The watchtower quoting itself as if it were scripture about weddings...

by EndofMysteries 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • search4truth

    I'm speechless !! Writer of this article must have some mental problem. Next time they could write an article about , how the newly weds should spend their first night. Spiritualy of course and don't do anything naughty!

  • Apognophos

    Good idea, search4truth! "If the groom and bride want to get their marriage off to a fine start in the eyes of Jehovah, they would do well to consider spending their first night as a married couple reading the Bible and praying aloud together, perhaps studying for the upcoming meeting. This way the 'threefold cord' is strengthened, and their vow to Jehovah, which comes first for all true Christians, is kept in its proper place."

  • rebel8

    This happened to me. I walked away years before my sister's wedding and told the elders I would never be returning to the org. I did not get dfd, nor did I da. There were no grounds to df me.

    They kept trying to get me back for a few yrs, IIRC, with pathetic moves such as assigning me talks and refusing to assign someone else. I don't know what happened at the last one--they said they weren't going to assign anyone else so there would be an awkward bit when the sister went up to the platform alone. Also inviting me out in fs. When I was inactive. Yeaaaaah.

    So anyhoo. Wedding came around. Mind you, worldly people were allowed to be in weddings at the same hall. @ some point the elders give me a message through my dub relatives that I need to come meet with them because I was seen alone in a car with a bearded man, smoking. I LOL'd. I believe the elders made up that story. So I did my bit about them not having authority over me as a non-member, and anyway it wasn't true.

    Then I just noticed bridesmaid gowns were bought and I wasn't invited to the shop. I kept asking WTH is going on and I was finally told I wasn't allowed to be in the wedding b/c of the smoking allegation.

    So they said I could not be up on the platform but I'd be escorted during the start of the procession, you know, when the mothers are escorted down the aisle. I asked who was escorting me and everyone said they didn't know. No one came to get me, so I walked down by myself. People were staring of course, at the sight of Jezebel herself being crudely treated. It was really awkward.

    And I'm sorry but I hold my sister responsible for this as well. Yes she was following window washers' fake authority, but she made a choice, not only to obey, but to do it in the most disrespectful manner.

    There was a LOT of other tension caused by the cult, and here I was a supporter and peacemaker for the bride, being treated this way.

  • search4truth

    Reading articles like this makes me mad ! Having two teenage kids growing up in this religion , I wonder what the future holds for them. I thing I should let my kids read this and many others idiotic articles about this subject ,to show them how the courtship and wedding look like in Wt land.

  • EndofMysteries

    apognophos - good ideas but they would take it even beyond the first night, they would probably say something along the lines of, "many have found it beneficial to refrain from sexual relations and instead use that valuable time for family study of the watchtower. Sexual relations should only take place when trying to conceive, but even that should be saved for until after armageddon since we are so close to the end. How happy we are to be able to refrain from such wordly desires and instead reherse service presentations with our spouse with that time as the end draws near!"

  • hamsterbait

    They have already stated that the body of Christian Litterature has "become part of the Bible (!!)" - So they can quote it with the same authority as scripture.

  • blondie

    But then the WTS says that the body of elders can make "rules" to keep order in the congregation, not requiring scriptures...

    *** lv chap. 4 pp. 48-49 Why Respect Authority? ***

    This organizational arrangement calls for each of us to be obedient and submissive. Never would we want to have the attitude of Diotrephes, who had no respect for those taking the lead in his day. (3 John 9, 10) Rather, we want to heed the words of the apostle Paul, who wrote: “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you.” (Hebrews 13:17) Some obey when they agree with the direction coming from those taking the lead but refuse to submit when they disagree with the direction or cannot see the reason for it. Keep in mind, though, that being submissive can include the idea that we obey even when we are not inclined to do so. Each of us, then, does well to ask himself, ‘Am I obedient and submissive to those taking the lead over me?’

    Of course, God’s Word does not spell out every arrangement or procedure needed to help the congregation function. Yet, the Bible does say: “Let all things take place decently and by arrangement.” (1 Corinthians 14:40) The Governing Body obeys this direction by putting in place various helpful procedures and guidelines that ensure the smooth and orderly operation of the congregation. Responsible Christian men do their part by setting an example of obedience as they put such arrangements into effect. They also show themselves “reasonable, ready to obey” those placed in oversight. (James 3:17) Thus, each group, congregation, circuit, district, and country is blessed with a united, orderly body of believers who reflect well on the happy God.—1 Corinthians 14:33; 1 Timothy 1:11.

