JW Instagram Bragging

by kneehighmiah 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • kneehighmiah

    Browsing social media and all the pictures of JW friends out in the freezing cold this morning. The captions read "service despite the snow." Others take pictures of the temperature display on their car showing single digit temps. I love how they need to remind everyone how spiritual they are battling the cold. These same people also post their spiritual "resume"on their profile. #JW, reg pioneer, MS, Bethelite, RBC. The girls who post their impressive resumes and service pics always have profiles full of gratuitous selfies. And of course a "spiritual person" needs to include pics of them reading the daily text, WT or bible and letting all their followers know how much the message moved them. I always laugh because I know what these people are really like. They fall into two categories. Those who prefer to have their praise before men, or those who are insecure and need to prove their spirituality. It's sad that this is how young JWs view spirituality. The focus continues to be on works and outward appearances and not on love.

    spiritually insecure and never feel good enough. Hence they need to prove their spirituality.


    There is so much I can say on this topic that I could write a novel!!! But it's so true they will post a spiritual pic and then an hour later post a pic of them at a brazen party drinking!!! SMH! It was so retarded, they like to put on heirs, as long as you pioneer you can do anything!!! SMH!!! HYPOCRITES!!!

  • Over%forme

    "focus continues to be onworks and outward appearances

    and not on love." Sooooooooooo true.


    ..........................A Good JW Fights Alligators in the Field Service!!..



    .....................................I Fought Alligators in Vietnam!!..


    .................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • ohnightdivine

    Haha.... some are worse offenders than the "worldly" people I know.



    ......Then one time I Fought an Elephant in the Field Service..


    I couldn`t See for Days!!...................Even with a Flash Light!!


    ...................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    That poor elephant has an ass up its ass!!!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
  • tiki

    outlaw - haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the first one the alligator, meh.....but the elephunk?!?!?! okay.

    the whole facebook thing sounds kinda childish and shallow..but then, i'm old and cynical.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Oh god. What I see on Instagram (from JWs) makes me want to vomit.

    It is truly weird. Didn't get this type of shit when I was "in"

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