cantleave had a valid opinion. Is God like a pencil-pointless?

by KateWild 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KateWild

    Sorry about the error cantleave.

    God is like a broken pencil- pointless

    I think it is food for thought, I like this statement. But I haven't decided whether or not I agree yet. Still thinking about it and reading what everyone else says.

    Kate xx

  • Phizzy

    Just a gentle push Kate, don't just read on here, as you can see from this thread, you don't only have to untangle ideas, and opinions, you have to get past the Prima Donna in many posters too.

    Hitchins "God is not Great" and Dawkins "The God Delusion" will give you a good overview of the many points of view, and help you make a decision.

    Others on here may suggest other reading, but please, never again in your life make a decision without informing yourself of all available information. The WT/JW's duped us by keeping us ignorant, we owe it to ourselves to put a little bit of effort in and educate ourselves.

    Good luck, and much enjoyment on your journey.

  • tec

    I will share what I understand, but don't overlook Phizzy's comment, because he makes an excellent point.

    God is not pointless. This implies that He does nothing (I think that was the implication from the analogy).

    Life came from God, for one... so we are living because God lived first. God also has spoken to man... through prophets, in dreams and visions, in spirit.. guiding and teaching, so that He IS working for US. Even though man has not always heard and followed. God speaks NOW through His Son... who teaches and speaks truth... truth about anything, but certainly about God. Life... true life of the spirit... comes from God, through Christ. So that even those who die... may yet live.

    Knowing the Truth (Christ) does absolutely set one free from the chains and yokes that man and religion have placed upon us. Be that fear, guilt, hate, lies about God... all things that force us to love others LESS than we are capable, and sometimes not at all, because we are taught by religion that we must not pray for or forgive or love 'certain people', and certainly not ask forgiveness or mercy for them (like apostates... or homosexuals... or adulteresses... or 'witches'... or slaves... or atheists... or criminals, etc, etc... whoever is the 'enemy of the day'.).

    When one listens to Christ... who is the Word of God... one may be warned ahead of time of things that might bring harm to them or to their loved ones. That is not pointless.

    When one believes in Christ and what He has taught... and does teach... one has no need to fear the hardships of this life, or death at all. Because if one is IN Christ, death has no hold on them. That is also not pointless.

    Peace and love... these things have been given to me by Christ.

    So He, and therefore God, has never been pointless.

    Peace to you Kate,


  • adamah

    Monsieur, you focused on the 'visible and tangible', but left out the more-broad element (in bold) when you quoted me:

    Adam said-

    God is an idea, a concept, a hypothesis. God is not visible or tangible, so NOT a symbol (which is visible, and stands for something else). But as an idea, there's no proof of his existence or anything to detect with our perceptive senses....

    In order for something to be a symbol, it by definition MUST be perceptible/detectable to us by our sensory organs.

    When you say the word 'God' out loud, the sound waves travel thru the air and enter the listener's ears, but that is NOT interacting with God: they're hearing you say the word, and that triggers a mental image of their concept of God to be constructed in their brain. But they're not having an interaction with God, for if they did, they wouldn't need something to represent God, since he would represent Himself! You are not a symbol for yourself: you ARE yourself.

    So God is NOT a symbol; instead, symbols (eg, religious icons, such as relics, statues, etc.) can be used to elicit the God concept and represent God, but that's not interacting with God.

    So when you say, "God is love", you're now trying to link TWO imperceptible mental constructs together (emotions like 'love' are not directly perceptible, just their manifestations, which we may perceive in say, eg the facial expressions of others). But then you're claiming that the emotion is perceptible by labelling the imperceptible part (God) as a symbol FOR love? Sorry, although that kind of stuff is common in religious circles, reality and logic just doesn't work that way....


  • braincleaned

    This is becoming a little ridiculous: " actually, i've been defining God, as a Symbol. of what? well, of love for example."

    Of all the symbols, you choose "LOVE"? you must be kidding me. Read my post on the god of love...

  • unstopableravens

    if there is no god what is the point of spending hours everyday talking about nothing?

  • adamah

    USR said-

    if there is no god what is the point of spending hours everyday talking about nothing?


    What's the point of talking endlessly about how GREAT He is, praying to Him, dying needlessly for Him by refusing blood, wasting energy on FS/pioneering/prostelizing, killing others in His name, imagining having a fantasy relationship with Him, getting all bent out of shape when others suggest He's not real (to the point of shunning one's own family), demanding Creationism be introduced into public schools so kids have to learn about Him, voting only for candidates who believe in Him, etc?

    I don't get it. Can you explain why?


  • braincleaned

    Seemingly wise words unstopableravens, but adamah is right. We need to get things out of lala-land and back to reality for the sake of sanity. For now though, I have better thing s to do than argue with Monsieur.

  • unstopableravens

    adam: i like how you "try" to misuse my words, Jesus is real, yes God lives, so anything a christain to honor god is not a waste. we talk about god because we believe you guys talk about god why? what if i went on forums and debated for hours about unicorns? wouldnt that we strange to devote my life to debate the non real? is it possible that athiest know theres a god and they spend hours trying to convence themselves there no god? is that possible?

  • braincleaned

    // is it possible that athiest know theres a god and they spend hours trying to convence themselves there no god? is that possible?//

    No. it's more that atheists see this world still dragging old fairy tales and imposing them on our politicians. With NO evidence of the Abrahamic God whatsoever... just hope in the invisible, as Heb.11:1 confirms.

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