Christmas Field Service

by NeverKnew 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeverKnew


    Nothing was said about Christmas Field Service.

    I did note the letter that was read out loud. You can't be handicapped or in a wheelchair so in other words medically able, over a certain age, baptised and superior to other baptized, financially capable and possibly your kids have to be over a certain age to get an invitation to go to some get-together (Hawaii, maybe?).

    Criteria like that would be considered politically incorrect in my world. WTH

  • disfellowshipped1
  • disfellowshipped1
  • blondie

    My last Christmas....1984.

    New Years much earlier...waking up a non-jw on any morning is bad...after a known party night....insanity

    The guys in charge at headquarters are so removed from real life, they can imagine that non-jws be more receptive on a holiday as if they suddenly on 3 days a year they think of God.

    Why don't they stress service on Easter?

  • joe134cd

    Even when I was in I was quite vocal about this.I just thought it was plain rude, and that giving the the community 1 day a year off to have with their families, with out talking to a stranger on their door step was not a big ask. Needless to say the reply I got to that was the advantages because you always got people at home. OMG I just gave up in the end.

  • snare&racket

    We went one year to the nice part of the town, we saw all the lovely houses, all the happy householders, lots of my friends in school lived there. I was so down that morning, annoyed with my parents. It was snowy, it was cold, I was totally jealous and we had to deny it all and pretend we were happy. Utter mind screwing nonsense. Most parents were aware enough to not make their kids do Xmas day ministry. I even worked with the group overseer that day, his wife and son not out that day.

    I cant wait to have my own christmases soon, Im waiting on getting out of uni, having my own home.

    if you are a JW here, DO NOT take your kids out on xmas day, its fecking cruel. They can nod along to the line of 'we get presents all year' but the kid knows its a liE and they do feel jeslous. It is not a nice thing to do...amongst all the other horrid JW restrictions.

  • LongHairGal


    I never believed in field service on holidays and after being coerced into doing it in the very early days, I vowed to never do it again.

    I always felt it was a deliberate attempt to be "in the face" of the public and to just simply be annoying.

    I don't blame people for being annoyed at JWs coming to their door. Hey, this is their holiday and they deserve to be left alone.

  • NeverKnew

    I have to admit, I believe that everyone in the congregation knows I'm a "visitor" despite my going quite a few times. I'm also not shy when it comes to expressing my disdain for speaking disrespectfully about other denominations to any within hearing range. I wondered if they'd speak of an intentional disrespect given my statements to various members.

    Christmas wasn't mentioned once.

  • Shador

    Yep, it still goes on. Usually 10 a.m. on holidays.

    I never go (hell, I barely go in field circus at all - making up numbers to write on a piece of paper is much easier).

  • 20yearfader

    lol outlaw man i love your post

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