"Apostates" Who Return To Their Own Vomit

by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • braincleaned

    I find it confusing, to say the least. Like someone successfully out of rehab going back to the addiction. Like drugs, it's often associating with the same gang that will get you back to your vice.

    I assumed (maybe wrongfully) that SBF was still hanging with the wrong crowd... hence, caved in.

  • Phizzy

    I think the real problem for such people is that they have never really "made the truth their own", to steal a phrase.

    Firstly it can come down to laziness and perhaps lack of ability, to do the necessary work , which is mainly reading, to find out what is really TRUE, and what is not. That really needs to be done to break the chain that binds.

    Then it comes down to what kind of person they really are. Quite often such ones have given over their real self to the WT, to such an extent, that the real them is all but gone, they cannot make a decision, or come to a conclusion , on their own. The WT has always done it all for them ,and still does.

    The next problem is related, such a person has given their conscience over to the WT, if the WT says something is wrong, then it is, until the WT says it is right, then it is right.

    Such a person, sadly, has no integrity, no conscience of their own, and no self-respect, they have no right to the latter, they are no different to the German people who supported the Third Reich's terrible acts.

    To go back, whatever your motive, is to support a Totalitarian regime that allows the continuing abuse and rape of the young and the vulnerable when they could prevent it, alows the murder of the innocent to continue by their Blood doctrine/policy when they could renounce it,and continues to cause death and suffering by their unscriptural shunning policy.

    If anyone is aware of all that, and goes back, shame on you, and more shame. You are contemptible.

  • Terry

    It all depends on what you want out of life.

    Slimboyfat achieved his Rumspringa and had a pretty fair idea of what he might gain and what he would lose. It was an informed decision.

    Life is what we make of it.

    Some of us need a template, a mold or a crucible depending on our temperament.

    Let's face it, how many people remain in a bad marriage for far weaker reasons?

    Being able to see what might be made out of our life is a kind of talent which requires special insight.

    The Watch Tower mentality devours all ambition and poisons any notion of future beyond Jehovah's broom that sweeps clean.

    Unless you are ready and able to create something for yourself you are left with the creation of others.

    It can be very lonely in a world where you do not fit because you've been "enlightened" past useful thoughts and values.

  • cofty

    how can anyone with half a brain, go back??

  • minimus

    I can understand when "family" becomes an issue. BUT, if a person REALIZES that the WATCHTOWER is NOT the Truth and yet they go back to BELIEVING, I think they clearly are going back to their own vomit.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Is there an article somewhere that mentions apostates returning to their own vomit?

    Alternatively w93 10/1 19 - It is referenced as "hatred for apostates" in the Online WTLIB

  • bigmac

    i can relate to this--in a way. i was 23--and about to become a dad for the first time. a lot of thought about the blood issue bought me to realise my heart was never in the cult. but--i dithered with it for several years purely to appease my born-in wife.

    this meant attending the occasional meeting--but--no door knocking--or midweek bookstudy groups. circuit assemblies maybe once a year.

    i hated it. totally false--a walking lie.

    if anyone goes back to it just to keep the peace at home--i really feel for them. i dont think they are weak---just postponing the inevitable.

  • minimus

    I agree: "Shame on you".

  • AnnOMaly

    Not only Gumby but V. And I can think of more. You just don't know what's going on in the background, what compromises have to be made for what they perceive to be 'the greater good' in their personal lives. It does no good jumping to conclusions or being so condemnatory.

  • minimus

    Let me be clear.

    If someone goes back to believing the lie, then shame on them. How could you believe the BS yet once again?

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