A bona fide Circuit Overseer endorses jw.net!

by abiather 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gayle

    Ask him if it's our moral responsibility to tell other workers that the scaffolding is unsound and people are dying. Or do we simply watch out for ourselves?

  • adamah

    I was talking to the members of the GB, and they agree with this CO, so there!

    Holy Hades, anyone can make an unsubstantiated claim, but it's utterly absurd to put any weight in what you read on a forum, since we all know that people can make any ol' claim they want; and without a name of this supposed source and verifying that it actually happened, such "hearsay" is just as useless as someone who claims God whispers secrets in their ears....

  • humbled

    I can build my house on sand?

  • nowwhat?

    right off the bat, i have a hard time believing this is legitimate.

  • Londo111

    Whether this is true or not…

    As a JW, I had to believe as I was instructed and didn’t see as any option. I had no freedom of conscience or beliefs. I could not pick my own “scaffolding”. Besides, this “scaffolding” is reinforced by extreme punishment.

    Because JWs are misled by this “scaffolding”, people have died for refusing certain medical treatments, families and friendships have been destroyed because of shunning, as this has led to extreme pain, and even suicide. Because being misled, many have forgone education, jobs, and so forth.

    If I find the “scaffolding” to be false, why should I be discreet about it? Why should I have to watch what I say, and to whom I say it in order to prevent a witch-hunt?


    In the meantime he is continuing to live a lie and a pretense. Also, the fact that he remains in a position of authority influences others to remain part of the organization, an organiztion he apparently knows to be filled with contradictions and false teachings.

    This is just wrong

    This is also me... I confess. I keep telling myself its for my family that I stay. However it is really out of fear and cowardice.

  • adamah

    XBEHERE said-

    This is also me... I confess. I keep telling myself its for my family that I stay. However it is really out of fear and cowardice.

    Well, that's a step in the right direction, since you cannot address a situation if you're still in denial.

    Fact is, the organization doesn't really care if you understand WHY you stay, or that you've figured out the dynamic of using your own family members against you as subservient enforcers of their policies: it doesn't matter whether you figure it out or not, just as long as you don't actually summon the courage to actually seek your (and your families) freedom.


  • TD
    "Its teachings are like scaffolding for a new building. Let the scaffolding be of any make—metal, wooden, mixed or sub-standard! It does serve a purpose despite its contradictions.”

    To take his analogy and run with it, sub-standard scaffolding costs lives. Scaffolding safety/quality can't be casually relegated to a non-issue.

  • confusedandalone

    This guy must really like you... because if you decided to tell someone he said this dude is FINITO

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