Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-03-2013 WT Study (REMINDERS)

by blondie 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-03-2013 WT Study (SEPTEMBER 15, 2013, pages 7-11)(GOD’S REMINDERS TRUSTWORTHY)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


    Bible translations

    WT publications (old) (new)

    WT child abuse

    Blood issue

    United Nations

    Also posted on


    Life gets busy and things have changed since the first time I posted my comments and typed the magazine articles free hand from the paper copies I received through the congregation and later through jw friends. Then when that dried up, posters on JWN sent me copies they had scanned.

    Now with the advent of the website, anyone with access to a computer or other device that allowed access could down load it. It takes some time for me to edit it and insert my comments. I propose to change that by giving access to the magazines here for downloading and to put my comments here by paragraph.




    “The reminder of

    Jehovah is trustworthy,

    making the

    inexperienced one

    wise.”—PS. 19:7.


    What sort of reminders does Jehovah provide in the Scriptures?

    (Not in the WTS publications)

    How can Jehovah’s reminders help Christians today?

    (Christians = only jws)

    What reasons do we have for trusting Jehovah’s reminders?

    (WTS/GB reminders = God’s reminders?)

    Can only the WTS/GB explain the reminders in the bible?


    1. What subjects are regularly discussed by God’s people,

    and how do we benefit by reviewing them?

    God’s people = only jws

    The complaints from the flock must be getting louder and more frequent: “Haven’t we considered this subject before?” Sometimes even with identically worded paragraphs.

    Does reviewing a topic insure that jws will do more than hear but “do”? How often did you see a topic coming up and think “now the brothers will change” only to see the same old unloving process?

    2. (a) To what do God’s reminders often refer? (b) How do

    God’s reminders differ from man’s?

    Hebrew noun rendered “reminder” – what word? Why leave it out; to discourage independent research by jws?

    *** it-2 p. 762 Recorder ***

    Hebrew word za·khar′ (remember) and literally means “remembrancer.”

    “unlike human laws (GB), which often need to be amended or updated, [God’s] laws and regulations are always trustworthy.”

    Flip-flop doctrines/laws from WTS/GB

    “given for a particular time or situation, they never become faulty or inadequate” – like allowing and regulating polygamy = polygamy allowed by the WTS until 1947; for a particular time? So is explanation from the WTS from the bible? Remember polygamy is still common in today’s world = long-established. The Mormons used the excuse that it helped them grow faster and gave women left without husbands after the Civil War access to husbands, homes and children and not being shut out of a personal heavenly kingdom. Needed numbers to survive? The same God that took out 185,000 soldiers with one angel in one night.

    Why no temporary toleration of adultery but fornication?

    *** w09 7/1 p. 30 Does God Approve of Polygamy? ***

    To counter the attacks, Jehovah repeatedly sent his prophets to warn his people when they veered from righteous standards. However, he knew in advance that his people would often fail to obey even the most basic of commands, such as the one against idolatry. (Exodus 32:9) If they would struggle to obey so basic a law, how would they fare with a law against polygamy? With his perfect grasp of human nature, Jehovah saw that it was not yet the time to forbid that practice, which was already long-established in those days. Had he done so, Satan would have found a very easy means of seducing Israel into sin.

    God’s temporary toleration of polygamy had other advantages. It helped the nation to grow rapidly. The larger population helped to ensure the nation’s survival until the time of the Messiah. Polygamy may also have provided a measure of protection for some women, giving them shelter and a household in dangerous times.

    3, 4. (a) Jehovah’s reminders may include what? (b) How

    would the Israelites benefit if they heeded them?

    Are any of God’s reminders not warnings?

    God’s reminders from scriptures or human organization?

    The Jews at least knew God’s name…Jehovah is a bastardization from 1200 A.D. and the original form has been lost. God can save the bible but not his more important name?

    *** w80 2/1 p. 11 The Divine Name in Later Times ***

    Interestingly, Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican order, first rendered the divine name as “Jehova.” This form appeared in his book Pugeo Fidei, published in 1270 C.E.—over 700 years ago.

