Governing Body humility: crapping their pants and admitting it stinks

by Terry 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    We've all heard the old saying:

    Any job worth doing is worth doing right the first time.

    But, this would not seem to apply in the only organization on earth claiming to be solely guided by Jehovah!

    Let's take a look at this.

    In the Watchtower Society, the Governing Body gathers in a board room and prays, discusses and votes.

    Presumably the prayer invokes holy spirit of Jehovah. Jesus promised "wherever two or more are gathered, there am I also."

    So, the Governing Body has the benefit of Jehovah, Jesus and holy spirit in getting the Truth correctly worked out BEFORE it is:

    1.Sent to the writing committee

    2.Written, proofread, approved

    3.Published, distributed

    4.Taken door to door

    5.Preached, explained, believed and defended.

    Oh--we left out a step!


    Yes, neither the Governing Body nor Jehovah, Jesus, holy spirit get it right the first time!!

    Amazing, isn't it?

    What are the possible rational and logical reasons for this error which needs correcting?

    Can publishing, teaching and defending doctrinal errors really be okay in "the only TRUE religion"?

    Jehovah's witless claim God corrects them.

    Jehovah's witless claim the willingness to change is humility.

    NOT SO.

    Getting the "truth" right would be the very least we'd expect of a holy spirit directed organization.

    Crapping your pants and admitting it stinks is NOT humility!

    1.Error is taught, believed and defended as TRUTH and used to refute false religion's own errors! ?!?

    2. Error used to refute error destroys the credibility of the organization getting it wrong and then claiming to finally get it right.

    3. God is not the author of confusion and yet what could be more confusing than being "in the Truth" and being wrong ?

    4.Stumbling the "little ones" carries a heavy responsibility and what could be more stumbling than wrong Truth?

    Obviously, something is wrong with such an explanation for Jehovah's organization having a history of changed doctrines.



    Perhaps, JW's should accept the fact the best they can claim at any point is that they possess the "EVENTUAL TRUTH"?

    By viewing all other religions as "false" Jehovah's Witnesses are in a real pickle semantically.


    For centuries "False religion" taught the meaning of Romans 13:1 "Superior Authorities" were human fleshly rulers of nations.

    The "True relgion" of Jehovah's Witnesses refuted this teaching by claiming "Superior Authorities" were Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.

    A stand of NEUTRALITY by JW's led many to suffer persecution, imprisonment and even death all becaue of this "pure" doctrinal explanation.

    Only one problem! This "pure" interpretation had to be CHANGED!

    Changed? To what?

    To "false religion's" centuries long understanding! False relgion was RIGHT and true religion was WRONG!


    Jehovah (apparently) corrected them.


    How did this happen?

    1.Jehovah apparently allowed His only "true" religion to make a fool of Him and themselves

    2.Jehovah allowed faithful believers to teach wrong understanding as though it were true

    3.Jehovah decided it was time (eventually) to jump out and yell "Surprise--Christendom got it right and you are wrong"!

    4.The brothers and sisters who suffered persecution were, um, uh..."tested" and garnered publicity for the Watchtower Society.

    EVENTUAL TRUTH may look to the untrained eye a lot like human stupidity and hubris, fumbling ineptitude, confusion and disorganized thinking.

    But, no---

    it is Jehovah's way of guiding His people, alas.....

  • eyeuse2badub

    Spot on Terry;

    You have articulated, pretty much verbatim, the discussion I had with my, still active, JW wife about 5 years ago. I asked her "How can we glorify God when we preach things that are not TRUTH?"

    I also went through the Vietnam War fiasco in the late 60's. Did no prison time but was sentenced to 2 years hospital work and 5 years probation. I lived in the LA area at the time and many of the brothers were starting to receive hospital sentences down there.

    I have been a JW since I was 4yo and am now 67. Went inactive about 5 years ago but checked out mentally after 1995 generation change. Many of my JW friends are "concerned" about me not being active any longer. When they try to appeal to me by saying, "But Steve, you were raised in the TRUTH (tm)." I just reply: "No, I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness." Just saying!


  • Phizzy

    "No, I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness." It would be courageous to add :

    "Whose "truth" is ever changing"

  • Finkelstein

    Well said Terry , the only truth the WTS. holds within itself is that it is indulgently corrupt,

    run by self serving ignorant power seeking men (alone) fully endeavored to support the inherent

    corruption of this publishing organization of which it represents.

  • TTATTelder

    Good post Terry.

    I have been thinking lately about the scripture at Heb. 6:18 where it is says "it is impossible for God to lie".

    When this scripture is considered alongside the subject of "old light", it is hard to defend the GB.

    Would the holy spirit (which is God's active force) guide the FDS/GB to come up with, debate over, pray over, send to writing dept, proofread, pray some more, edit, approve, and print millions of copies of, preach, and defend- A LIE ?!!

    Certainly, God's holy spirit cannot lie if the God it is coming from cannot lie.

    Then you consider the shunning policies, the apostate labelings, and all of the judgement that will be thrown around with not a small amount of self-righteousness in the defense of these lies; and the fact that these lies will be forced on millions of helpless "sheep" that Jesus (as head of the congregation) cares so deeply for according to the scriptures.

    You have to answer this question - Who lied????? (somebody did)

    Where did the stuff come from?

    And that whole "they are just imperfect men" excuse doesn't hold water. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you speak for God (who cannot lie) and are directed by His Holy Spirit (which cannot lie) or you are imperfect men trying to find your way in a dark room. You can't be both at the same time and you can't be one yesterday and the other today.

    I also have to ask this: Doesn't the claim to be spirit-directed and to be Jehovah's organization, to only turn around and spread falsehood, actually indirectly call God a liar?

    Oh what web we weave.

    ** Same points as the Terry's OP - just wanted to rant.

  • Terry

    I have been thinking lately how accurate it might be to change the idiom within this religion from:




  • designs

    Its kind of like Skeet shooting.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I thought I was in the "TRUTH" (tm), but I was really in the "GUESS" (nulite tm). Just saying!


  • Ding

    When humble people are wrong, they are able to say, "Please forgive me. I was wrong."

    When has the GB ever done that?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    No other religion goes around exclaiming that it is the truth (the Truth) so often. Truth changes all the time. Any reader is invited to check the history of Jehovha's Witnesses.

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