by pixel 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pixel

    Hello. The outline for the annual meeting with pioneers is out. It talks about the GB and FDS a lot.

    Look at this:

    Those taking the lead have shown that they are not sentimentally attached to material things.

    They are willing to move the world headquarters to Warwick, New York, because it will advance Kingdom interests

    How humble to move from old buildings in Brooklyn to spankings new buildings upstate!

  • mindnumbed

    I noticed that too ... lots of interchanging of these terms in there ... ending with a 'the GB loves you"

  • pixel

    It's a meeting to adore the GB/WT/FDS.

  • confusedandalone

    Does anyone have a copy or have some interesting points to share from it

  • pixel

    I'm gonna go ahead and paste the stupid outline. Simon, or any moderator, let me know if I have to delete it just in case for copyright issues. Don't want to cause problems but I can't resist sharing this stupid outline.



    Theme: ‘Remember Those Who Are Taking the Lead Among You and Imitate Their Faith’ (Heb 13:7)

    THOSE TAKING THE LEAD AMONG YOU (5 min.) Paul urged: “Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of

    God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith” (Heb 13:7) Today, we can observe the faithful and discreet slave taking the lead among us with faith (Mt 24:45) Jesus has placed a weighty responsibility on the Governing Body. That responsibility in- cludes overseeing material assets, the preaching activity, assembly and convention pro- grams, and the production of Bible literature for use in the field ministry and in personal

    and congregation study ( w13 7/15 23 par. 14)
    Pioneers and missionaries are excellent examples in imitating the faith of the faithful slave

    [Take time to sincerely commend the pioneers for the ways in which they give evidence of their faith while in the pioneer service]

    IMITATE THEIR FAITH AS “THE SCENE OF THIS WORLD IS CHANGING” (10 min.) At 1 Corinthians 7:31, Paul was evidently comparing the world to a stage with ever-changing scenes and actors. These changes require that the faithful and discreet slave make adjustments

    from time to time in our preaching methods, use of resources, and understanding They follow Jesus Christ’s example and wisely adapt to chan ges

    [Read Matthew 10:9, 10]
    Question: What were the initial instructions to the disciples?

    [Read Luke 22:35, 36]
    Question: What were the instructions afterwards? Why was there a change to carrying

    a money bag and food pouch?
    [In anticipation of future hostility toward his disciples and the expansion of the

    preaching work into other territories (Ac 1:8; 16:19-24)]
    This is a principle the faithful and discreet slave has followed as the world changes

    Question: How can we imitate the faithful and discreet slave?
    [We should examine our circumstances and be alert to changes around us]

    It will require faith on our part to apply God’s words and the direction that we receive from the Governing Body

    We will review three areas in which we can continue to imitate the faith of those taking the lead: (1) preaching methods, (2) Bible reading, and (3) use of resources

    PREACHING METHODS (17 min.) From house to house

    The faithful and discreet slave has indicated that our primary way of spreading the good news continues to be the house-to-house ministry ( km 7/13 4 par. 1)

    That method of preaching has its basis in the Scriptures (Ac 5:42; 20:20, 21; w91 1/15 12 par. 8) As pioneers, you realize that person-to-person discussions on the doorstep are very effective

    Question: What obstacles have you found in the house-to-house ministry?
    During recent years, pioneers in some areas are finding it increasingly di ffi cult to

    speak to people at their home S-211-14-E 11/13

    Note to the elders:

    This meeting is to be conducted in December or January by two elders selected by the body of elders. Other elders may attend. The meeting should be positive, practical, and encouraging. Al- low those in attendance to comment freely on the questions posed. Supplemental questions may be used as needed and as time allows

    Questions: How can we imitate the faithful and discreet slave in addressing this matter? What suggestions have they given us? [ km 11/98 4 pars. 5-7]

    [Elders should listen carefully to see how they could help the pioneers. Perhaps it might be nec- essary to make some adjustments in the arrangements for house-to-house preaching activity]

    Multilanguage territory
    Today, people have become increasingly mobile. Globalization has opened a new era of mi-

    gration. How has the Governing Body addressed this matter?
    Although they want us to focus primarily on those who speak the language of the congre-

    gation we are associated with, we should be mindful of and attentive to the needs of those

    who speak another language and look for ways to share God’s K ingdom message Question: How can we help people who do not speak our language? [ km 12/12 5; km

    11/09 3-4 pars. 2-5] Public witnessing

    Question: Do you see areas of the territory where the congregation could further participate in public witnessing?

