by DATA-DOG 17 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Whenever someone asks me if I'm 'saved', I simply say: 'I was never lost'. Then I up the ante by asking them if all Neanderthals are going to be resurrected and 'saved'.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Quellecatface, I was thinking the same thing. The Bible says that to be saved one must believe in Jesus and obey him. Funny all this other rubbish the org says. Paul even said that believing in Jesus and that he was resurrected is what you need to do.

    Not that I necessarily believe in that, but reading what the bible said about 'salvation' and seeing how it's different to what the WT says you need to do, helped me get outta there.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Salvation by Report Card is what he really meant!


  • eyeuse2badub

    "Listen, OBEY, and be Blessed" my son.


  • steve2

    Street preacher to passerby: Jesus saves!

    Passerby: Given today's low interest rates, he's probably the only one who even bothers to.


    JWs are sort of wandering around, IMO. I can't judge any more, I have learned that. So I won't say that they are lost. What's the difference between a good JW who is wrong about many things, or a Catholic, or Atheist, or Agnostic, or Buddist? A wise man once said, " It only matters what YOU do..."


  • AlphaMan

    No mention of faith in Jesus in that list...nadda...zip. Typical Jesus-less JW's.

    It's a no Jesus cult. Just enough Jesus to mislead people.

  • williamhconley

    Jesus saves because God loves you HOWEVER WE (WT) Say:

    1. You must distribute our literature or you will be destroyed.

    2. You must go to all our meetings or you will be destroyed.

    3. You must believe and accept our interpretation of the Bible even if it's wrong and or you will be destroyed.

    4. You must turn in your time after each month or you will be destroyed.

    5. You must not get a higher education or try to improve yourself or you will be destroyed.

    6. You must accept and blindly obey us or you will be destroyed.

    7. You must get baptized in the name of the Watchtower Organization or you will be destroyed.

    8. You cannot save your life by accepting blood or you will be destroyed (fractions O.K. since 2000 though but you cannot donate blood even though fractions are taken from donated blood to save JW's lives) or you will be destroyed.

    9. You must donate your time to build branches and kingdom halls and donate money or we will guilt the hell out of you.

    10. if you ever feel that the GB has too much control over your life you are being rebellious like Korah and will be destroyed.

    11. No holidays, allowing your kids to join extra curricular activities, or you will be destroyed.

    12. No organ transplants, no alternative military service even though its cleaning toilets, no vaccines, no getting married or having kids (see children book).....wait! God has changed his mind on those matters and no longer prohibited....but if you dare complain about those that have died or suffered because of those past policies...you will be destroyed.

    What a loving provision the Watchtower Organization is don't you agree? Why would anyone even think of leaving the WT?


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