"Apostates" Who Return To Their Own Vomit

by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    If someone goes back to believing the lie,

    THat is very different from going back to regain family communication or association with friends.

    Surely NO ONE can go back to believing the lie.


  • Gorbatchov

    If you know TTATT then it's not healthy to return to be a witness. When I attend meetings, my brain hurts.

    So, SBT hurts himself now. It must be a forced or hyper emotional discission.

  • joe134cd

    I mistakenly thought I could play both sides of the field. I now realize I can't, and haven't put a foot inside the KH for a few months. I can now fully understand, why when the door of apostasy is open it is very hard to walk back through it again. Hey there are exceptions to the rule e.g fatboyslim, and I wish him all the best.

    In this country there is this charismatic Christian leader, who is clearly using his religion for financial gain, numerous news reports of Poor vulnerable people been taken advantage of so he can lead his life style of extravagance. To be honest I think this guy is worse than the WT. Yet people are flocking And returning to him. As this example shows of why do people do the things they do. Who knows.

  • Dis-Member

    No one can serve two masters. The End.

    anonymouz just nailed it dead for me. I so appreciate the smart thinkers and writers that we have in here. Dyaaam!!


    About as stupid as somone like me who's been posting for almost 12 yrs and not am still active but serving as an elder as well. What is the psychology going on with me? I can't figure it out

  • blondie

    XBEHERE, perhaps it because you only have half a brain as some suggest.


    Blondie it could be, I really am on auto-pilot and often wonder what the heck I am doing.

  • 144001

    " Once you realize TTATT, how can anyone with half a brain, go back??"

    There are many reasons folks can go back, not the least of which is the powerful effect on a person's psyche that the WTBTS brainwashing can have. Who knows, maybe we're all wrong, and the JWs really do have the "truth!" While I doubt that, I can't rule this possibility out with 100% certainty, since none of know the real truth.

    When someone does make a decision such as that apparently made by SBF, I believe it's inappropriate for any of us to judge him/her. None of us have to live SBF's life, so none of us have any moral authority to judge him. Judge not, lest ye be judged to be similar to the judges aka "JWs."

  • tiki

    i think the religion represents a comfort zone for a lot of people. if you think too deeply about it, and you really have some decent observation and thinking skills, you realize that while they may have some basic christianity straight, it is muddled up with so much self-absorption, and there is just too much wrong - like the house of cards it just gives way and there goes the deck flying off in the breeze - and you are through. If you really are through with it, there's no way you want to go back. But if you were never really "in" in the first place and you drift off, it would be easy to go back because being "in" to some doesn't have the significance it does to others - especially those who took it all very seriously and gave their all - and then woke up and realized what it was really all about. that's when the disillusionment really is bothersome and has to be worked through - overcome.

    to each his own. if it makes someone happy and that's what they want - fine.....we all come from different backgrounds, have different feelings, and react uniquely...... free moral agency. be what you want to be when and how you want to be it.

  • minimus

    The difference is that most other religions do not claim to be the only truth.

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