JW Apolgist rant here...and confession.

by Julia Orwell 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • wakingup60

    So Julia..

    Are the Jws aware that you are no longer one of them?...have you dis-associate yourself?

    Do they speak to you now or..do you speak to them?..Are you shunned?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Shunned in various degrees but not df or da. But I've done my own share of shunning in my day, though I always acknowledged df people with a smile or a nod when I saw them. The point is, we were all like that once.

    A couple of my jw friends still talk to me.

  • gingerbread

    I've come to believe that the most aggressively vocal and judgemental members on JWN have never ceased thinking like a Jehovah's Witness - 'I'm RIGHT and you're WRONG'.

    Thanks for this post, Julia!

    Letting go is like taking in a breath of fresh air. Sweep out the cobwebs and move on!!


  • Wide Awake!
    Wide Awake!

    I used to be a JW that followed the rules and could never understand why it was so difficult for others. Now I'm on the other side and I am that guy. I like the other side...

  • Mum

    Right on, Julia!

    VeganLion: Welcome to the forum! Let us hear more from you.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Gingerbread: I've come to believe that the most aggressively vocal and judgemental members on JWN have never ceased thinking like a Jehovah's Witness - 'I'm RIGHT and you're WRONG'.

    I've noticed that too. That JW mindset can be hard to shake. But once I realised I didn't have all the answers, the universe got a whole lot more interesting for me, and people's opinions didn't make me angry.

  • Farkel

    : really don't like people disparaging active JWs on this site by calling them stupid, idiots, morons and that, and making out like they're willing puppets to the GB or cruel at heart. Or describing them like they're puke or as having no desire to learn or listen.

    I'm rather fond of calling them "twits." It's a mild insult at worst and shouldn't really offend those freaking moronic idiots.

    I guess I'm just getting soft in my dotage.



  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Twits is kinda a term of endearment like calling someone a dag :)

  • Loveyourneighbor


    Thank you for your post. I guess I would be considered an active JW, but I feel we should each be able to have our own beliefs about things. I hate the practice of shunning and do not follow this "rule" at all. I govern myself by 2 rules 1. Love God 2. Love your nieghbor as your self. So I agree with you that no one should call another person stupid, or an idiot or other mean names.

    I personally still believe in God, but if someone did not I would not call them names or belittle them. I think we should all be able to share our opinions and beliefs without fear of judgement. But sadly I have other friends who are XJWs that I even met on this site, but because of people attacking or belittling them rarely come to this site anymore.

    I hope it can be more of a trend of allowing others to believe what they like and if you do share your thoughts or personal beliefs to do so without bullying others.

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