    And again a faulty WTS reasoning about why using “Jehovah” is better than using “Yahweh.” Why not USE Yahweh rather than substitute “Jehovah”?

    *** w64 7/15 pp. 422-423 What Is The Name? ***

    Although the exact pronunciation of the Divine Name in Hebrew is not known today, what pronunciation might be the closest? A recent Roman Catholic version, The Holy Bible, edited by Monsignor T. O’Connell, commenting on Exodus 3:14, says: “I am who am: apparently this utterance is the source of the word Yahweh, the proper personal name of the God of Israel.” The Revised Standard Version states: “It is almost if not quite certain that the Name was originally pronounced ‘Yahweh.’” The Evening Star article said: “If the name were to be spelled out it would be more correct to spell it as ‘Yahweh.’”

    Yes, many Bible scholars acknowledge that “Yahweh” more nearly represents the Hebrew pronunciation of the Divine Name. But this also shows the inexcusability of the religions of Christendom for taking the Divine Name away from Bible translations and everyday worship! If the pronunciation “Yahweh,” or even another, is said to be more correct, then why do they not use it? What sense does it make to admit a more correct pronunciation and then eliminate its usage altogether? Truly, it is outright hypocrisy to defend one pronunciation over another and then never use either!

    Blessings? Are jws promised material blessings as individuals?

    (Deuteronomy 28:4) 4 “Blessed will be the fruit of your belly and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your domestic beast, the young of your cattle and the progeny of your flock.

    *** w57 1/1 p. 16 par. 19 “Where Your Treasure Is There Your Heart Will Be” ***

    Some think that all material prosperity they receive is due to God’s blessing upon them. But, as Paul declared, “the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things.” If you put money first because of what it can get you—ahead of the Word of God and what it surely will bring to you in the way of eternal life—you will be sidetracked: you will no longer be seeking first the interests of God’s kingdom.

    5. Why did Jehovah fight for King Hezekiah?

    Do you notice the continuing OT theme again for so-called Christians, jws?

    Because “he kept sticking to [God]”? He did not turn from following him…what about Hezekiah’s forefather David…was he sticking to God and not turning from following him when he had Uriah killed and committed adultery with Uriah’s wife?

    Should jws expect individual protection from God if they stick to him?

    *** w08 9/15 p. 9 par. 8 Jehovah Is “the Provider of Escape” for Us ***

    As individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed.

    6. How did King Josiah put trust in Jehovah?

    Another OT example…is it no wonder that jws feel more like Jews than Christians; anointed jws call themselves “spiritual Israelites.”

    How much did Josiah restore “pure” worship?

    7. When Israel disregarded Jehovah’s reminders,

    what was the result?

    God’s people = Jews

    Not always full trust or obedient

    So the WTS uses Paul’s words to describe the Jews, was Paul doing that?

    Bitter fruitage – will the WTS jump into today’s WTS?

    8. How can we learn from Israel’s example?

    Why can’t jws learn from 1 st century Christians?

    God’s modern-day servants = only jws

    What is the definition of “free moral agents”?

    *** ce chap. 16 p. 190 par. 6 Why Would God Permit Suffering? ***

    Also, humans were created to be free agents. They were not made to react like robots, or compelled to do certain things primarily out of instinct, as are animals or insects. But this freedom was to be relative, not absolute. It was to be exercised responsibly, within the boundaries of God’s laws, laws that worked for the common good.

    CHOOSE to obey God through what he says in his word or humans who claim to speak for God? Disobeying these humans is said to be the same as disobeying God.

    *** w90 5/15 p. 28 Remember Your Grand Creator in Your Youth ***

    Similarly, the reminders from God’s Word and his organization are given lovingly, not as restrictions but for our protection.

