Please allow me to apologise.

by quellycatface 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    No need to apologize. What you're going through is what this forum is about. The anger will come and go. Sadness will come and go.

    From my experience, these begin to fade as you get on with your life in the direction that you want to take it. But since I can't recover all those years and all that work wasted in WT, there will always be some anger, sadness, and hurt that goes with it.

  • Phizzy

    I think the real fiery anger stage does go, but I do not think we should totally put the fire out. We need to be prepared to attack the W.T wherever we can, to save others the heartache and pain we have experienced.

    It is all so very frustrating, that this false "religion" is such a monolith that we as individuals can do nothing about it, and that we can never get back our stolen childhoods, the later stolen years, and quite often our families who are still captive.

    It is enough to make a Saint swear, so F and Blind away, you will not offend me, Phizzy of the Potty-Mouth Class, nor anyone else here.

    (Just be aware of posting guidelines, below, and use F**k and S**t and *!@*!!**^?!! etc, we all know what you mean, well, except, WTF was that last one ?)

  • steve2

    I have been so terribly, teribly shocked and offended that I cannot even begin to compose a response...Oh hell! I just have. Join the club.

  • fulltimestudent

    Don't worry about being 'deceived' QCF (grin), think of the hundreds of millions of poor buggers around the world, who are still deceived by the whole christian thingie.

    Which brand of Christian deception is not the important fakery - its the complete deal that's a worry.

  • Lozhasleft

    Anger is good. Part of the grieving process. Forgivable here cos it's an unconditional forum (except for the basic rules). We've all been there and wish you well. And by the way my hubby says there are no other words better for making the point lol.

    Loz x

  • jgnat

    Hubby is slowly exiting without admitting it. His language is getting ever more colourful. I caught myself asking him to tone it down. See? I gotta be careful what I ask for. I've got a cranky guy on my hands. He's having a harder and harder time pretending he likes it, but can't admit he's many years of his life?

  • Honesty

    Most of us went ballistic when we found out that we had been bamboozled by the Jehovah's Witness false teachers.

    As I tell nonJW who see JW apologists on other boards lashing out at the messengers who show them direct quotes from the Watchtower Society, "Sure they are mad as hell. Who wouldn't be when you have been told all your life that some anonymous writers in New York speak for God and if you don't accept what they say you are going to have to be destroyed."

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Doesn't it feel great, to finally be aware of your own mind, and be free to speak it? :)

    jgnat: in the words of our bible study conductor, "How does it feel to realize you've been lied to your whole life?"

    No wonder there are so many angry JW's out there... it is wonderful to find a place where self-expression is encouraged!

  • whathappened

    Jonathan: great news!

    QCF: I am very angry alsoATM my wasted life. I spent the foerst 57 years of my life in the cult. I feel better when I warn everyone I can about Jehovah's Witnesses. I never let an opportunityto by without telling everyone I can, everyone, about the shunning, the blood doctrine, and the other BS. No one I work with will ever become a JW I assure you. That makes me feel a bit better.

  • humbled

    Not the least bit offended, QuellyCaF. Being angry and frustrated--sad-- to the point of speechlessness is the worst. We have to talk. Sometimes @#$%^& is about all I could/can manage.

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