical manner for the conditions - and usually did so.

    (Imagine slogging up the muddy Kokoda Track in smooth-soled shoes , let alone a three piece suit as well!)


  • Quarterback

    Scully, I do remember those cold Quebec winters. You should become a snowbird like me. Half the year I wear no tie, and sandals in FS, and the other half I wear a tie.

  • Quarterback

    Scully, I do remember those cold Quebec winters. You should become a snowbird like me. Half the year I wear no tie, and sandals in FS, and the other half I wear a tie.

  • NewYork44M

    I remember going to a meeting in Honduras, the bros giving talks had no suits, and most did not wear ties. Same for field service

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I was counseled a couple of times for leaving my top button unbuttoned while wearing a tie. It was synched tightly but for a time I had a fatter neck and some shirts were uncomfortable. He (An elder) asked another brother, an MS at the time and a close friend, “whats up with him (me)?” He told him he didn’t know. He said he never noticed. It was the same elder that got after me for not shaving while I was doing the sound box. It was barley 2 days without shaving. Some elders are more militant nazi zombies than others.

  • Richard_I

    He's informally witnessing, notice his family out for a walk. Remember, informal clothes for JWs is khakis with a polo/button down shirt tucked in pants, anything else is considered "sloppy". "Evil" people in the mags always had jeans and untucked t-shirts.

  • steve2

    Speaking of attire, has any Watchtower publication ever depicted sisters wearing trousers/or pants in any informal setting? They do stress the need for sisters to wear "well-arranged dress" for meetings and preaching. Yet, even though they show brothers in more casual attire - okay, depending on location - they have never shown sisters in trousers -ever. Very telling about what sort of patriarchal religion the Watchtower is.

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