    *** w10 4/15 p. 10 par. 12 Holy Spirit’s Role in the Outworking of Jehovah’s Purpose ***

    By being obedient and loyal to the direction received from the earthly part of God’s organization, you show that you are keeping pace with Jehovah’s celestial chariot and are working in harmony with his holy spirit.—Heb. 13:17.

    *** w91 9/15 pp. 17-18 par. 12 “Help Me Out Where I Need Faith!” ***

    During the great tribulation, it will be just as imperative that we follow the leadings of the holy spirit and obey Jehovah’s instructions through his organization. Then we will have no reason to worry and ask: ‘How will our spiritual and material needs be satisfied? What provision will be made for older persons or for those requiring special medical care or treatment? How will Jehovah make it possible for us to survive into the new world?’ With strong faith, all of Jehovah’s loyal servants will leave everything in his capable hands.—Compare Matthew 6:25-33.

    9. When the Israelites were in the wilderness,

    how did Jehovah assure them that he was backing


    Did not give specific details – 1975 not specific?

    Did God provide for your basic needs or others around you?

    Was it through the congregation or the Red Cross or food pantries?

    10. How is Jehovah guiding his people today?

    God’s servants today = only jws

    Threshold = 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, (1984), (1994) VERY SOON NOW

    Will all individual jws survive the GT?

    So is the WTS the pillar of fire/cloud jws should be following?

    How much bible reading do jws do…can they name the 66 books of the bible, the 9 fruitages of the spirit, the 12 apostles?

    So do jws have “Family Worship” evenings any more than they had family studies? How does the WTS know?

    Adjustments? How many adjustments did the early Christians make…what meetings did they have? Did they study a book designed by the apostles? What is regular? How many meetings can you miss and become irregular?

    Are jws supposed to be more concerned about living alive (without dying) into the new world or sanctifying God’s name?

    11. What are ways in which God shows his

    care for us?

    What is the balanced view of material things…how balanced is the WTS, selling buildings to build more expensive ones; where is their trust in God rather than in technology? How simple is their eye?

    Do adult Christians need advice in grooming, ambiguous counsel as to what is entertaining (some Bethel boys went to the 2 nd Indiana Jones movie and saw nothing “wrong”).


    *** w03 3/15 p. 14 Should My Child Go to School? ***

    The apostle Paul wrote: “Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.” (1 Timothy 5:8) Appropriate education should also be provided for our children.

    SAFETY REMINDERS = how dumb are the local brothers?

    PREPARING FOR EMERGENCIES (Remember Katrina?) WTS caught with their pants down

    12. (a) What is one subject that Jesus repeatedly

    spoke to his disciples about? (b) What act

    of humility left a lasting impression on Peter,

    and how should it affect us?

    God’s people = Finally 1 st century Christians not OT

    I think it would improve the elders’ attitudes if they had to wash some lowly jw’s feet once a year.

    Peter might have remembered the foot washing but failed to apply it in his behavior toward the Gentile Christians in Galatia.

    (Galatians 2:11-14) 11 However, when Ce′phas came to Antioch, I resisted him face to face, because he stood condemned. 12 For before the arrival of certain men from James, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he went withdrawing and separating himself, in fear of those of the circumcised class. 13 The rest of the Jews also joined him in putting on this pretense, so that even Bar′na·bas was led along with them in their pretense. 14 But when I saw they were not walking straight according to the truth of the good news, I said to Ce′phas before them all: “If you, though you are a Jew, live as the nations do, and not as Jews do, how is it that you are compelling people of the nations to live according to Jewish practice?”

    PICTURE: Sisters are not allowed to shovel snow…unless they wear a head covering

    13. Jesus reminded his disciples about the

    need to develop what essential quality?

    Does the WTS say that faith is required for miracles to occur?

    Do words at assemblies, conventions, meetings strengthen faith or actions of love; actions speak louder than words.

    14. Why is it important to cultivate Christlike

    love today?

