holy sh*t i just found out that my wife is thinking of getting baptized

by greenhornet 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • nikiparker

    I was recently baptised as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Aka the Mormons I can tell you it's a very good religion plus the women have their own organizion called relief society.

    the sisters pray in sacrament meeting the most important of all the meetings held at a lds meetinghouse as well as this they also gave talks directly to the congregation both male and female members. As a part of relief society The sisters are given a number of their sisters within the ward (congregation) and teach them and help them both spiritually and physically.

    As as well as this they also have a calling (task or assignment) within the ward for example some are called to be president of relief society which is an all woman organization or other callings such as organist, Liberian, involvement with the youth programmes and many other tasks too numerous to mention.

    So in conclusion, the woman of this church are very involved within all aspects while I appreciate that your husband many never join there is plenty for you to do in the work of The Lord.

  • jam

    I agree with steve2, they is not as nutty as the JW's. My son is dating

    a Mormon. She celebrate Xmas, Halloween , birthdays, finish college, great

    job in other words ,Normal.

  • cantleave

    Bloody hell! There goes more of your money.

  • RayPublisher

    Mormon's are still a high-control group and many of them practice shunning... That's not freedom in my book.

    Also, we're seriously going to believe the story about the golden plates and the angel Moroni?

    @ Niki - I am sure that you enjoy this fellowship but that is really a social club when you get down to it and there are lots of good ones of those out there. Some are religious some aren't.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi greenhornet, Was your wife a JW? If she was and is now going to be baptized as a Mormom, she needs to learn critial thinking skills. Reading Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beleifs") or watching his videos, willl help you to help your wife to critically think for herself. The following three videos may help you to help your wife to critically think for herself: Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23), NY Ethical Culture Society February 2013 (41:09), NY Ethical Culture Society 2010 (40:56). You may want to watch one or more videos with your wife (preferrably the ones that do not say Mormons are a dangerous cult).

    Please remember that Steve Hassan would not have been a Moonie if a rabbi or someone he respected told him why the Moonies were dangerous before he got totally involved.

    I will give you two good reasons to help your wife to critically think for herself. (One) Mormons are required to tithe, so your discretionary income will be reduced. (Two) Mormons are a moderate dangerous cult/high controll organization, but you do not know whether they will get better or worse. It is better to help your wife now before she forms closer relationships with Mormons and they may shun her if she no longer wants to be a Mormon after she is baptized.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Comatose

    Does she realize they think that the American Indians were a lost tribe of Israel and that the temple was here in America? Maybe she just needs to actually LEARN about their beliefs and not just see what they show her in her studies.


    They are better than dubs, but I understand your concern.

  • Giordano

    From a recent NY Times article I understand that Many Mormon's never realized that Joseph Smith was not only a womanizer but a polygamist.


    If you put a gun to my head I'd rather be a mormon but good lord their beliefs are based on a con man nut case who secretly talked to an angel. By the way Joseph Smith couldn't read or write. Go figure.‎

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