My JW daughter told me....

by Yadira Angelini 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesapphire

    Mom, I think Reborn looks like Chris (my hubby) in his new pic.

    hubba hubba

    And Chris is half Italian too.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Nice picture from Reborn2000; blue, are you dreaming that he looks like C? hummmmm!!! Don't say 'hubba hubba' on your mom's post: more respect here! :-) Should we ask Reborn2000 to get E. out?

    Reborn2000, how come the 2000? should that be prophetic, that that will be the number of JWs you would take out? what about 144.000 instead? Keep it up! and I'm glad you are flattered and humble. So, Italian and Puerto Rican?


  • bluesapphire

    LOL! Poor Chris! I'm telling him you said that.

    IF Reborn lives in CA near E he can go to her Kingdumb Hell and pretend to be a brother. Then he can get her out.

    How about it Reborn? Do you live near us?

  • Reborn2002

    Well, its actually not Reborn2000, if you look, its Reborn2002.

    The significance of my screenname is that I DA myself late last year, and finally mustered the courage to stand up for what I believe is right, go against the grain, and then tell my brother and the rest of family who remain active JW the TRUTH about the "Truth"

    Needless to say their minds were closed to learning reality. Cult programming does that to a person.

    So in a sense I am "Reborn" in the year 2002. I am trying my best to start a new life for myself, and to accept the way things are and to move on with the remainder of my life.

    I live in Chicago if that answers your question about location.

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3

  • Solace

    You are an absolute stud muffin!
    Yummy Yummy!!!!!!!!
    Ooops, did I just say that?
    Sorry, lost control for a minute there.

  • bluesapphire

    Oh well .... we can still dream.

    And mom, if Frank knew you were flirting here on the board you will be in deep doodoo!

  • WildHorses
    And mom, if Frank knew you were flirting here on the board you will be in deep doodoo!

    Flirting is good for the soul, and it keeps you young too.


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • Reborn2002

    Well here are my two pix I have used on this website enlarged for you.

    I hope you like. You'll have to copy and paste into another browser I believe, I couldnt get them to load directly into the post.

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3

  • Solace

    You are smart, mature, handsome, seem to have very good family values. How on this earth can you still be single?
    Would someone please say something bad about reborn so every female on this board doesnt fall madly in love!
    Please tell us you are gay or something!!

    Blue, you and your mom are so darn cute when you post together.
    You always make me smile!

    I agree there is nothing wrong with casual flirting. My husband is the biggest flirt. Most women adore him. He does have a hard time keeping himself from glancing at the attractive girls walking by. I dont get bent out of shape but I do tease him about it though. I think everyone enjoys looking at attractive people. So funny, one time I walked in the living room and his and my four year old sons eyes were glued to the t.v., a victoria secret comercial was on. I asked them, "so, what are you guys watching"?
    My son says, "girls in their underwear"....

    Like father like son, I guess.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    (((((((((((((((H.E.A.V.E.N. !!!!!!))))))))))))) You said:
    "Reborn!! You are an absolute stud muffin!
    Yummy Yummy!!!!!!!!
    Ooops, did I just say that?
    Sorry, lost control for a minute there".

    Here I have been so CAREFUL addressing Reborn and you came up with this lines? cute! hilarious... LOL this thread has become Reborn's thread. I haven't look the pics he sent... (I don't know how to operate this things) :-( Help!

    Lilacs, thanks! blue does not know that I'm only exposing Reborn to the ladies... I opened the channel of his charms.

    Blue, are you mad cause I blow out your bubble? Frank is perfectly happy with me, regardless of this forum. And... I respect Reborn, and he knows it. Flirting? what's that? I love you darling daughter.

    Reborn, one more question: Does your mother say "BENDITO" often in her Spanish vocabulary? My Puerto Rican friends say it all the time.. I love it! And setting aside your popularity from the ladies on this forum, you said: "I am trying my best to start a new life for myself, and to accept the way things are and to move on with the remainder of my life". Well good for you and I'll keep you and your love ones in my prayers. Thanks again for your kind responses; I hope you can sleep well this days. :-) It's hard when you reached "stardom". Blessings,


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