Is Jesus dying really more important than his resurrection?

by Band on the Run 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    As I noted earlier, I know my insight is not news to anyone. Because I was born-in, I thought that the JWs were Christian. I wanted to be Christian and still strive to do so. My decades in Christianity changed the way I view the Witnesses. Christians believe Christ is God. A dead piece of flesh is not reason to celebrate anything. Why must Jehovah be demoted b/c Christ triumphed, if we believe the gospel accounts which many do not.

    Paul is very Christ centric. The church teaches that Christ is present today. Somewhere I learned that the Reformation stressed an empty cross to demonstrate Christ's power over death.

    I am not writing to instruct. It sincerely shocks me that I had no idea of the great difference between what the Witnesses teach and what isi n the BIble, esp. the gospels and Paul. The NT does not have Jehovah as the main actor. I don't believe any exact creed concerning the Trinity but view the statements as a way to describe various aspects of God in human terms.

    This is why Judaism and Christianity became so different. Any Jew would be shocked by the proclamation that God was man. It is an essential part of the story for me. Indeed, it is the entire story. Frankly, I don't think Jesus' moral teachings are so unique.

    Oh, to think and doubt. The Witnesses do not proclaim the Risen Christ. Why bother? We could just read and think about Genesis 1:1. Alternatively, we could think of the infant Philistines slaughtered. Next, we could move to Noah's behavior. Before long, we are at Isaac's death scene. I don't believe in any perfect ransom. Why does God need a starship? Why does God need ransoms? It reminds me of Richard the Lion Heart, King of England, held ransom in Europe. Who cares? Is such a God/god worthy of worship? Not for me.

    I spit on such on god/God. Humans have stronger moral values. We should not be afraid to say God's behavior and thoughts are evil. I imagine that Jesus was perfect in the sense of complete, not the modern day perfect. Does anyone think he never sassed the Virgin Mary? Who would be drawn to such a nerd?

  • Rattigan350

    "REJECTING the command Christ gave to eat and drink it."

    No, that is not rejecting the command Christ gave.

    First, it is not a command. Jesus did not give commands. Even the 'go therefore and make disciples' is not a command.

    Second, he did not tell that to us. He told that to those 11 there with him. What makes people think that it applies

    to the? Because Paul wrote of them doing that in his letters? What makes Paul right?

  • Rattigan350

    "How was his death any kind of sacrifice if he got resurrected?"

    A sacrifice is giving up something of value to get something of greater value. Jesus gave up his original life in heaven to

    be a human. Then he gave up that perfect human life, which there was no reason for, to benefit all mankind past and present and future

    and to sanctify his father's name by keeping integrity.

    A sacrifice does not prevent a blessing afterward.

  • designs

    All Denominations that accept the Pauline Epistle's argument for Atonement over Ancestral sins are stuck with the importance the death of Jesus.

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