Father of four quits job after attending Annual Meeting

by confusedandalone 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Simon

    Cute kids, hope they get to experience freedom and live a happy life when they grow up and their parents don't manage to screw up their future too much.

  • KateWild


    Snap!!!!! I can resonate with you totally. Great minds think alike see my thread below.


    I just think he hated his job, and wanted a new one, which he got. But the way he manipulates his choices to give credit to Jehovah is appauling. When he quit, he did not IMO apply Matt 7.12.

    CAA, it's cool we think the same, must be the ASD

    Kate xx

  • scotoma

    Little Phineas should get a toy spear to play with. That way when he grows up and becomes an elder he will be ready to start stabbing people in their genitals.

    With all the Bible names, why pick such a dispicable character. Kids are influenced by their names.

  • satinka

    • "We cannot succeed on our own"...??? Teaching co-dependence with a religion or what?! Don't these people have a conscience to guide them?
    • Little robot kids, being commanded, "S-M-I-L-E!"
    • Constant "happy jw songs" to lull theie minds to sleepy, brainwashed, conditioned human shells. I wonder if the music is "back-masked" for quicker indoctriniation.
    • So, the father is being really responsible in providing well for his family ... by quitting his job? "Food stamps for six, please!" Oh, boy oh boy! Kraft dinners for the rest of their lives!
    • That poor mom is heading for burnout.

    So sad.


  • NewYork44M

    I see a sad family at a very low social-economic level with very little hope of ever rising above their poverty. Especially after quiting a job. But can you blame him, he has a sucky job that probably does not pay much, he comes home to a wife who is doing her best but is highly stressed and want to share her frustration - I am sure he is thinking "man, there has to be more to life than this." And then along come jehovah...

    If they figure out the "jehovah protects us" thing, I want them to let me know. I wish them the best, but please I hope they don't expect me to watch another of their videos.

  • Powerful1

    The music was so insane....I now realized why we were brainwashed. It's like Disney music.

  • AlphaMan

    When I was in and a young elder raising a family, I had a very good job with great benefits & savings plan. However, it was a rotating shift, so I had to miss one of each meeting a month, besides the meetings I missed when I would work ovetime. Perhaps if I would have listened and obeyed and quit a good job that caused me to miss meetings, I would still be in and be blessed. Me leaving had nothing to do with the bat-shit crazy dysfunction in the religion, or the 1995 generation change. Yep....must have been materialism and not relying on Jehovah to provide for my young family.

  • wasblind

    Well, when they run outta money for toilet paper they can always go green and snatch leaves from a tree

    Who say's Jehovah don't provide


  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    I guarantee you, and I hate to say this or even feel this way, but, this family is probably the biggest pain in the butt for the elder body in whatever congregation they attend. Quitting his job while having a non-working wife and four little mouths to feed aside, any JW that goes on YouTube at this magnitude, I mean with that much effort put into a smug self-serving video......says volumes about them. Again, I feel bad saying this, but if ever there where a JW couple with obvious "issues", these two fit the criteria. I can only imagine being an elder on that body once they became aware of this video. Imagine being in the same field service group as this family? Imagine being their field service group overseer? Imagine having to be one of the two elders selected or who volunteer to discuss this video with the couple? Funny thing is the elder body was likely a catalyst for this debacle, and to some degree unknowingly. They probably "encouraged" the husband to be more regular at the meetings, take the spiritual lead in the family as the head of the household, etc.. That kind of counsel can't be given to couples like these two. It's irresponsible. Weirdos. I give it 10 years before multiple things go awry within this family that affects their standing in the congregation. Whether that be husband goes inactive, leaves the wife, they switch in and out between multiple congregations because they felt they were treated poorly, etc.. It's a given at least two of those kids, maybe even three according to the PEW Survey results, leaves the religion.

    Cute kids though.

  • Watkins

    How can any family man justify/rationalize this?! Ca-ra-zy. Did the wt leave 1 Timothy 5:8 out of their new 'silver sword'?

    But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.


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