    [Determine if the congregation’s territory has areas of high pedestrian traffic and if it would be practical to organize public witnessing if such is not already being done. See the latest direction on the subject of public witnessing in Index to Letters for Bodies of Elders (S-22)]

    Some congregations may not have a location in their territory that has sufficient pedestrian traffic to justify setting up a table or making use of a mobile literature display. However, even in those congregations, publishers are encouraged to consider including public witnessing in their ministry

    The Governing Body has emphasized the need for daily Bible reading and good study habits.

    They speak the Word of God to us (Heb 13:7) Question: How do you think we could imitate them in Bible reading? [Read Psalm 1:1-3] Do we keep up to date with new Bible understanding? [Read and discuss Matthew 25:31-34, 41, 46]

    Questions: When will Jesus judge the people as sheep or goats? How does this under- standing affect our view of our ministry? [ w13 7/15 6-7 pars. 10-13]

    Regularly reading and meditating on the Bible and Christian publications will keep our faith strong

    USE OF RESOURCES (10 min.)
    Those taking the lead have shown that they are not sentimentally attached to material things.

    They are willing to move the world headquarters to Warwick, New York, because it will ad- vance Kingdom interests

    Question: How can we imitate that attitude in our personal circumstances? Use of technology

    The Governing Body is using technology in a variety of ways to speed up the publishing of Bibles and Bible literature into more than 600 languages. The Bible prophesied at Isaiah 60:16 that we would use the valuable resources of the nations to expand true worship, and this prophecy is being fulfilled today. At the same time, they do not fall into the trap of adopting every new piece of technology

    Question: How can you imitate them in the balanced use of technology?

    By following the lead of the faithful and discreet slave, we are getting ready for the final scene of

    this system of things, the approaching great tribulation
    May we continue to be obedient to those who are taking the lead

    The Governing Body loves you dear pioneers and appreciates all your works of love

  • mindnumbed

    THOSE TAKING THE LEAD AMONG YOU (5 min.) Paul urged: “Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of

    God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith” (Heb 13:7) Today, we can observe the faithful and discreet slave taking the lead among us with faith (Mt 24:45) Jesus has placed a weighty responsibility on the Governing Body.

    It's all about imitating the Governing Body as the example for all.

  • pixel

    I don't know how directing the work from World Headquaters qualify as "taking the lead". How about they let the admin stuff to others and start preaching 24/7?

  • WTWizard

    Not sentimentally attached to material things? This means not taking pictures to remember things by, since one becomes attached to the photos and the memories attached to them. It means that fun things in your past matter not. You might have something of low money value that you bought at that class trip to Boston Museum of Science where you had fun. Or, that crappy stuffed toy you won at Palace Playland. While the toy itself is crap, the memories attached to it are not. What the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is saying is that you should never want to visit those places again, and if you throw away everything that has memories therein attached, you will program your soul to that effect. You will also disconnect from whatever positive energy was attached to that event. Whether the item itself is a piece of crap is besides the point.

    Another sort of sentimental attachment could be things that remind one of fun at home. One might, for instance, remember with fondness whenever there was a blackout (I used to think they were funny when I was growing up, and the lights went out at the most inopportune times). When this is the case, you get attached to items used to prepare for such blackouts, and you are going to be damn attached to those high-value flashlights, lanterns, and headlamps. And you are going to get damn good batteries and chargers for them. Are you supposed to disconnect from those things, too? Meaning, next time there is a blackout, not only you are going to be up sxxxcreek without a paddle in a barbed wire canoe, but you are going to disconnect from the fun you had when the lights went out on your parents.

    And doing this is a sure way to program your soul to drudgery. Everything else is disposable. Only boasting sessions and field circus are remembered. And who honestly consistently had a good time in field circus? I had better times when my parents lost their power at the most inopportune times when I was growing up than I ever did while at a boasting session or in field circus.

  • blondie

    Those taking the lead = does that mean the elders should be an example or the pioneers when it comes to material things?

  • Splash

    Jesus / Christ - 4 mentions

    God / Jehovah - 4 mentions

    F&DS / GB - 14 mentions


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