Do you look like the apostate they warned you about?

by Angus Beef 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Terry

    I'm so normal-looking I make JW's look rough-edged!

  • Angus Beef
    Angus Beef

    There needs to be a "like" button~! Cus the Village Pic would be one I'd "like".

    We are normal. I know ones who left the turth over the years I was active... they actually look happier now.

  • Terry

    I've been to several so-called APOSTAFESTS and the people who show up are amazingly normal.

    I say "amazingly" because--I actually expected something tainted. Isn't that sad? I did it myself! I stereotyped before meeting them.

    I'm forever amazed in meeting somebody from the group here. They are always the nices of people!

    I like them way better than JW's I knew.

  • wallsofjericho


    i'm on the platform giving talks and placing magazines out in service right beside them as I plant seeds of TTATT

    2 JW's have left with my help. Now if only I could leave :(

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Thats funny. Because i told my kids just this morning driving them to school. "I'm that guy your grandma and your mom warned you about. I'm that guy they told you to get away from. I'm that guy who will help you do anything you want in this world. See anything you want in this world. Meet talk to and break bread with anyone you want in this world. I'm that guy who will help you be a social animal and have more friends than you ever imagined. I'm the guy who will help you play, do , think, say, and experience anything you want in this world. I'm that guy. The guy that your grandma and your mom is so afraid of. Be very afraid...."

  • rmt1

    Apo means against. Sto means stand. The GB continue to harvest centrality, relevance, context, reinforcement, and numbers from people who are ex-JWs who still answer to the GB's leash, """"apostate"""". The operative conceit is that whatever it is that an apostate is standing against is the very Ptolemaic, entrenched, inextractable center and origin of the coordinates or references of all reality. It is you and you alone that decide what is central in your context and your universe. The JW concentration camp experience may be a driving origin for born-ins, but that does not make the teaching, the doctrine, the interpretation, the philosophy, center to anything. It is a spun-off suite of ideas from the late 19th century.

  • transhuman68

    LOL, there are no apostates from this religion- just normal people leaving and doing what they really want to do- and being free from a religious system of petty rules. A lot of the older Witnesses know it is just a social club anyway- there is absolutely no basis for any of the Watchtower beliefs.

  • designs

    Long haired hippie with an amazing amount of knowledge

  • DesirousOfChange

    I feel the zeal I had going in almost the same way now, wanting out! I want to tell my family I lost years ago that I'm out. Will this calm down? What am I in for? Is there going to be a grief cycle like divorce, or death: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, depression, guilt, obsession, & then acceptance?

    You got it exactly right.

    Prepare for one hell of an emotional roller-coaster ride!

    Good luck,


  • Wozwozza

    The word apostate is used by JW's like people who go into a rant at someone with abusive labels trying to manipulate them and gaining power over them.

    Just don't give into it ,be content with what you now believe

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