cantleave had a valid opinion. Is God like a pencil-pointless?

by KateWild 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • adamah

    Monsieur said-

    But you cannot argue against the FACT that power, justice, wisdom and love do exist, and are very real.

    It is intellectually-dishonest to move goalposts by redefining 'God' to mean power, justice, wisdom and love: all of those words are those concepts that already have commonly-accepted definitions.

    Cantleave said-

    It's a conclusion who's validity isn't supported by any evidence,

    As a stand alone statement you are correct. However my comment was not a stand alone statement it was in the context of a thread that was showing that there is no need for a god.

    WOW, that's suspiciously close to the old believers cries of, "but you're taking the scripture out of context!" even when the incriminating passage IS read in it's context.

    Anyway, my point is that the statement is fluff, since it's devoid of any evidence: it IS a CONCLUSION which only relies on rhetorical sleight-of-hand. Someone could insert ANYTHING into it, and it still would rely on the comparison to pencils that lack points, EVEN IF it weren't true (eg few would claim that "Medicine is like a pencil- pointless...", but the claim relies implies that it IS, since it doesn't rely on valid reasoning, but form).

    Did you read the article on my blog? Even though the statement above relies on the fact that many words carry multiple definitions (eg pencils have lead points, and arguments have points), it's closely related to the Yahwist's use of puns in Genesis, or OJ's defense of "if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit" trite and vapid slogan.

    BTW, EVEN IF the slogan appeared in a thread with TONS of evidence surrounding it, it still would simply be adding NOISE, since style cannot and shouldn't be allowed to replace actual evidence.


  • Monsieur

    It is intellectually-dishonest to move goalposts by redefining 'God' to mean power, justice, wisdom and love: all of those words are those concepts that already have commonly-accepted definitions


    let's stress the words above 'commonly-accepted'.

    commonly accepted does not constitute 'true' or more importantly, accurate.

    Also, allow me to point out that Galileo was 'intellectually-dishonest' when challenging the idea of Earth being the center of the universe. Remeber THOSE 'goalposts'?

  • adamah

    Monsieur said-

    commonly accepted does not constitute 'true' or more importantly, accurate.


    Monsieur said-

    Also, allow me to point out that Galileo was 'intellectually-dishonest' when challenging the idea of Earth being the center of the universe. Remeber THOSE 'goalposts'?

    Galileo had SUPPORTIVE EVIDENCE on which to challenge the commonly-held beliefs of his day: he used data obtained from observations made with a TELESCOPE to support his theory that the Sun was at the center of the Solar System, and not the Earth.

    And you? What evidence do you have to prove the existence of God?

    What evidence do you have to support redefining God to mean all these other varied concepts (love, etc)? And what benefit does it provide?

    You've got a seemingly-insurmountable amount of work cut out for you here, since the power to redefine the meanings of words smacks to me of Orwellian attempts at thought control, only available under totalitarian regimes (OR cults).


  • braincleaned

    Funny thing, this was the main issue on my other thread; the character of the Abrahamic god:

    agree with adamah:

    And you? What evidence do you have to prove the existence of God? What evidence do you have to you support redefining God to mean all these other varied concepts (love, etc)? And what benefit does it provide?

    You've got an insurmountable amount of work cut out for you here...."

  • adamah

    Braincleaned said-

    Funny thing, this was the main issue on my other thread; the character of the Abrahamic god:


    Vince is providing actual evidence which gets to the actual question (eg citing Bible passages which, although they cannot prove or disprove God's existence, DO suggest that the Bible was written by clever men in the past to CREATE the concept of a fearsome God), rather than redining terms (as Monseiur wants to do) or relying on word tricks (as cantleave's slogan does).

    Just saying, in order to use logic to connect the dots and properly examine ALL claims, you've got to know and follow its rules. Highly-recommended that everyone take a college course on contemporary logic, or check out sites such as:

    Learning logic is like taking your brain to the gym, which is highly-advised for ALL ex-JWs (since going to TMS is the equivalent of eating twinkies/pizza and lying on the sofa while watching TV...)


  • Monsieur

    Galileo had SUPPORTIVE EVIDENCE on which to challenge the commonly-held beliefs of his day: Galileo used observations that were obtained with a TELESCOPE to support his theory that the Sun was at the center of the Solar System, and not the Earth.


    you missed the point of my referencing Galileo my friend.

    you alluded to 'intellectual dishonesty', who could be more intellectual than Galileo? What was believed about the solar system was thought of as ABSOLUTE truth (not mere interpretation as WE are discussing here), and he proceeded to be 'intellecutally dishonest' regardless, and it started with an uncommon idea.

    as for my proof, it's actually not all that much work (contrary to your assertion that it is unsurmountable).

