best sermon of all time

by unstopableravens 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    It can be done without all the shouting and manufactured emotionalism.

  • unstopableravens

    cofty: maybe you see him shouting, i dont see him shouting. he is very passonite. either way he is no charlelton. i did get a chance onetime to talk with him on the phone. very nice guy.

  • fulltimestudent

    UR - it free and yet cost everything,

    Precisely the problem, to be a footstep follower requires selling your belongings and giving to the poor (in what way not actually specified). In JW talks the example of Jesus was often used to encourage pioneering.

    There is not an iota of proof that Christianity has benefited the world anymore than say Buddhism.

    sadly with the wt being a counterfiet is not really concerned about it follwers and the followers suffer. and in some cases with money.

    But isn't that the case across the whole spectrum of the different brands of Christianity?

    How do you (as an example) divest yourself of your belongings?

    Or, if you prefer tell us how your church (I assume you think it is the true church) assists its members to follow full-time (i.e. with complete lives) in the footsteps of Jesus?

    Have you read of the sacrifices made by monks in the early church (from say the third century forward)?

    They did so to "attain the full reward." Which is precisely why I spent so many years attempting to be a footstep follower of Jesus.

    You say I was deceived by a 'counterfeit' religion and I wasted my time.

    I say, the whole religion in all its various manifestations (brands), is fake (counterfeit).And, anything you do in it/for it is a WASTE OF YOUR TIME!

  • unstopableravens

    full great questions, im about to eat dinner, and when im done i will answer.

  • love2Bworldly

    I only listened to a few words & had to turn it off. I threw up in my mouth ughhhhhhhhhhh

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    why are comments always disabled on youtube videos from evangelical christians and fundamentalist muslims? JWs have more guts.

  • unstopableravens

    hey full, i really think you put alot of thought into your questions.first i want to make this differance be made, jw believe they are the true religion ,it is about membership in a religion and not really about one on one with god. in other words if salvation was one on one with god than you would not have to join the wt, to have a relationship with god. hence the wt becomes a mediator for a jw. that is not so with christains such as mr lawson who teaches that salvation is doing busness with god one on one and membership to a church is not how a person has salvation. this is important when discussing how to live as a disciple. as a jw does all gives up collage etc for the org. all the while thinking they are paying or working for salvation.while the christain is doing all things for christ and and the attitute i have is all i have is his,and i should use my resources whatever they are to his purpose. as far as my church, to today in the morning service so brothers did a slide show showing the work that is happening in other countries with the ministries we have been apart of one is called churches and villiages together. at our church we are always encourged to live not for ourselves but for christ. it is true that many ppl sacrifice many things for thier beliefs, i think of terroist who give the ultimite thier lives for what they believe in. and other who think you have to be dirt poor. and both are extermes in my humble opinion.

  • unstopableravens

    love to be worldly: people who are sick can say the same thing about the very medicine they need.

  • unstopableravens

    jh: on this one it is ,but others have comments open on the same sermon. i dont know why cant speak for who ever downloaded it to youtube

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    it's so sad to see someone who struggled to leave the JWs - including all the problems this generates in the family - ending up in another cult. #itsacult

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