What are you doing on Christmas day?

by Jen1 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xanthippe

    I am going to a country pub with my daughter and her grandparents for a traditional Xmas lunch. Apart from my daughter who has ordered vegetarian. Should be fun, I've always wanted to go out for Xmas lunch, no cooking, no washing up.

  • valkyrie

    I need to decide today: I will have a solo-'Christmas' (no festivities, just the time off), and am considering a spa hotel in Prague.

    Mmm... Czech beer and hearty foods!

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    My daughter and I are packing meals for nohungerholiday.com the day before and hopefully serving at a soup kitchen on Xmas. Still making calls to find one. One of our new traditions for first time Xmas. Then, we'll watch holiday movies :)

  • Phizzy

    We are only seven at table this year, we have got off light ! (We may add one or two, I think one lady I know may be on her own that day so she gets an invite, her boyfriend still has a wife, complicated !)

    All five guests have never been JW's and they know how to Party !

    Small prezzies for the guests, lots of food, Turkey and Pork (Kosher Pork of course), and lots of nice Dwinkies !

    Y'all have a GREAT Christmas, Ya Heah ?

  • Lozhasleft

    Wishing you all gathering with CantLeave and Nugget a very happy Christmas! I will be with (hubby's) family, but things are quietly improving with my own which has really gladdened my heart this year.

    Loz x

  • cantleave

    Loz - I am glad things are improving for you. Have a good one

  • blondie

    We are celebrating on December 22...we'll be on the road after that.


    Hashbrown casserole

    Cranberry sauce

    Green beans

    mixed salad with French dressing

    (sweet potato casserole, maybe)


    Cherry and apple pies

    There's a good chance we will have a blizzard so we are set for that.

    Happy Christmas

    Frohe Weihnachten

    To all

    Blondie and Irreverent

  • KateWild

    Loz, thank you. I hope things continue to improve with your family too.

    We are all packed up ready to leave. I will fill up the car with petrol tonight and we are all set and ready. I feel like we are now part of a new cong with this x-JW community. We are so excited with our plans and new circle of friends.

    Love Sam xx

  • cantleave

    That sounds like a great lunch Blondie - BTW, got your card thanks

  • quellycatface

    Hi Guys. I am at home for the day with my son as my husband is working. He finishes at 5pm when the festivities will start. Some nice sparkling wine, nibbles and cosy time. Not sure whether to cook the full traditional Christmas dinner or have a bit of Greek lamb. Oh,, decisions!!!!

    I hope you all have a lovely peaceful time whatever and whoever you are with.

    Love QCF x

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