
by Brother Mike 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brother Mike
    Brother Mike

    Does anyone know why people say as JWs you can't have guns. I've asked people at the hall and they say JWs aren't supposed to have guns. I asked them why, and they all say just because we're not supposed to. The logic in that huh. Will anyway does anyone have the answer? It's too hard to get an actual answer from fellow JWs.


    Brother Michael

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    I'm not sure sure who told you that but where I live tons of JW's have guns.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Ditto on the guns here!

    Majority of the JWs I know are avid hunters.

    Hunting trips give them the opportunity to get away from the meetings and their bitchy wives.



    ...............Guns here Too!...........................JW`s need Guns to Hunt..

    ............................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Officially, WT just prohibited JWs from taking jobs where they would be required to carry firearms like police or armed security. It was because of the possiblity for bloodguilt.

    Lots of opinions would drift through the congregation. I knew plenty of JWs that had guns and hunted. But they would never mention it to the CO unless they were sure he wouldn't freak out and make an issue of it. I knew of other congregations where the general view was the JWs should not possess firearms at all. For the conflicting opinions, they'd pick-and-choose scriptures and WT quotes to support their side.

  • sir82

    It depends largely on the attitude of the local BOE.

    Official JW stance is that guns are only OK if used for hunting.

    Guns for the purpose of self-protection would be frowned upon. If you had "privileges of service" and admitted to owning a firearm for self-protetction, you'd probably be removed from that "privilege of service".

    If you actively advocated others to get firearms for self-protection, they could DF you for "brazen conduct" (publicly advocating something the WTS disapproves of).

    Scritpural reason would be something along the lines of "beating swords into plowshares" and "those who live by the sword die by the sword".

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Where I live, guns don't seems to be a problem.

    And I live in the NYC metro area!

  • KateWild


    Here in the UK, where the average Joe cannot even look at a gun for sale, JW kids aren't allowed toy guns and swords. Just shows how different things are.

    JWs united my bum

    Kate xx

  • sir82

    Yeah probably should have mentioned, my comments are based on my experience in the USA.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Both my father and his best friend (CO) have concealed carry permits and carry in service. My dad is never without his sidearm. KH and all. We always had guns growing up, hunted, went to the range and learned tactical self defense with every sort of legal fire arm imaginable.

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