Faders- if I can do it, you can do it too!

by dissonance_resolved 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dissonance_resolved

    Hi all- haven't posted much lately but I wanted to check in and give an update on my fade. All of the advice I've received here has been spot on so far! Thanks to all!

    Phase I is complete- I'm completely inactive, no service or meetings in a few months. I've refused to discuss my reasons with anyone, so they've been left to their own conclusions- that I'm depressed, sick, materialistic, stumbled, or whatever other negative, judgmental reasons they can come up with. With the exception of a few letters, emails, voice mails- all with no follow up- I've been left alone by the congregation and elders. The biggest hurdle was my parents- after making it clear I'm not going to meetings anymore, I invited them over for a meal and they came! We've had moderate interaction since- they aren't shunning me, but are keeping their distance, which is ok.

    So, on to phase II- getting my kids the heck out of Dodge while hopefully preserving our family intact! We are exploring moving far away- for my husband, this is merely an adventure, but for me, this is instrumental to our escape. As long as we are in the same area with family and friends, I'll always be looking over my shoulder and they will always be taking attendance at meetings and service. In a new area, with virtually no spiritual support, it will be much more likely that my husband will miss meetings, etc. We have job interviews and some promising possibilities, so I'm hopeful. My daughter is completely in cahoots with me- our goal is to be able to celebrate Christmas next year. But she understands daddy doesn't agree right now and we need to give him some time.

    I've found a good therapist, which has been essential- she gets out the box of tissues for me each week and whatever I've been going through just gets out and I move on. It's not easy, but I wonder if every JW who wanted out just felt less trapped, maybe that would be the tipping point. Just stop running on the hamster wheel, refuse to play their game and just maybe you'll get your life back!

  • love2Bworldly

    I wish you the best of luck on your move & new jobs! Sounds like a great way to start a new life.

    When I cold-turkey quit going to meetings after 9 years of being a good little JW who never missed a meeting, I had one friend who called to check on me after a month, and 1 other friend who hysterically called me because her elder father gave her a heads up that I was in trouble. No one stopped by, and no other phone calls, that was it. I wasn't surprised, since I wasn't in the "in" crowd.

  • nonjwspouse

    Sounds like you are on a very good track.

    I wish you well in this "adventure" as your husband considers it. it is an adventure into new uncharterd territoy for all of you, and wow, what an exciting time!

    All the best for you and your family and keep checking in!

  • Ding

    Glad things are going well for you.

    I hope they continue to improve!

  • zeb

    every joy and happiness to you and yours.

    We moved due to work and a couple who (I thought) we had been close to phoned once to ask someones phone number.

  • LongHairGal


    I also did it. But, I admit, it is harder with a family. Something is certainly wrong with a picture when what we describe sounds like escape from a totalitarian regime! If the JW religion was "truth" or even a good place, why would anybody have to escape?

    I have been out long enough that I do not have that feeling you describe that you are "looking over your shoulder". Isn't that pathetic to have to feel this way?

    Good luck on your continued fade and getting your life back.

  • Nice_Dream

    I hope you guys are able to move! And then you can celebrate the holidays next year without a worry. I wish you all the best on your job interviews. It sounds like you are doing well.

    My dream is to move this coming year to shed that yucky feeling of being watched. I ran into 4 JWs at Target Boxing Day, and had to hide the Christmas decorations in my cart! It would be so nice to not worry about what they would think if they did see holiday decorations.

    all the best in 2014!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    d_r... Good planning!

    Thanks for letting us know how you are.

    Love and Hugs to You and Yours,


  • happy@last

    Good to hear, all the best for 2014. Just to add, I stopped over 2 years ago and hardly had any contact from them also, until last week when the elders were suddenly interested in whether I had a Christmas tree!

  • CyrusThePersian

    I personally look at myself as an "accidental fader." When I moved to a new town I simply never went to the Kingdom Hall here. Not on purpose, I just didn't want to go. So no one, either here in my new town, or in the city I came from, is any the wiser as to my "spiritual status." I think that if you move, you could do the same.

    Just simply never go to the Hall in your new town. If you could convince your husband not to go either it will be that much easier. The local witnesses will not even know who you are. If your husband starts going to the new Hall, you may find yourself right back in the same boat with having elders "dropping by" to see why you aren't at the meetings.


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