Love is a stupid bunch of chemicals released to ensure that we have kids

by usualusername 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • unstopableravens

    cofty: sometimes i do, sometimes i dont. depends how busy i am at work, if i can i like to read replys first. maybe next time ill just pm to see what the real answer is th

  • unstopableravens

    en i can reply:)

  • Apognophos

    Of course all love, whether romantic or not, is a mechanism for passing on genes. What else could it be? Emotional attachments strengthen the solidarity of a tribe or family unit and make it more likely to pass on its genes and multiply.

    That doesn't mean we can't enjoy the chemical rush. Otherwise why eat good food, listen to music, make love, or go on nature walks? Understanding why something happens doesn't make it unenjoyable if you let yourself get lost in the moment. And really, since these things are healthy for us, it would be unwise to over-intellectualize them and lose the benefits they provide.

    So while I agree with the factual element of the OP, I don't understand the use of the word "stupid". The chemicals are a good idea and they are released under very specific and carefully-refined circumstances. It's quite an interesting subject to me, actually.

  • adamah

    Usualusername said-

    What do you think love is?

    All emotions are mediated by neurotransmitters in the brain: why does that make it "stupid"? Do you also find that understanding how an internal combustion engine works to propel a car down the road (that is, assuming you DO understand it) rob your enjoyment of driving a car? Odd, as understanding that stuff actually increases my enjoyment of the experience, since it's not just some mysterious magical event.

    But you asked the question, so I'm curious to hear how a believer explains what love is?

    (no fair saying "God is love": that's a meaningless non-answer.)

  • Vidiot
  • PelicanBeach

    Love is an attachment. It comes in various forms and is expressed differently in each.

  • Vidiot
  • Vidiot
  • Apognophos

    If we're just going to post songs about love, then this one is deeper than anything I can say on the subject:

  • Xanthippe

    We are more than our genes, hormones and brain chemistry. It's difficult at first to accept that we evolved, that we are animals. Try being pregnant and giving birth! I think we have surpassed being just apes, well most of us have! We don't just survive at all costs, we look after the sick, the elderly, the disabled. I even believe in altruism, that we don't just help others out of enlightened self-interest or to stop ourselves feeling guilty. Humans have developed genuine compassion. What we have become as humans should make us all proud I believe, not sad because of where we came from. I am much happier knowing the truth than being told once we were perfect and we lost it all.

    What do I think love is, Usualusername? Well of course a great deal of sexual love is hormonal. That's why all the colours are brighter and everything is more beautiful when we are in love. There are a lot of chemicals sloshing around our brains to make us feel that way. The whole point is to make babies, obviously, but what about when those chemicals are no longer around and people stay together for decades, perhaps half a century taking care of each other? Looking after their children together. That's love.

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