I want to Believe in Something

by James Jackson 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gayle

    Isn't it a 'mission' by most people, or at least something to be 'respected' by most is to: love, joy and peace. Plaques/banners are everywhere on those. Each one of those should be believed in , but are up to each person to find the plenty of ways.

    Plenty of busy-ness on 'love.' Love our neighbor 'as ourselves.' 'Ourselves,' yes, our health, 'exercise,' eating healthfully. Isn't there a "good deed for the day" to do. A mission. Help someone, certainly there are eons of services or causes.

    'Peace.' A peaceful manner / inner and toward others, should keep us plenty busy.

    'Joy.' Unfortunately, the WT zapped/destroys that right out of us, when there are so many, many ways to find joy, reading a book, watching a great movie or documentary, a trip (even just a daily or local trip, an outing).

    There is a grand variety of things to believe in, not a one size fits all fakeness, but for every individual in his way.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you want to believe in something, then the world is your oyster.

    You can believe in the human spirit to solve some important problem- feeding the hungry, ending global warming. Similarly, you can believe in love and aid, which can move you to contribute to disaster victims or those with ongoing needs.

    You can believe in education and aid as a volunteer, or likewise believe in intervention in some cause so that you participate.

    You can believe that each individual's spiritual journey is of the utmost importance and be moved to share your journey.

    You can also believe you need another drink.

  • Emery

    First believe in yourslef, that's a given. Now this is a little outside the box, but depending on what you're really interested in, go to school. Find whatever it is you're passionate about and excel in it now. Like the saying goes, "It's never to late to be what you might have been." I have felt what you've felt. I began examining what I am really into and now am leaning towards being a teacher. Maybe in history or graphic design. Just an idea. Regardless of what happens be there for your family and don't stop progressing in life.

  • Vanderhoven7

    What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

    If He was just a good man, either He or His disciples were either liars or lunatics.

  • mrquik

    Believe in God. Not everything taught was wrong. Run it up against just plain common sense. I personally believe the question of whom to go to should have been rather when to go. If that is indeed the case, I like the Apostle Paul's observation of a resurrection of the righteous & unrighteous. That counts about everyone in. Ray Franz had the right idea; worship in your own way. In the interim; Live Well....Enjoy Life.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I, I believe in music, I believe in love.

  • FadeToBlack

    James, me too. But we should also consider the possibillity that there is nothing to really believe in except now. Could be painful, could be good.

  • tec

    The desire to do anything may be gone because you know that they (the wts) are not the truth... so what is the point in slaving away for something that is untrue? What is the point in investing yourself, your emotions, your time, your very life... in something that is not true?

    If you want to know the Truth (so as to be able to put your faith in God, now knowing the truth about Him)... and not some version of the truth that an organization is feeding you... then consider tearing down everything that they taught you about God, right down to the cornerstone, who is Christ. Because when you know Christ... THEN... you will know God.

    There is no other way.

    Peace to you as Christ gives peace, and ears to hear this truth if you wish them,


  • LisaRose

    You can believe in the part of yourself that wants that belief, and you can believe there is good n the world and that you can help there be more good in the world. That is your best self and you don't need to discard it because you learned ttatt. You just have to find a different way to express it. It's not a one size fits all kind of thing, but a journey that we each must go on. First you need to figure out yourself, what makes you tick, what is your passion? The Watchtower had us so stuck in a mold you may not even know what that is. Meditation and journaling may be helpful here.

    As an example, you may find you miss the religion, that the idea of helping others in a spiritual way is still appealing to you. You could visit a few churches and see if any resonate with you. If you find one, you can think about getting involved. If you are turned off by the idea of a church, there are ways to help others in a spiritual way. You do not necessarily have to believe in God to do this. No matter how old you are or what limitations you have, you can still believe in something and still express that in your life.

    What you end up doing may have nothing to do with religion, but if is your passion, it is what is right for you. It's a journey, not a final destination kind of thing. As long as what you are doing what is in your soul, you are on the right track, no matter how odd it may seem to someone else. Maybe you are an artist deep down, maybe that is the gift you need to bring to the world. If that is the case, then that is what you need to do, and you will know when you have found it.

    For myself, I realized that I was very drawn to nature as a child and I also enjoyed arts and crafts. As an adult, I developed an interest in dried flowers, that interest led to a love of gardening and also antiques. At first I didn't accept that this was what I should be doing, it seemed so trivial. At the time I had a good career, so my other interests didn't seem important enough. But no matter what else I tried, I kept coming back to it and now I love what I do and I do it full time. I am fulfilled in a way that I didn't seem possible when I was sitting in a cubicle writing code. People tell me all the time that they are inspired by the things I make, and that feels really good.

    I hope you too can find something to believe in

  • FadeToBlack

    LisaRose, your question about 'what is you passion' rings a bell (a sad one). We met some new neighbors recently for a few drinks and a grill and the husband asked me at some point: so what is your passion, what are you passionate about? I still don't know the answer, but I am determined to find out. His wife felt embarrased for me and tried to get him to back off, but I said it was a good question> I haven't stopped thinking about it. What a waste, waiting for the 'new' system when there is so much on the table in front of you.

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