Is Jesus dying really more important than his resurrection?

by Band on the Run 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was reading about KHs on wikipedia and I noticed a link for the Memorial of Jesus' death. Why would any Christian religion celebrate his death and not his resurrection. A man dying is fairly common. It seems to me that the empahsis has always beeon on resurrection and the Second Coming. The Ascension is important, too.

    They really don't like Christ, do they? I know this is not a news flash. It just struck me as incredibly odd. Are they celebrating the power of the Roman Empire or Satan? Good Friday is on the way to Easter. Good Friday by itself would not be good from the point of view of a Christian.

  • Violia

    I once asked and elder to explain why the wts gave Jesus one day ( memorial) and one book ( greatest man book) ? Jesus is what the Bible is all about, his lineage and waiting for his arrival and his birth, ministry and death. Then it is about his disciples and the early church. That makes Jesus pretty important by the Bible standards , but not jws, since Jehovah is God.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Christ told them to "Do this in rememberance of me."

    I never thought about how they only celebrate the death. That is a good point. Another thing that was brought to my attention, was the way they put the emblems on a tray and pass them around the room... REJECTING the command Christ gave to eat and drink it.

    WHO would be happy to celebrate the death of Christ? WHO do you think is rejoicing, every time a JW thinks he is pleasing "Jehovah" by rejecting the body and blood and sacrifice that Jesus made? WHO is the master of confusion?

    The JW memorial ceremony is a Satanic ritual.

    I might add, it is by far the creepiest and most depressing thing I've ever seen millions of people get so excited about... inviting all the world to come watch us reject the body and blood of Christ!

  • adamah

    Faithful Witness said-

    I might add, it is by far the creepiest and most depressing thing I've ever seen millions of people get so excited about... inviting all the world to come watch us reject the body and blood of Christ!

    And just like the rest of JW practices, it serves as a 'cultural marker', i.e. "we do THIS, but they do THAT!".

    Add it to the list of practices that JWs engage in simply to mark themselves as being 'different' from all the rest of humanity (eg no flag salute, no blood, no partaking, no easter, no Xmas, etc). Freud spoke of 'the narcissism of small differences': "It is precisely the minor differences in people who are otherwise alike that form the basis of feelings of hostility between them."

    Just look at India/Pakistan, Catholic vs Protestant in Ireland, etc.


  • Scully

    With the JWs, it isn't Jesus' Resurrection™ that is important - it's the Sacrificial Death™ that's the ticket, because this is what they believe to be the only acceptable means of atonement for the Perfect Human Life™ that Adam lost when he Sinned™ in the Garden of Eden™.

    The Resurrection™ story just kind of reinforces the idea that Jesus was the correct choice of sacrifice.

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    I love, I mean absolutely love how you people cherry pick one aspect of our faith and then neglect everything else related to it. So we only focus on Jesus death, never mind that we have a book entitled The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Last time I checked when the weekly Bible reading schedule comes up, we don't exactly skip the Gospels. The first question for this week's oral review is, What does it mean to have the mind of Christ? To be considered during this week's congregation bible study, the final paragraph is as follows.

    We are imitating Jesus. The Bible calls him "the faithful and true witness." (Rev 3:14) Jesus himself said that he 'made God's name known' and kept 'bearing witness to the truth' about God. (John 17:26; 18:37) Christ's genuine followers must, therefore, bear Jehovah's name and make it known. This is what Jehovah's Witnesses are endeavoring to do.

    The question for that paragraph above is, Who is the greatest Witness of Jehovah? So please, cut out all the we dont like Jesus malarkey. Thanks.

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Oh and as far as how much we focus on Christ's resurrection vs. his death, you really believe that there's only a minute amount of material published by Jehovah's Witnesses that focuses on his resurrection? You're either being dishonest with yourself, or disingenuous.

  • Simon

    How was his death any kind of sacrifice if he got resurrected?

    Kind of a poorly written story really when you think about it.

    JWs will say he gave up his physical life ... and yet the bible says he was raised in the flesh and anyone saying otherwise is a false prophet.

  • GLTirebiter

    Who is the greatest Witness of Jehovah?

    Based on Matthew 26:31-45, I'd suggest Mother Theresa of Calcutta. "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me... In truth I tell you, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me."

    Let me know when the Watchtower goes to an impoverished country and opens a food dispensary, or a hospital, or an orphanage, or a school, or digs a town well, "for the least of these." Taking care of your own is not enough, we are called to care for strangers, even enemies--as told in the parable of the good Smaritan (Luke 10:29-37). "Which of these three, do you think, proved himself a neighbor to the man who fell into the bandits' hands?" "The one who showed pity on him." "Go, and do the same yourself."

  • Honesty

    SFPW, are you Aneirin and Gareth on another board?

    Your writing style is the same.

    I might add that the owner of this board may have something to say if you post links to the Watchtower cult's website and tell folks to read that shit if they really want to know what braindead JW's believe.

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