Today's Daily Text is a Convoluted Mess

by TTATTelder 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I stopped reading the text a couple of years ago.


  • jgnat

    I'm a fan of Solomon. After solving a sticky custody battle, what's he to do next? Figure out what really matters in this world, that's what. The result is Ecclesiastes. I've watched pastors stumble through that book trying to reconcile it to the rest of the bible. Fun job, that. To fully explore his subject, Solomon indulged in a period of rank hedonism. All in the interest of scientific inquiry, of course. His conclusion? People are happiest when they pursue the work they are good at. Here on earth. For the short time they've got.

    Being an "Unbelieving Mate" myself, I have a lot of sympathy for his later romantic alliances. I blame the priesthood to follow for casting a shadow on the twilight of his reign. I think those wives did influence him to egalitarianism, which was lost on the generation to come.

    In the end, Solomon was right. The best a man can do is enjoy his work for the short time he has, as he has no control over what his children will do with his legacy.

  • Simon

    That's the beauty of the bible, you can make it say whatever you want - a gospel of love or a message of hate and doom.

    Or, to those with a brain, just a jumbled collection of crappy xenophobic rants written by a male dominated scoiety that should now be ignored.

  • BU2B

    This is standard cult mind control at work. Quote a scripture, make unrelated unconnected links to behaviors the leaders of the WTS does not want its drones doing, such as marrying a non JW or even more crazy, linking the scripture to not engaging in school sports or clubs. Just another example of the GB taking from the members and delivering nothing in return.

    They make the scripture say something it does not, yet now they have an aura of divine authority because the counsel was "bible based".

    The Jerimiah book almost entirely consisted of this method.

  • pixel

    Well said BU2B.

  • Legacy

    @ Terry, & All

    "The text, as it is, gives one the impression you can get away with something.

    And guess what? You CAN!: &&&& This is why you can...Eccl 3:1-8:

    There is an appointed time for everything, A time for every activity under the heavens: 2 A time for birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what was planted; 3 A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up; 4 A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to wail and a time to dance;* 5 A time to throw stones away and a time to gather stones together; A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 A time to search and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep and a time to throw away; 7 A time to rip apart+ and a time to sew together; A time to be silent+ and a time to speak;+ 8 A time to love and a time to hate;+ A time for war and a time for peace.

    What this scripture really says, is...YOU CAN DO ANYTHING & EVERYTHING...WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT...& if the JW police don't get you. The daily text are to keep you mind in control ....DAILY...more information, to make a JW think more highly of themselves. Today's text is about...keeping your entire being with God, your entire life/heart should be on & with God. Don't marry anyone that isn't God fearing or a JW, that's the moral of the story. Don't be like Solomon, he was good 'til he started messing with women who were not God fearing...


  • adamah

    The Bible even relates that God granted his request for wisdom

    Redvip says- Well isn't that wonderful.. God made a special allowance to let a human be wise. You can't make up this stuff... I mean.. to think that God wouldn't simply make humans as wise as possible.

    I always felt that the mention of Solomon's request for wisdom (in a dream where Jehovah appeared, and asked him what he wanted more than anything) was to create a contrast with Eve's THEFT of God's magic wisdom-bestowing fruit, as if God actually wants to play a game of "Mother, May I?" with his creations.

    jgnat said- To fully explore his subject, Solomon indulged in a period of rank hedonism.

    Heck, Jehovah granted him great wisdom, so who are we to argue with the "Wise" King Solomon? Let the "clothing optional" party on JWN commence at once!

    Most believers feel they would become amoral rapists and hedonists without God in their lives, which is really an insult to themselves, since it's a statement about their own lack of self-regulation and stunted morality which religion belief tends to foster (esp after their pastors repeatedly tell them how atheists are filled with hopelessness and lacking any meaning in their lives, with nothing to live for). It would be funny if the characterture weren't so slanderous, a fabrication that is dangerous when it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in the minds of those believers who "lose their faith".

    Legacy said-

    "The text, as it is, gives one the impression you can get away with something. And guess what? You CAN!: &&&& This is why you can...Eccl 3:1-8:

    Of course, you and I know that you can get away with it AS LONG as the elders and GB say it's the 'proper time', since only they are allowed to 'tell time'.

  • prologos

    This text, comment like all are taken from a previous WT study article from 2011 December 15.the moral, if you are at the top, by inheritance, you can ignore the rules, but it may catch up with you.

    Pick any of the time line slice of Solomon to make point.

    don't come like the queen of sheeba, bearing gifts.

  • Gayle

    wow,,that's a good example how the WT scrambles their rank & file brains and why they quit thinking altogether.

    Now, for us, to unscramble scrambled eggs!

  • steve2

    What Bill Clinton got away with (and was thereafter granted "wisdom"), the janitor never could; they'd be down the toilet, lack of wisdom and all. That's Scripture for you. It's a cruel and unfair world.

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