    I stated that God is a SYMBOL.

    why? because I have never seen the 'commonly accepted' god, i have never talked to him, i have never seen him pour fire from heaven onto a wicked city. i have never heard him speak from heaven. Ive never seen his throne, ive never seen his angels that cater to his every whim.

    but i've also never seen him put a protective film over some to prevent them an injury, nor have i seen him ever multiply fish and bread to feed thousands. ive never seen him walk on water, or bring someone back from the dead to give such dead person back to his friends and family.

    there is no record of ANYONE having seen any of these things...yet we accept that they are literal?

    LOGIC compells me to accept that God is not a person, bur rather a SYMBOL or a representation of something else. And again, the Bible answers the very question of what God is suppose to symbolize.

  • Terry

    When we are born, likely as not, we get "god" with our breast milk.

    Some of us get more than others; some of us get less.

    Depending on your personal psychology you are either an autonomous and independent person or you fit on some vast gray scale toward total

    dependence and passive acceptance.

    The point is this. What tools do you have in place with which you figure things out?

    How much of your foundation is already in place and like Malware in your computer, operating in the background?

    What skills have you developed with rational thinking, logic, research, etc?

    Here is my 67 years of experience and struggle in a nutshell to save you a whole lot of agony.

    CHECK YOUR PREMISES very carefully.

    When I see people arguing over their interpretations of a Bible verse I like to stop them and ask--HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR PRECONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE BIBLE FIRST?

    Provisionally, if you pretend for just 5 minutes no Bible exists--where do you get your ideas about God in the first place?

    Logically and reasonably, you have to begin building a knowledge base from the foundation upward.

    Who built YOUR foundation? How did it get to be so solidly entrenched you refuse to examine it and remove it and start over IF necessary?

    You cannot rationally start WITH God.

    That is swallowing the camel and proceeding to strain at the gnat.

    You cannot reasonably begin with the Bible, either.

    Too many millions of very intelligently devout people have come to way too many CONTRADICTORY conclusions using it as a basis.

    If you were living in ancient Greece you'd think there were gods and not GOD. It would be unthinkable to consider other ideas.

    If you were born a Muslim you'd go around with "Allah" this and "Allah" that all day long hiding your face and body in a shroud. It would be normal.

    The beginning of all values is LIFE, not god.

    If you aren't alive you can't begin to worry about who/what/ why god exists.

    Your only source of survival is your mind. If you are realistic, rational and logical you will go far and accomplish much if you are lucky otherwise.

    So, listen up and listen good.

    THE PREMISE OF GOD is that you are an inferior creature and you must hand over your individuality to an enforced conformity FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.

    And how will you know what to conform to? Why, rather suspiciously, somebody very human is going to be telling you that THEY KNOW and you must

    listen to THEM! (Or else "god" will kill you!)

    This is a swindle.

    Here is the bitter and laughable and tragic truth: EVERYBODY'S IDEAS about God did not really come from a holy place. Humans told other humans.

    One elite group of people acts like they somehow KNOW mysteriously, supernaturally and absolutely.

    The other group thinks this is awesome and they go along with whatever crap they are told to do.

    Try living your life on your own terms for just two years and see if you don't come out way ahead.

    The entire poisonous trap of "god" is an ancient con game. Nobody knows anything but just about everybody makes wild unsupportable claims.

    MOST RELIGION IS PEER PRESSURE and not much more than that.

    Don't fall for it.

    Make your own life--you own it.

  • Bart Belteshassur
    Bart Belteshassur

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

    Is he able , but unwilling? Then he is malevolent.

    Is he both willing and able? |Whence cometh evil?

    Is he neither able or willing? Then why call him God?"


    In modern english POINTLESS!

  • Witness My Fury
  • adamah

    Mon said-

    I stated that God is a SYMBOL.

    That's flat-out wrong.

    If you plan to speak a language, the fundamental presupposition is that you agree to use (and stick to) the accepted definitions, since language is a standard. Your linguistic fluidity IS moving goalposts, as if we all possess the right to define the meanings of your words at will. You and I don't, and that's why engaging with someone who repeatedly does so is frustrating and tedious, since others have to spend so much time trying to figure out what they really meant (vs what they said).

    Look up the word 'symbol' in a dictionary, and you'll find something like this:


    a thing that represents or stands for something else, esp. a material object representing something abstract. "the limousine was another symbol of his wealth and authority"

    synonyms: emblem, token, sign, representation, figure, image

    Bart said-

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

    Is he able , but unwilling? Then he is malevolent.

    Is he both willing and able? |Whence cometh evil?

    Is he neither able or willing? Then why call him God?"


    In modern english POINTLESS!


    And Epicurus knew a thing or two about reasoning his way to reach a conclusion.


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