    *** w97 8/1 p. 9 Serving Loyally With Jehovah’s Organization ***

    Serving Loyally at Bethel

    “Let all things take place decently and by arrangement.” So wrote the apostle Paul. (1 Corinthians 14:40) Paul knew that for a congregation to function, there would be a need for “arrangement,” for organization. Likewise today, the elders have to make decisions on practical matters, such as assigning congregation members to various book study locations, arranging meetings for field service, and checking territory coverage. Such arrangements may sometimes pose tests of loyalty. They are not divinely inspired commands, and they cannot meet the preferences of every individual.

    Do you find it a challenge, at times, to be loyal to some of the practical arrangements made in the Christian congregation? If so, you may find the example of Bethel to be helpful. The name Bethel, a Hebrew term meaning “House of God,” is given to all the 104 branches of the Watch Tower Society, including the U.S. headquarters. * The volunteers who live and work at Bethel complexes want these places to reflect reverence and awe for Jehovah. This requires loyalty on the part of each one.

    Visitors to Bethel often remark about the orderliness and cleanliness they see there. The workers are organized and happy; their speech and manners and even their appearance reflect mature, Bible-trained Christian consciences. All members of a Bethel family loyally adhere to the standards of God’s Word.

    In addition, the Governing Body provides them with a manual entitled Dwelling Together in Unity, which kindly sets forth some practical arrangements needed for such a large family to work well together. (Psalm 133:1) For instance, it touches on rooming, meals, hygiene, dress and grooming, and similar matters. Bethel family members loyally support and adhere to such arrangements, even when their personal preferences might lead them in another direction. They view this manual, not as a mass of cold rules and regulations, but as a set of useful guidelines designed to promote unity and harmony. Overseers are loyal in upholding these Bible-based procedures, and they use them in a positive way to build up and encourage the Bethel family to pursue their sacred Bethel service.

    *** w96 9/1 p. 20 par. 3 Living by the Law of the Christ ***

    Indeed, Christians are obligated to observe all commands in the Bible that are directed to followers of Christ. And there is more. Jehovah’s organization, as well as individual congregations, has to establish necessary rules and procedures in order to preserve good order. (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40) Why, Christians could not even meet together if they had no rules as to when, where, and how to hold such meetings! (Hebrews 10:24, 25) Cooperating with reasonable guidelines laid down by those given authority in the organization is also a part of fulfilling the law of the Christ.—Hebrews 13:17.

    *** w82 7/15 p. 21 pars. 20-22 How Do You Guide Your Life? ***

    Some rules are specifically for the congregation’s good. For instance, in the past some Christians could speak in tongues. Paul directed that only two or three of them speak on an occasion, that they take turns, and that a translator be present—rules that promoted peace and order. (1 Corinthians 14:26-33) Similarly, the elders of a congregation today might provide directions about keeping Kingdom Hall exits clear, not saving seats needlessly, or parking vehicles with consideration for neighbors and safety. Such congregational rules are not unscriptural for they have the same purpose (peace and good order) as did Paul’s advice about tongues. Related to this is the Biblical advice: “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you.” (Hebrews 13:17) Since our avoiding sins such as lying or stealing involves obedience to God, this text must refer to our obeying the elders’ guidance in congregational matters. Nor is it difficult to do so if they are not legislatively “lording it over those who are God’s inheritance.”—1 Peter 5:3.

    21 Other “rules” or ways of doing things benefit the worldwide flock. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses are asked to turn in reports on their witnessing. (Compare Acts 2:41, 42; 8:14.) A person who swings toward the extreme of individual freedom might disagree with this procedure. Yet think of the good done because those overseeing the flock have been able to know from the reports the extent to which the kingdom witness has been given, where help is needed, and when new disciples can be formed into a congregation. And have we not enjoyed reading the worldwide reports? (Ezekiel 9:11; Mark 6:30; Acts 14:21-23; 15:3; 19:1-6) Trusting that God is directing his people, we can manifest a spirit of support and cooperation.

    22 Beyond specific laws or rules, the Scriptures contain helpful principles that wise Christians may apply in order to be “faultless in their way.” (Psalm 119:1) Principles are especially helpful in attuning our conscience to God’s thinking. But what does that mean as to ‘matters of conscience’? Some have had the feeling, ‘If it is something that is up to my conscience, it is entirely a personal matter what I do.’ Let us examine the matter in the following article and learn further how we can train our conscience to get the greatest benefit from it.

    (The WTS let the BOE in one congregation allow double ear piercing for sisters (2 in each ear) and another complained. The 2 piercing BOE called headquarters and told both congregations that it was the BOE call for their own congregation not the other)

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