Depression amongst JWs

by tornapart 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • tornapart

    Has anyone seen this post on facebook? The comments below it are staggering! So many suffering from depression... along with the few judgementalists. Makes interesting reading.

  • LostGeneration

    I really wish for an up-to-date study on depression among JWs vs. the rest of the world. I would imagine that the results would be staggering.

    The happiest people on earth has to be the biggest WT lie going.

    I feel sorry for these folks sometimes, its like they are banging their heads on a brick wall when there is a door right there to walk through.

  • wasblind

    This DO became depressed when someone very close to him passed away

    we all can understand what that feels like



    But it's harded for Jehovah's Witnesses that were once told they would not die

    in this system of things


  • DesirousOfChange

    Depression is rampant in the JW community.

    Not surprizingly. Lower paying jobs. Likely higher unemployment.

    All this leads to financial problems, which leads to tension in the famly.

    Then at the same time, the WTS wants more of your time and more of your money.

    Their light at the end of the tunnel was to be the New World.

    Now they are beginning to realize that isn't going to solve any of their problems either -- it's delayed.



    How can anyone not be depressed on some level, when they are being repressed on so many levels??

    The happiest JWs appear to be the most ignorant of the group who has never been molested, followed by those who hold the highest rank while still remaining ignorant. The C.O we have seems happy on the outside, and why wouldn't he? He is treated like the Apostle Paul by everyone and never has to stay in one place long enough to deal with any real stagnation. It seems that ignorance is a factor.

    Tornapart, there are sooo many who are depressed. They are all just tired of the WT burdens. I remember the Elders being concerned because some brothers were coming to me to decompress. They thought I was approachable and caring, and they knew they could speak openly. You can imagine why the Elders would not like that! So don't talk to DD, but we aren't going to really help you. Just go home, shut-up, put in more service time. Listen, obey, and be blessed...


  • LV101

    wasblind -- you are so right about the "would not die" promise. That's a reality check.

    I've mentioned depression to ex-wit friend and she insists most people (non witnesses) she works with or know in this huge arena are on something either for anxiety, depression, whatever. I, personally, think she's incorrect but don't have facts. Seems most individuals I know take something but it would be an interesting study. Didn't we read Russia (and other eastern Euro countries) had serious issues with all the mental problems (shunning, depression) caused by the religion.

    The religion is truly an addiction to many adherents. They need Jimmy Buffet's song about only medication is the ocean - there'd be some serious withdrawals and maybe they could look at reality instead of being anesthetized.

  • tornapart

    It amazed me how many posted comments. Over 400 in just one day! Plus a few more over the next few days. How many more who don't go on FB, or haven't seen this post, or have seen it but haven't commented? And the guilt that comes through from the ones that have posted... it's heartbreaking!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I hate to say this but if the brothers taking the lead would apply Galations 6:4 and not expect the same from everyone there would be a lot less mental illness within Jehovahs witnesses. There is just a lot of pressure to do more which pushes some people right over the edge. 19 minutes ago on FB, by Wade

  • FrankieGoesToHollywood

    It´s very sad to see so many potentially good people suffer by the "commands of men" (the G:B). ALL should get out ASAP.

    This is no joke, I have seen this first hand with my own eyes and sadly enough, it´s about to get even worse!

  • Syme

    Depression may hit some R&Fs who lose their jobs or are underpaid, but this is not a really different from the rest of the world, especially in this time of economic crisis. In my country where the unemployment is about 30%, depression hits like the Spanish Flu.

    It's the ''higher ups" who suffer from the depression the most, not the R&F. Bethelites, traveling overseers, special pioneers: these are the groups more susceptible to depression. The depression rates are ridiculously high in those groups, and THAT is the most interesting. One is supposed to "pursue spiritual goals", "a career in the organization", so that they're most satisfied with their lives: isn't that the bait they throw in the late teen jws so they give up education and do pioneering? How on earth, then, those that *should* be THE most satisfied of all, are THE most depressed of all? The answer is no secret: this service is unnatural, even the Org itself aknowledges it. Those guys (and wives) lead THE most unnatural life one can imagine, and I tend to feel pity for them, especially the poor wives. But it frustrating to see those people consume HUGE amounts of drugs so that they *appear* happy in front of the sheep. And how can one who has his brain liquidated from drugs claim to be "reliable" and "mature spiritually"? Who can he proceed to give ANY advice to normal people?

    Depression rates are evidently lower in R&F ranks, in people who lead a more or less normal life.

    Maybe a new "Youths - What Will You Do With Your Life?" brochure is ought to be published, one which will state: "Youths, do you want to lead a full, satisfactory life? If yes, continue your education please, read a lot, listen to music, make love, be humans. On the other hand, do you want to have an 40% increased probability of depression? If so, apply NOW for regular pioneer, Bethel service, Evangelizers' School, and see what drug addiction means!"

    Yup, that would be a nice brochure.

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