    Why so many reminders to show love…the identifying mark of a Christian? Because they don’t know what true love is? They don’t feel these people are worthy of it? Or they don’t love themselves? How many jws really sacrifice themselves in love for others? Preaching = but only because their own eternal future depends on it.

    The non-jw world is selfish? Why preach to them? Association with other jws is what erodes human caring.

    Jws say they would die for someone in the congregation but spend years never talking to them (and that are just the ones in good standing, this is not a df issue)

    15. What was Jesus’ primary mission on earth?

    Do jws show personal interest in anyone other than family and a few close friends? Note how the WTS defines love by non-jws.

    (Matthew 5:43-47) 43 “YOU heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 However, I say to YOU: Continue to love YOUR enemies and to pray for those persecuting YOU; 45 that YOU may prove yourselves sons of YOUR Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous. 46 For if YOU love those loving YOU, what reward do YOU have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? 47 And if YOU greet YOUR brothers only, what extraordinary thing are YOU doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?

    *** w11 4/15 p. 19 par. 4 “The Fruitage of the Spirit” Glorifies God ***

    Read Matthew 5:43-48.) He noted that even sinners will follow a policy of like for like, treating others as others treat them. Such “love” does not involve real sacrifice but amounts to an exchange of favors.

    So the WTS says that Jesus was not that interested in healing or feeding people but preaching…do you think he walked by the sick and hungry?

    Thus jws are not that interested in the sick or hungry, after all they will be resurrected.

    16. How extensive is the Kingdom-preaching

    and disciple-making work today?

    Extensive in what way? What about China, India, and the Muslim world.

    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 “Keep on the Watch” ***

    Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

    17. What counsel did Paul and Peter provide?



    Paul: What is the “pattern of healthful words”?

    Peter: Was this pre or post avoiding the Gentiles with brotherly affections?

    18. How did first-century Christians view reminders?

    No they did not resent, but the WTS is saying that many in the congregations of jws are resentful and are not good Christians like the first century.

    19, 20. Why should we trust Jehovah’s reminders,

    and how do we benefit from doing so?

    What are the ample reasons to put trust in reminders, God’s or the WTS?

    Prophecy reminders in advance?

    *** w11 12/1 p. 12 Who Can Interpret Prophecy? ***

    “Interpretations belong to God” also in that he determines and directs when a prophecy is to be understood by his faithful servants on earth. The meaning of a prophecy can be discerned before, during, or after its fulfillment. Since God tied up the prophecies, he will unravel them at the right time—his time.

    Not a direct fulfillment because the WTS says not everyone will have an individual witness but will nevertheless die forever at Armaggedon.

    Full trust in God or a human organization.



    Why never a mention of a relationship with Jesus?

    Love, Blondie


    Q: Can only the WTS/GB explain the reminders in the bible?

    A: YES. Only the GB are the FDS. Only the GB/FDS can dispense spiritual food in any way, shape or form. Hence, only the GB/FDS can interpret scripture and explain God's reminders.

    Thanks, Blondie.


  • WTWizard

    Balanced view of material things? Like the rag about 4 weeks ago hounding the witlesses to donate all "surplus" funds and then cut back on their work so they couldn't get more? This guarantees that, should a disaster strike (and not even one where homes are destroyed--a major power outage is enough), they will be up sxxx creek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe, within a matter of hours. How many witlesses are prepared, say, for a 3-day blackout? Do they have enough batteries, lights, and candles to survive 3 days, let alone a couple of weeks as some in Europe are now after their storm and after Sandy? And what happens if they are out of water for a few days, such as after a major flood (or if they have to boil water)? Are they ready for even a 3-day emergency?

    One thing I know is that the dingbats who got me into the cancer are going to be up sxxx creek without a paddle in a barbed wire canoe if we get hit with a major power outage. Sure, they have extended family. They have plenty of "friends" scattered through parts of the state. But, what if there is a telephone blackout to go along with the electricity blackout? And there is no water because there is no electricity to pump it? And stores are closed because they don't have electricity? How are they going to gather all their supplies and survive? And if it happens when it is around -30 o C out? I think it's going to be one mighty dark and cold period for them. One might be able to survive a 3-day emergency without food, but without water they are screwed. And, they will not be able to get gas to do field circus if gas pumps don't have electricity. They might be able to have their LIE-ble games going, but if it is pitch dark, they are not getting far.

    I wonder if the washtowel knows something is about to hit the fan. Obviously, they want people to flounder so they can trust joke-hova. De-preparing them for emergencies is exactly what the washtowel likes doing. For them to prepare a rag hounding witlesses to get rid of all "surplus" funds and then cut back on work, just when false-flag grid down outages, an EPA restriction on power plants resulting in rolling blackouts, hyperinflation, and bank bailins are all visible in the near future is exactly what they need to pose the illusion that joke-hova will take care of them. Let's see that thing take care of them when they are at Walmart and the lights go pitch dark abruptly. I will trust my trusty Fenix LD22. They can have their joke-hova. We might soon find out which is more reliable.

  • DS211

    Marked for later...

    i especially enhoyed the point about how Jesus did miracles and ealed peopl and yet THOSE people died but the paragraph brings out those who witnessed the preaching work gained a spot in line for the night club know. As everlasting life.....WTF??

  • Ding

    You're right about the OT emphasis, Blondie.

    The GB doesn't think that 99% of the NT applies to the great crowd.

  • free2beme

    Is it mentally healthy to still read the Watchtower and pick it appart so much? If you know it is wrong, isn't it best to just leave what is seen as garbage in the trash and not even open it up for another wasted moment in a short life.

    Just my thought

  • rubbeng

    Thanks! Very useful!

  • blondie

    No problem free2beme...........after 12 years it doesn't compare to the 45 years I was in the WTS. New people all the time on here that don't understand or see the vocabulary conditioning and deceit.

    I was molested by my father as a child and he was enabled by my jw mother, all my siblings were molested. Now I use my experience and how counseling helped me heal. No would be more dangerous to bottle it up and not use to help others.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thank you for all that you do for us Blondie. Typing the WT articles free hand when you started giving us "Blondie"s Comments" must have been a tremendous undertaking. Yes, life does get busy and I hope you are feeling better.

    I am getting better at reading "Your" Watchtower, lol. You balance out their propaganda. The WT is abusive. You are not.

    "Why never a mention of a relationship with Jesus?" If they did that they would be like other "Christian" religions, lol mustn't do that. lol

    I had to tell a Bible study, that WT did not approve of "Gospel Music". She was like "Huh? They are singing about Jesus Christ". Thankfully for her, she wised up and quit her study with JW's who say they are a Christian religion but really worship the Faithful and Discteet Slave=Governing Body.

    WTWizard . The WT didn't much like stressed out people come knock knock knochen ' on their doors 9/11. With their new Retirement Home out in Warwick, no such problem. lol What creeps. What Religious hypocrites.


    Blondie... I am so sorry you had a mentally diseased sperm donor. Thank you for turning the light on for others, so they can get out of the dark.

  • losingit

    Once again, thank you Blondie. Your WT analysis, when I first began realizing TTATT, really helped me to move on from this poisonous organization. I am doing my best to move forward completely.

    After a while, I began to resent all of the OT emphasis. Where is Jesus?

    The other day I was texting a friend on FB... I talked about Jesus almost the entire time. She kept on mentioning Jehovah.

    One thing I noticed since I left, is that almost instantly my spiritual focus is on Jesus. I have not yet started an in-depth study of the NT, but from what I learned about Jesus at the meetings, it is clear that he is kind, compassionate, and loving. If Jesus is Jehovah's son, and through him we can see God, then it is clear I should know much more about Jesus and I should study his example more.

    By the way, what are these reminders that I need to constantly hear? The WT seems like a nagging mom that is constantly hounding her kids. The kids begin to wonder-- when will I be good enough to deserve Mom's love? It is overbearing, condescending, and demeaning.

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